I'm not bothering with the disclaimers. It's either you know or you don't.

When I was born my father was so happy. He brought me the cutest lil' Charmander toy, too. But I wasn't his only son. He had another one, with dark red hair and silver eyes. My eyes are brown, and my hair is ash-coloured. That's what gave me my name. Ash.

My brother was quiet. He never spoke, and never made eye contact. Except with me. He trusted me and I betrayed him.

But as I grew older I noticed that some... Unusual things happened. My brother had funny marks on his skin sometimes. And my mother was always crying. Then one day my father hit me. Apparently I had annoyed him with my stares. After that... Every thing I did, I got hit for. Child abuse.

I understood my brother's withdrawl, and joined it. Soon I wouldn't speak with any-one except my brother. We were bonded. Once while I was playing with him, my father asked me to bring food to his "friends". My brother prepared the food, and I took it. There I saw my first Pokémon. A Pikachu.

After that I started collecting anything Poké-Related. My father found out and lost his temper. He asked where my brother was. I didn't reply, but my fearful glances gave me away. He launched under the bed and grabbed him away cruelly. My father and brother left me. That day I cried so much. Nothing comforted me. They brought me the most lavish and expensive toys, but I wanted my brother. Silver.

My name is Ash Ketchum. When I was six they took my one friend away. I'm ten now. I'm going to become a PokéMon Master, and get my brother back. And nothing can stop me.

Short? Noticed.