Chapter 20

Grimmjow was attempting to warm up. He really was, and it definitely was not his fault that he had a semi in his training shorts. No that was the fault of the nubile orange haired man currently pinning his opponent to the mat. Ichigo stood up, giving a hand to the man on the floor, pulling him to his feet. Ichigo pulled his gi back into order under his 2nd Dan black belt and bowed, hands to his thighs, keeping his eyes on his opponent to make sure he did the same. The younger man returned to the line, trying not to limp as Ichigo took his place at the front of his class.

"Seiza!" Ichigo barked at his class and they all sank to the floor neatly. "Shomen ni rei!" The group all bowed, laying their hands onto the floor, touching the wooden boards with their foreheads. "Sensei ni rei!" The students then bowed to Ichigo, who remained upright. Ichigo then slid one leg forward slightly and rose to his feet gracefully, after which his students attempted the same move, to differing levels of success. Ichigo dismissed his class less formally and laughed as they all ran off to collect their belongings. Ichigo had clocked it when Grimmjow arrived outside his Dojo, the glass on the doors being quite wide and the shock of blue hair standing out vibrantly. He cocked his head, as an invitation to enter; glad the blunette had known to not come in while he was training his junior class. His sensei had entrusted him with the upper Kyu students earlier this year and he took them twice a week in the evenings at the local sports centre dojo. His smile grew widely as the blunette entered the room and quietly made his way round the perimeter to him. Ichigo turned to the door and watched as each of his teenage students turned and bowed before tearing from the room. They were all well trained in Dojo etiquette. Three of his older student's had yet to leave, and he turned to them, their want for a conversation evident.

"Sensei, are you hanging around?"

Ichigo frowned slightly, wondering where this was going. "Yes, I'm going to train for a little while myself. Are you wanting to work on something with me?"

"Eh, well we just wanted to work on our kata's with the dojo lines. Is that ok? We won't get in your way. It's just that we've not got much room at home."

Ichigo felt for the twins in front of him, and their friend. He had hated training outdoors due to lack of space in the house when he was younger. His neighbours would watch him over the fence and his dad hated when he drew attention to himself.

"Yes you can stay for a bit but we are doing multi discipline, so we aren't sticking to the fighting box. You will have to really keep out of our way. Especially his," Ichigo pointed at his now grinning partner. "He is a heavy lump to land on you when he gets thrown by me."

Grimmjow's grin just widened, even though he wasn't happy about the audience. "Oh you think you can throw me? We'll see. Don't worry kids; I'll not break your sensei too much."

The kids had a look of incredulity at the man's comment that he could beat their sensei. All thoughts of really training left their minds, now taking the opportunity to observe their sensei in action. Jessie, the female twin, gulped as Ichigo removed his jacket, leaving him in a black vest top tucked into his black hakama, belt still round his waist. His opponent was in blue and white basketball shorts, and a grey t-shirt causing and extreme contrast.

The two men headed to the top of the dojo, leaving the kata lines at the opposite end clear for them to practise on but even though they made their way down, it was mainly to get out of the two men's way, the power and tension in the air apparent.

Ichigo grinned as Grimmjow stood on the opposite sparring line. He neatened his stance before dropping in a perfect bow of respect to his opponent. Grimmjow copied as best he could before standing ready to spar. "Rules?"

"Anything goes, and no holding back."

"And it finishes?"

"When one opponent can't continue for any reason."


"No blood or broken bones, on purpose." Grimmjow smirked when his opponent tutted at the suggestion that either of them would go that far for a win.

Ichigo didn't give him a chance to breathe though, darting forward and sweeping his legs out from under him. Grimmjow grabbed at his chest, and slammed the younger man into the sprung floor boards, winding him slightly. The blunette rolled away in time to see his lover spring to his feet. Again and again they came together with vicious kicks and punches leaving redden marks on each other's bodies. Grimmjow landed a good kick to Ichigo's face catching his lip and splitting it slightly. The resulting shove then kick sent him flying across the room, impacting to wall. He lay still for a moment, aware that the teens across the room were staring at him. Ichigo ran to him, kneeling and supporting his head, reminding him of that basketball game years ago when he'd asked Ichigo to play.

"God, Grimm are you alright?"

"You've been holding back! If you'd have been hitting me like that the whole time I'd be laid out."

Ichigo blushed, guilt written all over his face. "I didn't want to hurt you. You can't tell me you've not been pulling your blows a bit. I know you can break bones with your punches, you've told me before."

"Sensei, are you two alright? Do you need anything?"

"No thank you Jessie, he'll live and so will I. Are you lot finished?"

"Eh, yes sensei. We'll leave you in peace. See you Tuesday?"

Ichigo nodded and stood to return their farewell bows at the door. He turned the snib on the door and pulled the venetian blinds down, stopping any passer-by's from seeing in the dojo. Legally he had to have them uncovered when training with minors but he wanted privacy now. Grimmjow was up on his feet, leaning against the wall he had impacted, hands in his shorts pockets.

"So really no hold back now? Shall we see who the last man standing is?" Grimm turned towards his lover who was standing with his arms folded over his toned chest.

Ichigo had a naughty thought in his head when he realised that they wouldn't be disturbed now. He pulled his vest out from underneath his hakama and stretched his arms up, pulling the tight fabric with it. He felt Grimmjow's gaze raking over his exposed chest, smugly smiling at the heat in the other's eyes.

Grimmjow came closer, hand out to trail down the exposed chest, flicking over a dusky nipple before tracing the long thin scar that disappeared under the belt. As he approached for a kiss, Ichigo bounced back and balanced himself onto the balls of his feet, fists up ready to fight.

"You fight dirty."

"You have no idea."

Ichigo darted to the left then behind his lover, leaving him standing dumbly trying to follow the quick movements. He groped for the elusive shadow and felt a grip on his sleeve, making him yank backwards, resulting in his t-shirt ripping, his sleeve now in the grip of his smug boyfriend, a large hole showing the edge of his nipple, the rest hanging. Ichigo proceeded to rip the shirt into rags, leaving his boyfriend with nothing covering him from the waist up, and a raging hard on that had appeared on its own. When he felt a hand try to get a grip on his shorts he knew he'd had enough. He gripped at the shoulder in front of him and yanked it, pulling the smaller man in front of him, pressed against him. His cock lined up right in Ichigo's ass crack the flowing material of the hakama not providing any armour against the press.

Ichigo shivered as Grimmjow licked up his shoulder, one arm under his, holding his chest firmly while the other went south and fondled him through the folds of his traditional gear. Ichigo raised one arm, sinking his fingers into the sweat dampened blue locks, fisting the strands as his cock was teased to life. His other hand was round Grimmjow's wrist, holding on for support.

"Did you think that was funny? Ripping my shirt off? What if I do that to your trousers, and then bend you over leaving you helpless against this?" Grimmjow thrust forward, holding the other tightly so that there was a hint of pain to the thrust.

"What if that is exactly what I wanted?"

Grimmjow just growled in response, jerking his lover round before slamming him into the wall. Ichigo lifted his long legs and pulled his lover closer, grinding the lengths together. He dropped his arms and gripped the bar running round the wall before moving himself up and down, head thrown back. Grimmjow snaked a hand up the wide trouser leg and palmed Ichigo over his boxers. He wiggled his fingers up the leg of the tight underwear until he could grasp the thick member in his hand. Ichigo was having difficulty holding his weight up with the sensation on his cock. Grimmjow had slackened his grip on Ichigo's body to get a better one on his member, leaving the berry to support himself. Grimm thrust his groin forward to give Ichigo something to lean on as he made short work of the black belt and hakama ties. The loose trousers flowed open, letting Grimmjow enjoy the sight of the thick cock peeking out of extremely tight white boxers that were damp with sweat making them slightly transparent. Grimmjow dropped to his knees, making Ichigo gasp with the lack of support, and hook his backside onto the bar so he didn't fall. Grimmjow peeled the underwear off of the boy and took him into his mouth, drawing long moans and gasps from the sinful mouth above him. Grimmjow pushed the legs open wider and sank his head till the cock was as far in as he could take it. He could feel Ichigo shaking with the effort of keeping himself upright and he knew he wanted to take this elsewhere. He stood, pulling his lover into his arms, Ichigo automatically wrapping both arms and his legs around the taller man who hoisted him up one arm around his waist, the other under his ass.

Ichigo was laid out on the crash mat pile in the corner of the dojo and his hakama and boxers were quickly removed. Ichigo stopped the onslaught for a second, catching his breath. He hopped off the waist high pile and made his way to his training bag, Grimmjow's face a picture of confusion. When Ichigo pulled a pair of towels out he understood, these mats were used by the students when learning to break a fall. Grimmjow hopped onto the mats himself, pulling his shorts off, leaving him in the bright blue boxers Ichigo had bought him, apparently they matched his hair.

Ichigo laid the large towels over the mat before dragging his loved onto them. He hovered over the larger man, kissing him deeply. Grimmjow pulled the hot body down on top of him, grinding the naked rod against his. Ichigo lightly ran his fingers up and down his sides, drawing light goose bumps out. Grimmjow turned them over, pressing the younger man to the mats, still devouring his mouth. He broke away, looking down at lust glazed eyes and kiss swollen lips smiling up at him. "I love you."

Ichigo smiled and drew the other into a deep kiss again. He pulled the blue boxers off the other's ass and fondled the cheeks, dipping his long fingers between to tease the puckered entrance. Grimmjow wriggled and gasped at the sensation, his lover smiling as he swallowed the gasps.

Grimmjow straightened his legs, allowing Ichigo to pull them down without breaking the kiss. Grimmjow rose up and knelt at the side of his lover, stroking his face while stroking the firm cock with his other hand. Ichigo grasped his neglected member and pumped it firmly, making Grimmjow's eyes close. As Grimm went to move to between Ichigo's knees, he was stopped by the firm hand around his cock. He quirked an eyebrow in confusion before Ichigo smiled and pulled the cock towards him. Turning his head, he took Grimmjow in to the hilt, sucking strongly enough to pull a loud groan from his lover's throat.

Ichigo pulled Grimmjow's legs and the other realised what he was trying to do.

"Do you not want to be on top? I don't want to smother you."

"Grimm, I know what I want, and it's to have my lips wrapped round your cock when yours are round mine, and I'm comfy. If it doesn't work this way we'll swap alright?"

Grimmjow shrugged in agreement, kneeling one leg either side of Ichigo's head. Talented lips were already around his cock before he could crouch over the weeping member in front of him. Grimmjow had never 69'd on top and was worried he might crush the smaller man. An edge of teeth around his most sensitive flesh reminded him of what he was supposed to be doing. Ichigo was strong enough to remove him if he had to, he reasoned. He descended onto the flesh in front of him, wrapping his hand at its base. His other hand was being used to hold him up, allowing him to pump his head up and down over the engorged member.

Feeling his helmet slide down Ichigo's throat was a distraction and he knew he wasn't giving his best in return, he would make it up to the berry later. When two fingers moved up to his entrance he swallowed around the cock in his mouth, making it jerk in his mouth. One moist finger past his ring of muscle and pistoned in and out, searching for the magic spot. Grimmjow had to remove his mouth from Ichigo's length; unable to breathe with is in his mouth. He laid his cheek on Ichigo's thigh and continued to pump his hand round the member, abandoning all hope of keeping his senses. Two fingers were in him and brushing the sides of his prostate sending flashes of sensation straight to his balls and up his length. He was thrusting down Ichigo's throat harder than before, the other just massaging the length with his tongue and drawing his cheeks in. Ichigo pulled his fingers nearly out of the man, making Grimmjow think he was finished, but three fingers were pushed back in, making it more than Grimmjow had held in a long time. He screwed his eyes up at the intrusion, expecting pain to flow through his body but Ichigo was so gentle and slow at first he didn't feel any. Grimmjow started to gibber nonsense, the sensations on his body getting too much for him. Encouraging Ichigo to go faster, the fingers were sped up, and the thrusts down the throat sped up in answer. Ichigo had to press his teeth into the flesh again to remind Grimm he was in danger of being too rough. The thrusts gentled a little, but Ichigo did not slow his fingers, wanting to draw as much pleasure as he could.

When Ichigo felt the muscles slacken around his three fingers, he brought his pinkie into the centre of his hand, pressing the larger thickness into his lover. Grimmjow came hard down his throat, the fullness in his backside combined with the sensation round his cock and the sudden realisation that Ichigo wanted to top here made him unable to hold himself back. Feeling Ichigo swallow his offering while he was still buried in his throat was overwhelming, making him dizzy. Grimmjow dropped down beside his lover, still facing away, unable to move with the severity of his orgasm.

Ichigo pressed him onto his back and leaned in for a deep kiss, running his hands through the blue hair.

"You really are a sex fiend aren't you? Are you sure you were a virgin till you met me? Where the fuck do you learn all this stuff?"

"Yaio Manga." Was the short reply.

"Fuck, you will have to loan me those."

Ichigo just chuckled in response. His next kiss to his lover made it apparent that he didn't consider this session over.

Grimmjow pulled himself up and lay over his lover, the hard cock trapped between the pair of them. He looked in to the warm brown eyes below him and stole a sweet kiss. "So, I'll try my best but I can't promise I can take all of you."

Ichigo shook his head. "Look if you're not happy to try today, or ever then we won't. I don't want you to do something you'll regret, or might hurt you."

Grimmjow rolled his eyes in response, before standing and grabbing something out of Ichigo's bag. Holding up the small red bottle, he quirked an eyebrow. "I spotted this earlier in the top of your bag. Why do you have lubricant at a karate class? Were you expecting something to happen? Or just being hopeful?"

"Always hopeful my love."

Grimmjow coated his hand with a liberal amount of the sweet smelling liquid before coating the member behind him, keeping eye contact the whole time. He had taken Ichigo several times in this position; he'd taken Ichigo several times in all positions depending on the mood; but this felt as intimate as he lined the rod up with his own entrance. Trying to remember if he'd ever been taken like this before, he felt the hard end push through his ring. Deciding to just get it over with, he sank slowly, feeling Ichigo's hands grabbing at his thighs and hips to slow his descent.

Ichigo had closed his eyes, and turned his head, pressing it into the mats at the heat and compression surrounding him. It was too much for him and he knew he wasn't going to last. He felt a sudden grip around his balls, yanking them harshly. He snapped his gaze to the one above him.

"I am not doing this for a two second fuck. Calm down."

"Easier said than done, fuck Grimm; it is too tight, too hot."

"This is nothing love. Feel this." Grimm had sunk as low as he could take, and he used his powerful thighs to lift himself up, before sinking back slowly. Ichigo was still having a hard time controlling himself until he felt his arms get dragged off the hips and slammed onto the mats at the side of his head. Grimmjow was leaning down over him, drawing him back to the present. He gazed into the cyan eyes above him as the body above him drew up and down his length. He felt a bit more in control and started to enjoy the overpowering sensations. He thrust up slightly, not enough to push all the way in, and Grimmjow threw his head back as the cock in him pushed into his prostate. His own member was springing to life, standing proud between his thighs and Ichigo grappled a hand free to tend to it. He stroked it in time with his thrusts, forming a rhythm with the other. He felt the coil building in his gut and his thrusts grew erratic making Grimmjow push deeper down and harder around the length in him. Grimmjow didn't realise it, but he'd managed to take Ichigo's entire thick member into his body and as it brushed against his prostate he felt his length pulse as he came over the man around him. He sat down as he came, making Ichigo surge up, pulsing his own release as the walls clenched round him.

Ichigo had spots in his eyes, and was having difficulty clearing his ears from the rushing sound. The weight of his lover on top of him was comforting but they didn't have the luxury of falling asleep and dealing with the clean up later. He rolled his lover off him and gazed at the flushed face. Grimmjow's eyes were half lidded and his breathing was harsh. "Hey love, no sleeping here. Let's go home."

Ichigo gather up the towel under him, leaving his lover lying on the other as he started to dress himself. The white boxers were pulled back on; the towel used to wipe Grimmjow's come off his chest before his black vest was pulled on. He tugged jeans out of his back and yanked them on, pulling the belt to keep them up. He bundled his uniform into the bag and threw the towel on top. He returned to his lover, cleaning him up gently at the front and the back, having received the same attention many times he knew it felt nice to be taken care of.

He coaxed his lover back into his clothes, handing him his spare t shirt out of his bag. Ichigo quickly cleared the room of scraps of t shirt and kit he'd left lying around. Once he was sure he'd cleared the room properly, he dragged his fiancé up of the floor where he'd slumped, and the pair left the room. Ichigo opened his car, watching as Grimmjow dropped bonelessly into the passenger seat, door closing in the same motion. Ichigo smirked; he'd fucked his lover so well he was barely able to function.

Grimmjow was really having a hard time concentrating enough to do the simplest tasks, such as putting his seat belt on. As soon as his backside had hit the grey seats, he was reminded that he'd just had a rather large cock in there. Ichigo eventually pulled the strap down for him and clicked it in place.

A short drive to their flat had the blunette snoozing against the window, making Ichigo have to shake him to get him in. Grimmjow grumbled that this wouldn't happen in reverse, he would just lift the smaller man into their home. Ichigo was very understanding and coaxed the taller man up the stairs and into the living room. Grimmjow commandeered the large couch and tucked his large frame into its cushions and returned to his nap. Ichigo tucked a fake fur blanket round his lover and left him to it.

As Ichigo started to drag ingredients out of cupboards to make dinner, he tried to wipe the smile off his face. He seasoned two steaks, leaving them on a dish to marinade and started working on a salad and dressing to go with it. He knew Grimmjow would appreciate some good meat after their session, and the simple meal was all he could bring himself to prepare.

Returning to the living room, he curled onto the love seat, drawing his I pad onto his knee to surf the internet for an hour or so while his lover slept. He had some wedding plans to go over, Orihime had sent him some sites to look at for venues but he had yet to be astounded by any of the temples or grand houses he'd seen yet.

One site grabbed his eye and he clicked on it, a Thai beach hotel offering a wedding at sunset right by the sea and a barbeque on the sand after with traditional music and dancing for entertainment. It seemed perfect, and would avoid him having to find a suit to fit his stupidly long legs again. Married in casual shorts and a shirt, maybe him in black and Grimm in white, sounded perfect for both men. He clicked on the contact link and started to compose an email.

He clicked the tablet off and stared at his snoozing lover, hoping he liked the idea as well. Maybe not Thailand, maybe Australia or New Zealand instead. Or even Hawaii.

Hehe, finished 4000 words of naughty nonsense, with a bit of fluff at the end. I hope this satisfies al the folks who wanted more smut, as well as adding a bit more to the story. I loved writing this more than I have for years, and my next one hopefully will be as good as this. A sneak peak is below.

Can I just ask everyone who's going to review to tell me what their favourite part of this story was? And what they think of my next idea please?

He stopped, panting as he tried to not cry out in pain. Pressing his hand firmly onto his thigh he winced as the wound complained but he was worried he'd be leaving a trail for them to follow. The blood had soaked through his white uniform trousers. This was the first time he was glad the stupid white fabric was so full and thick and that Aizen insisted they wore it when on official business around the headquarters. He glanced up, seeing he still had half a flight of hard metal stairs to drag himself up before he could hide himself on the balcony above him. When he spotted it from the street he'd thought it would be easy to get up there and hide, collect his strength before plotting his revenge. Two and a half flights of steep fire escape had proven too much for a man with a bullet wound in his thigh and a twisted ankle. He hauled his body up, taking a lot of weight onto his arms, and basically dragged himself up the final steps. He flopped over the wall and landed, winding himself on the slabs. As he caught his breath, finally safe from the eagle eyes looking for him, he saw the expensive outdoor furniture, with a chimnea, currently unlit, standing behind to warm those enjoying the view. The wicker contrasted with the black plush cushions, and the glass table was sparkling clean, not even a water mark dulling its surface. Grimmjow found the strength to get over to the corner sofa unit, and sank into it, hissing as his scratched back abraded on the fabric.

His leg wound was still bleeding, not that he was in any state to worry about it, the adrenaline seeping out of him.

I will get that snake, I will rip that smug smile off his face and close those fox eyes for good. If he thinks he can pass the blame for murder onto him he should have thought twice. I will prove myself and clear my name. Then Aizen will take me back.

All the thoughts of revenge and proving his innocence dragged his consciousness away from him. He fell so deeply into an uneasy sleep that even the sound of the heavy patio door sliding open didn't stir him. And the gasp from the figure in the doorway fell onto deaf ears. A sudden pressure round his leg wound, and a hand pressed to his throat, feeling for a pulse made him try to escape the hands. He was held still, a swear word escaping from the figure over him.

"What the fuck? How did you get up here?"

Hmmm, this is just me drabbling about my planned plot. This isn't the first chapter, it'll be in the second or third and probably will be edited to fit whatever comes before it but it's a basic view of what is going on in the story.

Please review, for the story or the preview. Let me know what you think.

Cheers and lots of love
