"For I know the plans I have for you." declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Dear Child,
I know your fears. I know your thoughts. I know your worries. I know how you bite your nails when reading, or how a beautiful piece of music sweeps you away. I know your heart.
I know that you have a hard time fitting in; that your abundant love for My world is mocked. I know that it is difficult for you to publicly defend Me against the world. I know that you feel alone. Do not fear. I am with you. And as I know your thoughts, I also know how you defend Me.
Standing for Me does not always mean protesting against the world. Defending Me does not mean pushing your belief in Me on others. Being public with them is enough. Your passive words and actions have touched the hearts of many, Child. Do not be fooled by the display others put on. I did not come to dazzle the masses, I came to heal the hearts of the masses. Your heart has shown Me to the world. Do not allow the world to cover your eyes and discourage you.
Dear One, I see everything. I am saddened when you read the books of my world and cry. I weep when your tears fall while watching the movies for a world that you are not in. I know that it is the desire of your heart to leave behind your miry, corrupt, painful world behind and come to Mine.
I watch as your face lights up whenever you see a wardrobe, and how the only thing you want to do is to just climb in and search for My world, but you don't. I feel your disappointment as you see that that is not the wardrobe. When you feel like you will never get here. Like this world is closed off from you.
I see your struggles, and I love you for it. I see how the world holds you back: it ties your hands, binds your feet, gags your mouth. I watch as your eyes light up with fiery determination. With the determination to succeed and to not be bound. I see you become alight with My fire, and I am proud of you.
Come to Me, Child. I am in your world as well as My own, I simply go by a different name. My love for you is still in your world. My love is still as unconditional in your world as it is in Mine.
Dear One, what is holding you back? I am here, waiting.
I have a plan for you. Your future is secure. It may not be the plan you've dreamed of, and it might not be the easiest plan, but it is the one that will make you the best that you can be.
Your plan might not include coming to My world right now.
You will eventually come to My Country, across the sea, where the water is sweet. You will arrive here one day. It just might not be as soon as you wish. It will happen. Have patience. I have a plan for you.
-Aslan, the Great Lion, Son of the Emperor-Over-The-Sea, The Prince of Peace, Yaweh, Emmanuel, Jehovah, The Almighty Everlasting God
AN: This is yet another one of the English-Class creations... I hope no one cries while reading this. I know I did while writing it.
Thanks for reading!