Even Lovers Drown 249

There were two women in the cell and one table and chair. The one seated was also shackled to the table, while the other was standing before her, a sheaf of papers in her hand.

"I understand that Captain Ballard convinced you to cooperate. I doubt that you'll ever get the chance to do it in person, but you should thank him for saving your life."

She tossed the papers onto the table, along with a pen. "Sign them."

"Why are you doing this?" Charlotte looked up at the woman.

"Because eventually my daughter will ask about you and I don't want to have to lie to her - at least not for the likes of you."

There was little compassion in either her gaze or her voice, both remaining icy and cool as she continued."This way, when she does ask, what I'll tell her will be the truth. You're alive and your skills are still being utilized by our government, just under a tighter leash - which is far more lenient a sentence than what you would have earned - if not for her."

Lost, broken and defeated, Charlotte scribbled her name in the places indicated.

As Jocelyn watched, snippets of her last conversation flashed through her mind...

"I assume this will be your last "T" crossed and your last "I" dotted on the matter?" he'd asked.

"It is - and thank you."

"There's no need for thanks - you've more than earned this."

There was a pause, and then a second question. "So having worked directly with the president, what do you think of him?"

She'd been honest. After all, the two of them had always been truthful with one another, even when they'd disagreed. And they both knew that his opinion was somewhat biased in this area.

"Truthfully? I think he has all the qualities to be not just a good president, but a great president - one for the history books. It's been a true honor to serve him."

He was unimpressed. "That still remains to be seen."

"You did ask for my opinion." she'd reminded him.

"That I did."

Her attention returned to Charlotte as she signed the last sheet.

Jocelyn ignored her bitter gaze as she gathered the papers up and looked them over. Satisfied, she nodded.

Their conversation over, Jocelyn walked to the door and opened it, but paused in the doorway to look back at the other woman one last time.

"Welcome to Wonderland, Charlotte."

a/n: 12-2016 Well wow, it's finally over. Or is it? This story is finally done, but we know that Olitz is far from over. They will never be over because I don't think I'll ever be over them. Thank you, Tony and Kerry.

I want to thank every single reader who stayed with me through this crazy ride and I'm sending a huge shout out and hugs to my favorite reviewers - you all know who you are! Thank you EVERYONE for your encouraging words, they kept me going in more ways than I could ever explain.

My muse is already whispering in my ear with at least two new plots and one of them is a semi-sequel to ELD. I'll be taking a little time to handle a little self-care and work on some original fiction, as well as letting my fanfic work percolate some, maybe even create a new mvid along the way [don't forget to check out the bio section for the Olitz youtube videos already out there] but either way, I'll see you all in the new year!