A/N: I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK AGES! But yeah, I won't make any excuses. So I only ask for your forgiveness. Hopefully you won't have to wait as long on the next part =)

Ichigo was walking with determined steps towards a local car shop. They had a car repair service where Grimmjow worked. Ichigo sighed and ruffled his hair. While Ichigo worked for the mafia and got his money through that, Grimmjow was just an ordinary gang member who had to work to keep a place to live. Not that Ichigo blamed him in any way. Honest work was always good. Though he had a hard time seeing Grimmjow as an honest worker. He just hoped that Grimmjow was working now.
Ichigo swore as the sun scorched him. It was a very hot day and he regretted leaving the coolness of the apartment. When he saw the car shop he sighed in relief, at least it would be somewhat cool inside there, right?
When he entered he was met by a man with blond hair.

"Hello, my name is Kira, how may I be of service?"

Ichigo nodded at him.

"I'm looking for Grimmjow, is he working today?"

Kira smiled at him.

"Yes, this way please."

There were three rows of cars, with five in each row. Every car was being worked on and Kira led Ichigo to the back end of the shop were an old volvo was being fixed. Only the legs of the man working under the front of the car were visible. They wore dark blue, faded jeans that was ripped and Ichigo instantly recognized Grimmjow's gorgeous legs. He had to check himself so he wasn't visibly drooling.
Kira knocked on the side of the car.

"Boss, you have a visitor," he said and smiled knowingly at Ichigo.

Why he kept smiling was beyond Ichigo's understanding. Wait. Boss? Ichigo had no idea that Grimmjow was the boss of the place.

"Who is it?" came a grumpy voice.

Kira looked at Ichigo questioningly.

"Well, it's... what's your name again?"

"Tell him to get his ass out now, or I'm leaving," Ichigo said pissed off.

Grimmjow instantly stopped what he was doing and rolled out from under the car with a wicked grin on his face.

"Ichi, babe. What brings you here?"

Ichigo didn't even realize he should probably make a come back at the shortening of his name and the pet name. He was too busy drooling over Grimmjow's naked torso, covered with grime and oil. Grimmjow stood up and nodded at Kira.

"Thanks, you can leave now."

Kira nodded and left them alone. Grimmjow looked at the stunned Ichigo and his grin widened. He grabbed a nearby towel, wiped his hands and then he wiped some sweat from his neck. When he was done he looked at Ichigo again, who by now looked to be in a trance, cheeks flushed and eyes glazed over. Grimmjow chuckled and grabbed Ichigo's hand.

"Let's talk somewhere more private," he said and took Ichigo with him to a small office in the back.

When he had closed the door behind them, he turned towards Ichigo who was leaning against the desk in the far end of the room. Grimmjow walked up to him and grabbed his legs, lifting him to sit on the desk. He then proceeded to spread Ichigo's legs and stepped in between them.

"How about a kiss?" he asked and smirked as Ichigo shook his head.

"No," Ichig whispered, but his eyes were on Grimmjow's lips.

Grimmjow leaned closer and nodded.

"You sure?"

"No... I mean yes."

Grimmjow chuckled.

"You really, really sure? 'Cause I'm pretty damn sure you want to devour me right now."

Ichigo shivered at how low Grimmjow's voice was. It practically dripped with sex.

"I..." Ichigo started but licked his lips. "I'm pretty sure," he said hoarsely.

Grimmjow nodded again.

"Then why don't you back away from me?"

"I can't."

"You can't? Why not?"

"Because..." Ichigo tried to focus on something besides Grimmjow's dangerous smirk. "Because..."

Ichigo forgot what he was about to say as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Grimmjow's. He wrapped his arms around the other male's neck and he could feel hands on his hips. Grimmjow licked Ichigo's lips and when they parted, he immediately plunged his tongue inside Ichigo's cavern and a battle for dominance started. A battle that the blue haired male was victorious in. When they broke the kiss, Grimmjow was smirking even wider and Ichigo was panting.

"What was it that you wanted?" Grimmjow asked casually.

"Yeah, I..." Ichigo seemed to come down from his high and glared at Grimmjow. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he spat.

Grimmjow looked at him, shocked. Talk about mood swings.

"I'm sorry?" he said uncertain of what he had done.

"Sorry won't cut it, you idiot. Who the fuck goes and clobbers the person they've been run over by?"

Grimmjow felt a small headache form. He was VERY confused.

"Who and what are you talking about?"

"You know very well what I'm talking about, you giant oaf. Don't play dumb, I know you are smarter than that."

"As much as I am flattered by that statement, I have to say I have no fucking idea what you're talking about."

"I'm going to kill you," Ichigo hissed.

"Sorry, almost been there already. I don't fancy being killed by you either. Sex with you, on the other hand, is something I do fancy."

"You're starting to seriously pissing me off here, Grimm."

"Oh yeah, let's talk about that instead. When did you start calling me Grimm?"

"No! I am not finished with you. That big idiot that ran you over has been killed."

Grimmjow frowned. That big idiot?

"Look, Ichi, I have absolutely NO idea what the hell you're talking about. Other than that someone has been killed."

"Don't call me that and yes, you know exaclty what I'm talking about."

"I told you, I have NO idea."

"The person who ran you over, you get that much?" Ichigo said and waited for Grimmjow to nod. "He has been killed. By you."

Grimmjow's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"I..." he started and then frowned. "I haven't killed anyone in my entire life."

Ichigo's eyes grew large.


"I have beaten people up, but I have never killed anyone."

"Oh so you didn't mean to kill him?"

"Ichi, I still haven't killed anyone. Not intentionally or unintentionally."

"But he's dead."

"Who sais it has to be me?"

Ichigo pondered for a while.

"What were you doing last night?"

Grimmjow sighed.

"Well, after I was released from the hospital, I came here to work some and then I went home, showered and slept until Nnoitra was banging on my door and asked me to go with him to the bar where I met you and you threw up on me. The rest I think you know."

"Don't lie to me, Grimm," Ichigo said and looked Grimmjow dead in the eyes.

"I'm not lying to you," Grimmjow said and Ichigo just knew he wasn't.

"Ok, so who was it?" Ichigo asked.

Grimmjow shrugged.

"Who knows. It wasn't me and it wasn't you, so we can take it easy."

Ichigo sighed. What a mess.

"Now, back to my question," Grimmjow said and Ichigo looked up at him. "When did you start calling me Grimm?"

Ichigo blushed.

"Look, I have NO idea what you are talking about."

Grimmjow laughed and Ichigo was mesmerized by the laughter. Had he ever heard Grimmjow laugh before? Yes, earlier that morning he had, but that laughter hadn't been this breathtaking, this intoxicating. Ichigo felt his lips twitch and soon he was smiling. When Grimmjow finally calmed down, they stared at each other before they both leaned in and gave each other a kiss. It was feather light at first, but it turned hungry and soon they were kissing each other with a passion they didn't know they had in them. Their tongues danced together and Ichigo moaned.
This did however bring him out of the trance and he pushed Grimmjow away.

"Wow, look at the time, gotta go," he said out of breath and tried to brush past Grimmjow.

Grimmjow however, used his size to block the door and he grabbed Ichigo's shirt.

"I let you go if you let me sleep with you tonight."

Ichigo's eyes widened.

"And if I say no?"

"Then I bend you over and fuck you right here," came the crude answer.

Ichigo pondered for a while.

"Sure, I'll let you sleep with me tonight."

Grimmjow grinned and let go of Ichigo.

"I'll be there around seven tonight, you better be home and not chicken out."

Ichigo nodded and was let out of the office. He smirked to himself, oh if Grimmjow only knew how he could twist words.

Ichigo kept cleaning the apartment and when dinner time, seven o'clock, crept closer, he got nervous. He didn't know if he should make dinner for Grimmjow as well, or if the bastard had eaten already. He settled for making dinner for two, he could always put the leftovers away in the fridge for tomorrow if Grimmjow had eaten already. He went into the kitchen and started picking what he needed for dinner from the fridge.

"What the hell am I getting nervous for?" he muttered to himself.

"You know, muttering like that isn't good," Grimmjow said.

Ichigo shrieked, dropping the things he was holding and turning around.

"How the hell did you get in?!" he exclaimed.

Grimmjow frowned.

"Through the front door of course."

"The front door was locked," Ichigo hissed. "It's always locked."

"I walked right in," Grimmjow said and sighed. "Well, after a few minutes of lock-picking."

Ichigo glared at him.

"Don't you fucking dare lock-pick your way into anything ever again. I'll break your fucking arms."

Grimmjow put up his hands in defence.

"Right, right, I promise."

Ichigo muttered something that Grimmjow didn't catch and he looked around the kitchen.

"Mind if I use your shower?" he asked.

Ichigo looked at him and noticed that he was still shirtless, holding a black t-shirt in his hands. But his torso was full of grime and oil, just like earlier. Ichigo nodded.

"Yeah, it's right down the hall. Don't worry, you don't have to lock-pick your way in there."

Grimmjow chuckled and left Ichigo to pick up the things from the floor.
Ichigo swore. Why had the bastard lock-picked his way in? That's not the most normal thing to do, is it? He set about cooking dinner. Wait, he could always ask Grimmjow now if he had eaten dinner.
Ichigo went down the hall and could hear that Grimmjow was already showering. The door was slightly ajar so he opened the door without knocking and stopped dead in his tracks. Grimmjow was standing with his right side towards Ichigo, leaning against the wall with his left hand, his head turned down, his eyes closed, face in a deep frown, masturbating.

Ichigo felt whatever he was about to ask die down and his breath hitch. For the second time that day, Grimmjow had him in a trance. He looked like a god where he stood and Ichigo couldn't help but let his eyes follow Grimmjow's hand as it went up and down, up and down. When Grimmjow moaned his name he woke up from his stupor. He slowly backed out, to make sure that Grimmjow didn't see him.

When he was finally outside and the door was back in its place, Ichigo took a deep breath. That was just... Ichigo had no words for what he had just seen and he didn't want to think about it. He went back into the kitchen and set about to prepare dinner. What was it that he had wondered about earlier?

It didn't take long, in Ichigo's opinion, before Grimmjow came out from the shower. He was clad in the same torn jeans as earlier, but at least he had his t-shirt on now. He was drying his messy hair with a towel and Ichigo noticed a ring on his right hands thumb for the first time.

"Cool ring," he said and grabbed the hand to take a closer look.

Grimmjow let him and he sighed as Ichigo inspected the silver ring with tiny skulls on it. It was thick, maybe one cm in width and the skulls had small blue stones as eyes.

"Everyone in my gang has one, but the stones are different colors depending on the person."

Ichigo nodded and let go of Grimmjow's hand.

"Hungry?" he asked.

"Starving. What are we having?" Grimmjow asked as he sat down by the table, letting the towel fall down on his shoulders.

"We're having pasta with cheese sauce and bacon."

"That sounds nice," Grimmjow chuckled.

"What?" Ichigo asked.

"Nothing, just think it's nice of you to feed me right as I'm about to claim your sweet ass."

Ichigo snorted.

"You will do no such thing."

Grimmjow frowned.

"You promised that I would sleep with you."

"Ah yes, sleep is a entirely different thing. You see, you slept with me last night and I had no problems with it, so I thought that maybe you could just do it again."

"I didn't sleep with..." Grimmjow halted himself before he started laughing.

Ichigo smiled at him and set the table for dinner.

"You sly bastard. You always twist words like that?" Grimmjow chuckled.

"Now and then, if it benefits me."

Grimmjow kept chuckling.

"I can't even be mad at you, that was way too sly. But I'm still taking up the offer of sleeping with you."

"Do as you like," Ichigo said and put a plate with food in front of Grimmjow. "Now, I hope it tastes good."