ANOTHER chapter :D
this time, Shi is almost 2 and is learning to walk
Oh and Hidan has his first moment of relapse.
And the normal stuff with their parents.
Shi's also learning how to speak, so she can say some things. But due to her being born prematurely, she has slightly physical hindrances. Like for instance, small size and slow growing molers. And slow at walking. But her mind is well above that for her age. She'll learn slow but once she gets going, she will catch up to how children her age should be.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I only own Shi and any oc in this story that I create
"Come on Shi, you can do it! Step and step and step and step." Hidan said softly, my arms held by his hands up in the air. My clothed feet dragging on the floor as he pushed me forward while he walked. He had been trying to teach me to walk for the past few weeks and I was able to walk with his help. We had been doing this since I woke up this morning and he had finished what he told me was training.
I was still to small to do it on my own. The man that Mother took me to see said - from what I was able to piece together from my limited speech - was that me being small, I had to do things with patience. I was healthy and strong, but small for the tender age of almost 2. He wasn't concerned, he just said I was a late bloomer in size.
I gave a small snort and stepped forward, my toes turned inward as I did. Hidan cheered as we walked through the sitting area where our Mother was making something.
"Is that my little Shi? Look at how big you are!" She said praising me as Hidan walked us over. My necklace swung from my neck, the end of it hitting the top of my belly as I giggled.
"I think she's ready Mom!" Hidan gushed softly. He picked me up by my waist and settled me down a few feet away from our mother. He sat down holding me up by my waist. He helped me step forward like he had done before, his grip looser than normal, "I'm letting go." He said before his hands fell away.
I wobbled and fell forward. My lip quivered but I didn't give up. I heard the encouragement from my big brother and mother.
"Come on Shi! You can do it!" He cheered for me.
"Come on baby girl." My mother said, she had moved from her seat to the floor and had her arms open. I made a small noise and put my hands to the floor. I pushed up shakily and made it to unsteady legs. I stood up by myself - which I had been able to do for a while now - and I looked at my mother.
She cooed again, "Come on." and held her arms, her fingers wiggling. I took a breath and put my hands to the sides, like Hidan sometimes did and looked down. I put one foot in front of the other and wobbled forward.
One step. Two steps. Three steps. Four... before I lost balance and fell. I shook my head giving a small grunt.
My mother had scooted forward some, but she was still far away.
"Maaamah." I gurgled softly, I could say her name, Hidan's and my father's along with a few little words. Mostly the words were things I wanted or needed. I also used the word "no" when I didn't want something. Hidan found it very cute and would always do things or give me things that made me say no just so he could hear it.
"Yes Shi. Mama's right here, you can do it!" she encouraged. I looked at her, my doll eyes narrowed and my brow furrowed with determination. It made her laugh and when I stood up again she smiled and encouraged me some more.
I wobbled and waddled forward, my toes turned inward and I marched forward towards my mother, my mind set on making it to her arms.
"Yes Shi yes!" Hidan screamed when I fell forward into my mothers awaiting arms. She picked me up and stood bouncing on her toes with my brother.
"You did it!" She cheered kissing my cheeks. Hidan kissed my cheek to and I broke into laughter.
"Hiiitan!" I cried out, reaching for him. He took me from my mother and I nuzzled into his neck. He smiled warmly.
"She did it mom!" Hidan laughed. My mother nodded with him before she kissed both our heads.
"Go show your father." she encouraged handing me back to Hidan. He nodded and took me in his arms and we walked to the back room, where our father was busy cutting vegetables for dinner. Mother had been giving me less bottles and more hard food, well not hard it was soft enough for me to eat with my growing teeth and it helped the pain of it when my mouth started hurting.
"Papa look at Shi!" Hidan said holding me in his arms. Our father looked up at us from where he was cutting food and waited. The light from outside was darkening and the room was full of really tall shadows.
"Daahduh." I gurgled out smiling with new teeth. The majority of them had come in, but the back of my mouth would hurt a lot on occasion and I didn't know why. But it always made me cry. Our father watched, his eyes warm. He had been growing progressively more and more warming towards me, the older I got and the more I learned.
"Watch." Hidan said and sat down a few steps away and held me up with his hands.
"Open your hands." Hidan said to our father. Who complied and sat there on the small chair, his arms open. Hidan gently let go of my tummy and gave me a few encouraging words. I wobbled on my own feet and stepped forward clumsily. I fell but pushed myself back up on my own, determined to do this. I made a small noise before I walked forward again, my steps getting faster the closer to my father I got. When I got to his arms, I fell forward collapsing into his grasp.
He held me and set me on his lap, "Good job little one." He whispered rubbing my head. I reached my arms up to him and he lifted me on his leg. I stood and grabbed his face, squishing it which made me laugh.
My mother said I was beginning to look more and more like our father, and in turn Hidan since he looked just like him. Except he had our mother's eyes and hair. I had my father's eyes, abet more doll-like and my hair was the lightest in the family, at a stark white. My mother had awhile sat with me and brushed my growing hair, laughing at how bright it was after my bath.
She had said that she wished it would always stay this bright, because it made me even more special than I already was.
"Eat." I said softly, looking up at my father. He nodded and gave me back to Hidan who held me in one arm, resting me against his hip as he helped our father carry the two bowls of cut vegetables for dinner. I held onto my brothers shirt with my hands as he rearranged himself to sit me better. He let me touch his headband on his neck while he did this. He had just gotten it recently and wore it everyday and he was very happy about it because it matched our father's own.
"Little one's hungry." Our father said setting the bowls next to where Mother was washing. She nodded and took the two bowls and started making our dinner. Hidan sat me in my highchair and went to go help her. Our father started cooking something on the stove and I sat there, watching them all. Hidan brought me over a sippy cup filled with milk and I drank it while they all prepared dinner.
I couldn't wait to help them out when I was bigger.
When dinner was ready, Hidan took his seat and our parents brought the dinner to the table. They all sat down and Mother gave me a bowl with carrots and mashed potatoes. As she ate, she would spoon me my own food, the carrots were soft and easy to chew and the mashed potatoes were incredibly tasty to eat. I ate my entire bowl before my brother could finish his own plate of dinner.
"How about we try this?" Mother said, cutting a tiny piece of meat and holding it to my mouth. I had never tasted this before, but it was really good and I happily began to chew on it, my mother watching me eat it. She cut another piece when I was finished and fed me that one too, before a third and a fourth and I started to feel full.
"I think Shi's done mom." Hidan laughed, when I turned my head from her fork with the meat on it. My mother nodded and picked me up from my highchair resting me against her shoulder as she began to pat my back.
I felt a bubble build and I released it and felt better instantly. I yawned against her shoulder, turning my head to rest my face in the crook of it. My mother hummed softly as she drank from her cup. I watched my father through the hair that fell over my eyes, putting my thumb to my mouth as I watched them eat the rest of their meal.
"Hidan don't forget to wash dishes." Mother said, her voice vibrating in my ear as I relaxed against her.
"Yes mother." He said softly. She stood up and I yawned around my thumb, rubbing an eye with my free first, to get rid of the tears that fell from it.
"I'm taking Shi to bed." She said softly, holding me with both her hands.
"Goodnight Shi." Hidan said kissing my head, my father said his goodnight as well touching my head. Then my mother carried me upstairs in her arms.
When she got to Hidan and mine's shared room she sat down on the chair we had in the corner of the room for when I woke up because somebody's electricity had gone very high and scared me into crying.
She rocked back and forth, rubbing my back and humming. She always hummed to me when it was late and I had just eaten or taken a bath. Hidan usually sang to me when I had been awoken from spikes in electricity in the air around me. It usually wasn't bad, but sometimes it was very strong and hard for me to sleep because it buzzed in the air, creating a loud hum, depending on how much was being used.
I yawned again and she continued her soft humming, the vibration from her throat soothing me as she continued what she was doing. I felt my eyelids grow heavy and another went through my body. My mother finished her song and stood, rocking me all the while I grew more and more drowsy.
She laid me in my crib, lifting the edge of it and laying my blanket over me. She didn't take my necklace that my brother gave me off, because she didn't want it to get lost, and it was something that both of us shared and bonded over. She leaned down and kissed my forehead before telling me goodnight and leaving, blowing out the candle in the room.
I closed my eyes and let myself go to sleep, the gentle hum of electricity in the air not as terrible as it sometimes was and that helped lull me to sleep.
More to come
Also, Shi called Hidan, Hitan , because she can't pronounce his name correctly. And he thinks its cute so he won't correct her.
: Ghoul :