The room was quiet for thirty painful seconds. Ian was breathing hard, staring at Gibbs.

"I'll give you answers, but leave him out of it. He's just a kid," Gibbs said.

El Malvado stood and walked around the desk.

"No one is going anywhere. Tell me what you know, Fed."

"The only thing I know is that I'm trying to find a murderer, and that somehow whatever Ian got involved in has something to do with it."

"I think you're lying to me."

"I don't lie."

Gibbs stared daggers into El Malvado. The room was silent as they sized each other up.

"You've caught me in a generous mood today, Fed. I'll give you twenty minutes alone with your nephew, and then one of you will die."

"How the fuck is that generous?" Ian piped up. He got a boot to his ribs for it.

"I could kill you right now."

"I'll take door number two, then."

The two men holding Ian dragged him over to the desk and shoved him to the ground next to it. They handcuffed him to the leg of the desk, and everyone left the room.

Ian looked down at his lap, ashamed.

"Tell me what this is all about," Gibbs said.

"I had no idea this was going to happen, I swear," he finally said, looking up at Gibbs. "This dude... he killed Manny's brother, and Manny... I knew Manny's brother was into some heavy stuff, but I had no idea it was drugs."

"What kind of drugs, Ian?"

"Cocaine... lots of it. I saw some guys packing it into crates when those assholes brought me in here."

A clattering noise sounded behind Gibbs, and he pulled his hands free of the chair.

"How did you do that?" Ian asked as Gibbs came over and squatted down next to him.

"Rule number nine."


"Never go anywhere without a knife."

As he said it, Ian's handcuffs came loose and fell to the floor. He helped his nephew to his feet.

"Why are you helping me, after the way I talked to you?" Ian asked as they moved toward the small window in the office.

"I never turn my back on family. You shouldn't either."

"My Mom is going to kill me, isn't she?"

Gibbs forced the window open.


He stuck his head out the window. They were practically at ground level. He climbed out and reached in for his nephew.

"Come on, hurry."

Ian climbed out, and Gibbs supported him as he landed on shaky feet. They were in a complex of warehouses. It was a maze of buildings, and they were tasked with finding a way out without getting shot.

"How are we going to get out of here alive?"

"Stick close to me, Ian."

To their left was a long walkway along two other buildings. To the right was open space. Gibbs could see a tall fence in the distance. Not far from it was a battered pickup truck.

"Do you see that truck over there?" he whispered.


"That's our ticket out of here."

"How are we going to get across that empty lot to the truck? Neither of us has a gun. We'll be dead before we get there."

"I have another rule," Gibbs said, dropping to one knee and pulling up his right pant leg. He unsheathed the handgun holstered to his ankle and stood. "Always carry a backup."


They moved silently to the corner of the building, flattened against the wall. Gibbs peeked around the corner. There were a few armed men guarding the entrance. They all seemed to be shooting the breeze at the moment, not paying attention. Gibbs spied some chemical drums lined up to their right.

"Stay with me at all times. Do not run ahead of me unless I tell you to. Do you understand?"

Ian nodded.

"Let's go."

Gibbs and Ian ran out and ducked under the safety of the chemical drums. Gibbs watched the men through the crack in between two drums. They were oblivious. His eyes traveled to the truck. They were only 100 feet from it.

"We're going to make a run for the truck. Stay behind me until I say. I'm not going home to tell your mother that you're dead."

Ian nodded.


"No, but I don't have a choice."


Ian trailed behind his Uncle as they ran across the dirt lot toward the pickup. The men noticed them this time, and one of them started shooting. Gibbs took a couple of shots with his handgun as they bolted for the pickup. One of the men went down. The other two had their weapons drawn at this point, and started shooting.

"Run for the truck, Ian! Go!"

Ian didn't have to be told twice. He ran ahead of Gibbs until he reached the passenger door of the pickup. He pulled the handle and was relieved to find it unlocked. He tumbled inside and slammed the door behind him. He locked both of the doors and ducked down under the windows, out of sight.

The shooting continued for what felt like forever. Suddenly, he heard shouting, and he wondered if he'd ever see Gibbs again. As the voice got closer, he heard a familiar voice, and slowly rose up to look out the window. The men with the guns were lying on the ground, and they were being handcuffed. Ian unlocked the driver's door and got out.

"Agent DiNozzo?"

"It's good to see you, Ian," Tony replied.

"Where's Gibbs?"

Tony pointed a few yards away, where Gibbs was straddling one of the shooters, snapping the cuffs on him.

"Am I in trouble, Agent DiNozzo?"

"No, you're not."


"Why don't you go wait in the car, Ian? I'll take you home."

"I-I'd rather wait for Gibbs."

Tony smiled.

"No problem."

Ian watched as another Agent took over for Gibbs, hauling the suspect to his feet and toward a sedan. Gibbs made his way to Ian.

"You all right?"

"I'm good."

"I want you to promise me something, Ian. If I ever catch you around any kind of street gang again, I'll arrest you myself, and your Mom is not going to bail you out. Are we clear?"

"Crystal clear."

"Good. Ready to go home?"


Gibbs ruffled his nephew's hair, and they walked toward the sedan, where Tony was waiting to drive them home.

Lena paced back and forth in the living room. They'd been gone for hours, and she was starting to get worried.

"Why haven't they called?"

"Leroy never calls. He's better left to his own devices," Jackson said.

The headlights of a car lit up the living room through the front window. Lena whipped around as she heard the sound of car doors opening and closing. The front door opened, and Ian walked through, followed by Gibbs.

"Ian! Baby!" She ran to him and enveloped him in a hug. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, Mom. Do you have to hug me so tight?"

Lena let go of him and took a step back to look at him.

"You've got bruises everywhere!"

"They'll heal, Mom."

She looked up at Gibbs.

"What happened?"

"Eddie Reyes got involved with a drug lord named El Malvado. My guess is that Manny tried to tell Ian about it, to get help, but Eddie and his friends found out."

"What happened to Manny?"

"They killed him, Mom... and they killed Eddie too."

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry..."

Ian let his Mother hug him again as sadness for his friend's death overtook him.

"Please tell me you stopped this man-whoever he is."

"We got him, Lena. Agent DiNozzo and the FBI led the raid on the warehouse, and El Malvado and his men are in custody."

She nodded as she rubbed her son's back to comfort him.

Jackson came forward to join them.

"What happens now?"

"I think the five of us have some catching up to do," Gibbs said. "It's not every day you find your family."