Fangirl, Randy; Randy, Fangirl Chapter 35
A/N: Thanks for reading and reviewing! Special thanks to PRINCESSNIA and JohnCenaFan101 for their continued support.
Randy and Nelson landed back in St. Louis after Nelson's audition. They took a cab back home; Nelson was excited to tell Riley the good news. Randy unlocked the front door and walked inside. He and Nelson left their bags in the foyer. Randy tiptoed through the house; trying not to make too much noise. "When are you going to learn that I can hear better than you think?" Riley asked from the kitchen. "Fuck! I can never sneak up on you." Randy said as he walked into the kitchen with Nelson.
Riley smiled when she saw her guys. "Where are Anna-Grace, Jessie, and Harley?" Randy asked. "The girls are watching a movie in their room and Harley is playing video games in his room." Riley said. Randy nodded. "We've got good news." Nelson said. "Me, too!" Riley said excitedly. "But you first." She continued. Randy and Nelson sat on the bar stools situated behind the island. "Well, I auditioned and they said they want me on the main roster immediately." Nelson said. Riley squealed. "Oh, I'm so proud of you, baby! Who was your opponent?" Riley asked. Randy glanced at Nelson, hinting that he not tell Riley that he was Nelson's opponent.
Nelson thought about lying to protect Randy, but he remembered the 'knucklehead' comments from their trip and smirked. "My opponent? It was Dad." He said. Randy groaned. "Randy. You didn't tell me anything about that!" Riley said angrily. Randy sighed. "I just wanted to share a special moment with my son. That's all." Randy said hoping Riley would buy the lie. She shook her head. "You just wanted to see if you still had the skills." She said. Nelson laughed and Randy sighed. "If it makes you feel any better, Mom, I beat him. Fair and square." Nelson said. "Good. He deserved it for not telling me." Riley said glaring at Randy.
Nelson smiled. "The scouts said they are going to fax you the contract and that you and I would talk about my career goals." Nelson said. Riley nodded. "Meet me in my office. I need to talk to your dad. Alone." Riley said. Nelson nodded left; he grabbed his bag from the foyer and went upstairs. Riley looked to make sure Nelson was gone and returned to the kitchen.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" Randy asked. "Why didn't you tell me about you getting back in the ring?" Riley asked. Randy could tell she was disappointed in the lack of communication. It may have seemed like a small detail, but the lack of communication had been one of the major reasons their marriage had been rocky in the past.
Randy stood and wrapped Riley in his arms; he kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry. I should have told you. I guess I didn't tell you because I knew you would have told me not to. I don't think I'm ready to handle the fact that my career is over." Randy confessed. "I know you love this business, baby, but I need you more than ever right now. We can't risk you getting back in the ring and getting hurt." Riley said.
Randy sensed that Riley was a little off. "Are you okay, babe?" Randy asked. Riley nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine baby. I need to go see Nelson." Riley said pulling away from him. Randy stood there alone in the kitchen confused. He shook it off and grabbed his bag from the foyer before going upstairs.
Riley went to her office where Nelson was waiting for her. "Congratulations, Nelson. I'm so happy for you!" Riley said as she walked in and closed the door. "Thanks, Mom; for everything. For setting up the audition and for believing in me." He said. Riley smiled. "You're welcome." She said. There was a stack of papers on her fax machine; they were the pages of Nelson's contract. "Here's your contract. I'm going to have your dad go over it with you since he knows more about that side of the business than I do." Riley said. Nelson nodded.
As if on cue, Randy poked his head in the door of Riley's office. "I'm going to get a shower. Do you need help with dinner or anything?" Randy asked. She shook her head. "No. We're ordering pizza tonight. Thanks anyway, though." She said. Randy nodded and left.
Riley took out a thick black binder and flipped its pages. Nelson peered across the desk at it. The entire binder was alphabetized by what seemed to be names of superstars. Nelson saw that she stopped at the 'O's and flipped to a page with his name on it. The page was pretty full already like Riley had been planning a storyline for him for a while.
"Have you thought about a ring name?" Riley asked. Nelson nodded. "Me and Dad decided on Andrew Orton." He said. Riley wrote it down but frowned. "Had you thought about using your dad's name?" Riley asked. "Yeah, but he said that it would make people think I was just like him." He said. "I know, but you two aren't anything alike. That's what would make it work. You'd still be completely different from him. You'd be Randy Orton: high flyer, not Randy Orton: Viper." Riley explained. Nelson nodded. "It was my first choice and I still really like it. Can we go with Andy Orton? I just don't want our names to be exactly the same." Nelson said. Riley nodded. "Yep. You are now Andy Orton." She said. Nelson smiled.
"So what are you going to do about school?" Riley asked. "I'm going to finish online. That way, I can work full time." Nelson said. Riley smiled at how mature Nelson had become. She looked through the contract that was faxed and her eyes widened. "Did they tell you how soon they wanted you?" Riley asked. Nelson shook his head. "No. Why?" he asked. Riley chuckled. "They want you on Raw in two weeks." She said. "Really?" he asked. Riley nodded. "This is crazy, Mom. Like, I never thought in a million years I'd be doing this for real." He said. Riley smiled. "You can't be Randy Orton's son and assume you're going to stay away from this business. It's in your heart. You were destined for this, honey." Riley said. Nelson grinned. "Now, go get a hit the gym before your dad goes looking for you." Riley said. Nelson nodded and left.
Later that night
Randy, Riley, Nelson, Anna-Grace, Jessica, and Harley were all gathered in the lounge eating pizza and watching SmackDown! when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Riley said as she jogged to the door. She knew who it was; she had called Becky for a favor earlier. Riley and Becky returned to the lounge with a cake box. They put the box on the coffee table and uncovered it. Becky stepped back and took out a camera.
Riley took a deep breath. "Okay. Everybody take a look at the cake." She started. The cake was in the shape of peas in a pod. "Each pea represents a member of our family." Riley said. Randy laughed when he counted an extra pea. He turned to count all Riley, himself and the kids. He counted the peas again. He didn't understand at all. "Mamma, there are only six of us and seven peas on the cake. I don't get it." Harley said. They all looked at the cake with confused looks on their faces.
It took them a minute to process the concept. "Wait…" Randy said. Riley bit her lip nervously. "You're pregnant?" he asked with a shocked smile. Riley nodded. "That's amazing!" Randy said giving her a hug. The kids were all excited but Nelson was a bit disgusted. "Seriously? Dad's like 80." He said. Randy glared jokingly at him and pecked Riley's lips. "You're happy?" Riley asked. "Of course! I'm going to be a daddy again. Why wouldn't I be happy?" Randy asked.
Riley shrugged. "I mean, you're not exactly a spring chicken, babe. Can you handle a new born at your age?" Riley asked. Randy frowned. "Since when is my age such a big deal? I'm not that old!" he said. Riley laughed. "I'm just joking. I found out the day after you and Nelson left for Florida. I didn't want to call you with the news because I wanted you two to keep focused on his audition." She said. Randy nodded. "I understand. I'm so happy, babe. We're having another baby!" Randy said. Riley giggled and kissed him deeply.
Randy broke the kiss and kneeled in front of Riley. He lifted her shirt exposing her stomach he leaned in close and talked at her skin. "Hey, Baby. I'm your daddy. Mommy and I can't wait to meet you. I have to warn you though, everybody says I'm an old man so don't be scared when you meet me," he said. Riley giggled as Randy kissed her belly. He stood up straight and pecked Riley's lips.
"Did you know about this, Becky?" Randy asked. She nodded. "Riley called me as soon as she found out." Becky said. Randy smiled. "We're having a baby. That's crazy." Randy said quietly looking at Riley. They turned to the kids to get their opinions. "How do you guys feel about this?" Randy asked. Anna-Grace and Jessica were thrilled. "I hope it's a girl! I've always wanted a sister." Anna-Grace said. Riley frowned. "You do have a sister." She said. Jessica grinned. "We know, but we want a different sister." She said. Riley nodded.
"What about you, Harley?" Riley asked. He shrugged. "I don't care if it's a boy or a girl. I'm just happy that I won't be the youngest anymore." He said. Randy laughed. "Nelson?" Riley asked. "I'm happy. I mean, there's going to be another baby running around here, but it's really cool." Nelson said. Riley smiled. "So, who wants cake?" Randy asked.
Becky stayed and shared the moment with her brother, sister-in-law, nieces, and nephews.
When the cake and pizzas had been devoured, Nelson and the rest of the kids threw out the pizza boxes and the cake box while Randy and Riley cuddled up on the sofa and made a few early plans for the new baby. "I already made an appointment for Monday morning." Riley said. Randy nodded. "I still can't believe we're having another baby." He said. Riley smiled. "Why not?" she asked. Randy shrugged. "I don't know. I just never pictured us having five kids." he said. "Well, with Nelson traveling full time soon, it'll still be like we only have four. The girls are 13 and they're growing up so fast; Harley will be 11 next month. So we'll have a newborn, an 11 year-old, and the girls." Riley said.
Randy chuckled. "What's so funny?" Riley asked. "13 year old girls and a new born. That should be fun." He said. Riley smiled. "We're going to make it. No biggie." She said. Randy nodded. "I guess." He said. Riley yawned. Randy smirked and picked her up bridal style and carried her upstairs. He laid her down gently on the bed and closed the door.
Nelson had broken Randy's record for being the youngest world champion. He won the championship at 19. Randy and Riley couldn't have been more proud of him. Nelson is now 20 years old, the girls are 17, Harley is 15, and the newest baby girl, Rachel Michelle Orton is now 3 years old. Due to Nelson's young age and talent, WWE lowered the required age of the superstars and divas. Since the change, the twin girls had auditioned at the tender age of 16 and were current WWE Divas. Harley was training for an audition with Randy's help.
The entire family was in attendance for WWE's Hall Of Fame Ceremony taking place in St. Louis the night before St. Louis' Wrestlemania. Nelson was standing being a podium as he prepared to give a humorous speech before Randy's induction into the hall of fame. The crowd cheered as he got ready to speak.
"I think this induction is at least 15 years overdue. Better late than never, right? I was privileged to have such an amazing father and mentor in "The Viper" Randy Orton. He has paved the way for a lot of up-and-comers like myself, my sisters Anna-Grace and Jessie, and my kid brother Harley. We have all looked up to him and we've learned a lot. He has made me realize that it is okay to make mistakes as long as one is willing to learn from them. I couldn't have wished for better inspiration in him and I don't think WWE would be what it is today if it had not been for him. If someone wanted to build a WWE superstar from the ground up, it would be me, but most seem to believe it would be my dad. I won't argue with them, because he has taught me everything he knows. With that being said, I present to you the newest inductee into the WWE Hall Of Fame, a father, a husband, a mentor, an old man; The Viper, Randy Orton."
The crowd stood to its feet and cheered loudly. Randy came through the curtain and hugged Nelson tightly. As Nelson stepped aside, Randy stood behind the podium and waited for the crowd to die down. When they did, Randy took a deep breath.
I might be an old man, but I can still take that knucklehead any day of the week. Thank you so much for this. It's crazy to think that I was just a year older than Andy (Nelson's ring name) when I started in this company. I'm so proud of him and all that he has accomplished. My twin girls; gosh, I can't believe they're so big. They are two of the best Divas right now and I couldn't be more proud of them. Then Harley. That kid has some skills. You haven't seen him yet, but mark my words. You think Nelson is something? You ain't seen nothing yet until you've seen Harley.
Rachel had started to scream seeing Randy on the stage. "Daddy!" she whined. Riley held her close and tried to calm her down. It wasn't working. "Daddy!" Rachel screamed again. Randy saw and heard her and jumped off the stage and took her up with him. He held her in his arms as he continued his speech.
My baby girl, Rachel. She hasn't seen much of what I do, but I bet she'd be impressed anyway. It's so weird to hear my son say that he and his siblings look up to me because I said the same thing about my father. I tell you, being a father is the best job in the world. I love WWE, but my status as Dad is better than any match I've ever had. The title of Husband is pretty sweet, too. My amazing wife of 18 long years is hands down the best thing that has ever happened to me. She has put up with so much of me and I am eternally grateful for her. She has given me beautiful children and a happy life that I would have never dreamed of. I credit the last years of my career success to her. I want to thank the WWE Universe for all of their support. To the locker room in the audience, you have done me proud. Rhodes, Sheamus, Punk, hell, even Cena, we have led the way for this new generation of superstars and we should all be proud. I share this induction with each and every one of you. Thank you.
A/N: Thanks for reading! I really appreciate the support from regular reviewers. Don't forget to review this last chapter.