Thank you all for the reviews.
Sorry for the slow updates and possible typos as I'm writing this on my phone instead of computer.
I do not own Hey Arnold! That belongs to Nick and the forever wonderful Craig Bartlett.
Arnold's POV
Morning came a little too fast for my liking. I opened one eye.
"My head is killing me! What happened?!
I opened my eyes to glimpse at my surroundings. There's something soft beside me I look down to find Helga fast asleep and snoring a little. I smiled. I wonder what happened last night? Did I drink? I suddenly felt ashamed. I've never drank before..I closed my eyes and tried to remember. Suddenly my cheeks were flushed and my mouth was wide open. We kissed..
"Helga! Helga wake up!" Arnold shook Helga.
"Give me that pastrami!" Helga woke up and karate chopped the air.
"Huh?!" Arnold asked confused.
"Oh, Football Head its you, geez what are you trying to do give me a heart attack?! I mean CRIMINEY. I outta deck you." She shook her fists.
"Helga, do you remember last night?!"
"Of course I do hair boy, I wasn't as smashed as you were." Helga smirked.
"We kissed Helga..I'm so sorry I didn't mean to take advantage of you!"
Helga started laughing.
"Why are you laughing? I feel terrible." Arnold frowned.
That one hurt Helga.
"Why? Because you kissed your childhood bully? Because I'm nothing but a she-beast as they say?! Well I'm so freaking sorry we can't all be as dainty and feminine as Lila or Selena."
Arnold didn't mean to start a fight. He was at a complete loss for words.
"Helga that's not what I meant and you know it."
"Then how did you mean it?!"
Arnold sighed.
"We were drinking, things got out of hand.. I feel bad because..I feel bad because I never drank before and I was probably forcing myself on you. It wasn't the right thing to do and I'm sorry. Also Helga don't talk about yourself like that. Any man would be lucky to have you, you're beautiful, smart, and funny."
Helga blushed.
"We should climb up to the upper deck Football Head. I'm sure your mom and dad are still worried about you."
"Yeah.." Arnold said defeated.
"I'm ashamed of how I responded last night. The thought of anyone doing that to
my mom.. It's disgusting Helga! You know
It's strange.. I always wondered what it would be like to have a brother or a sister, and now I have one out there somewhere..."
Helga didn't know what to say. She wanted to say having a sibling isn't so bad, but that would be a lie coming from her. If Olga was here right now, Helga would probably push her overboard or find some way to get rid of her, but there was times when they bonded and she wasn't so bad. Heck, Olga showed more affection towards Helga than anyone in her family and all she ever did was push her away. Helga wondered what they were doing right now..
Arnold stared at Helga wondering what she was thinking at this moment.
"LANDHO!" Miles yelled from the upper deck interrupting bother Arnold and Helga's thoughts.
Arnold and Helga climbed up to upper deck.
The sight before them was horrifying. There was fire, destruction, screaming in the distance. This was "Las puertas del infierno" The gates of hell as they called it. An abandoned island near San Lorenzo. Home to La Sombra and his henchmen.
"God help anyone who even goes near this island. Once was a fruitful island with beautiful scenery. Ancient years ago a piece of San Lorenzo broke off to form this land. I want everyone to be careful." Miles said handing everyone knives.
"I hope you don't need to use these but I want you to have extra protection."
Helga POV
I stared down at this knife unsure of what exactly I got myself into. But I'm ready to fight. I'll do whatever it takes to protect my love and his family. Whatever it takes.
We silently climbed off the ship into the ocean we walked to the shore. I heard gunshots and every part of me wanted to leap into Arnold's arms like I used to as a child. But this really isn't the time for that especially the look of pure hatred on Arnold's face as he looks around the island.
"It's Eduardo!" Miles said he ran after him and the next thing I know there's a fist fight happening in front of us Stella and Selena his daughter is screaming and I just stood there in panic I looked over at Arnold and he screamed. It felt like everything was happening in slow motion.
HEY! Everyone stop! Arnold yelled.
Miles frowned and released Eduardo from his hold.
Why did you abandon us?! Who's side are you on? Miles questioned
"I'm on yours Miles! I promise! I have done no wrong in this I've been searching for the men who I thought killed you here in Las puertas del infierno!"
"For Fourteen years?"
"Yes I thought They killed you!"
"I managed to escape, with Stella."
Eduardo hugged Miles.
"You're my best friend we've been on a lot of journeys together, please."
I could tell by looking at Stella she did not trust Eduardo.
"Do you know where Juan or La Sombra is?" Miles growled.
"I can take you to the inner part of the village we are sure to find them here!"
I pulled Arnold to the side.
"Arnold I don't know it all seems very weird I don't know if we should trust him."
"Don't worry Helga everything's fine. Dads known Eduardo for a very long time.."
I always admired how Arnold saw the good in people, yet I fear this time he's very wrong.
We followed Eduardo further into Las Puertas del Infierno. There was homeless locals begging for money, and children crying. I looked over at Arnold silently whispering we have to help these people. He nodded and whispered in my ear.
"Once we find La Sombra and Juan were going to end this once and for all!"
"How will that help the people?" I questioned.
"They are the ones causing destruction on this land. There's children and women being sold."
"Sold?" My heart dropped.
Arnold nodded with solemn eyes.
Arnold whispered to the point where it was barely audible. His voice cracked.
"Sex trafficking."
I gasped.
Eduardo interrupted our silent conversation.
"We will make camp up there." He pointed to a mountain overlooking the town. It wasn't too far of a distance. Plus it seemed like a good place to hide and plan everything out.
We reached the mountain there was three already small abandoned huts where locals used to live.
"Alright. Arnold, Helga, you'll camp in that hut over there. Eduardo and Selena camp in that hut there, and Stella and I will camp in this hut over here." Miles instructed.
"Eduardo and I will make a fire and find food for us all." Miles added.
They started piling twigs and brush for the fire. I walked inside of our hut. Of course it's a wreck and there's only one bed. Inside I swooned. I started daydreaming of us laYing in bed together. "Oh Arnold!"
"What?" Arnold asked.
I jumped out of my skin.
"Oh Arnold! Uh... I eyed a broom. I was going to say I needed help sweeping hahahha yeah! Sweeping. I awkwardly stumbled and grabbed the broom.
Arnold cocked an eyebrow.
"Are you alright?" He asked. Probably concerned for my sanity. He reached up and touched my cheek. I melted into his touch.
" I'm sorry you were dragged through all of this but I'm glad you're with me." He spoke softly.
"With you?" I looked up with questioning eyes. There was no light in the hut just darkness. The only light was coming from the fire outside that miles and Eduardo started outside and the moonlight, which shines upon Arnold like he was some sort angel.
Arnold smiled half lidded and softly grazed my lips with his thumb. Oh. My. Gosh! He's going to kiss me. He leaned in closer. I closed my eyes, my breath in my throat. I felt his lips softly against mine. I quickly deepen the kiss. He pulled me closer his hand on the small of my back. Things were heating up pretty fast in here. I wrapped my arms around his neck. We backed up near the bed and he sat down. I straddled him and took off his shirt. Holy Malone! He's hot. I kiss his shoulder. I have no idea what were doing. Then I realized this is another one of those moments. Those "Heat of the moments." Damnit. I stop kissing and look up at Arnold. I start tearing up. When will these stop why won't he just ask me to be his girlfriend.
"Helga? Is everything okay?" He questioned, concerned. He grabbed my hand
I shook his hand off and I quickly bolted out of the hut. I don't deserve him.
Arnold POV
What just happened? Why do we always get to this point. It's so maddening! I sign frustrated. I run my fingers through my hair. I know I should run after her. I know I should tell her how I feel but I'm afraid. I don't want to hurt her. I don't know what the future holds but I can't promise I'll go back to Hillwood. I don't know if my parents want to go back to Hillwood. I quickly grab my shirt and put it on.
Selena walks in.
"Arnold, are you alright?"
"No." I sigh "I'm not."
"Is this about Helga?" She asked
"It's kind of a private matter Selena I'm sorry."
"I'm here you know if you ever want to talk.."
I look up at her. Selena is shorter around 5'2, curvy, and beautiful. But not as beautiful as the spitfire blonde who loves to challenge me in every way who just ran out of this room.
I saw Selena eye something out of the window and what happened next was truly shocking. She grabbed me and kissed me. Then I realized what she was looking at. Helga.. Who is now staring wide eyed at the door. I pushed Selena off of me.
"Helga! It's not what it looks like."
"It's fine I was just coming back to apologize but I see I'm interrupting something I'm sorry.." Her voice cracked and she sprinted out.
"I like you Arnold I always have.. At least I live in San Lorenzo! She lives in the states it would never work!"
"Are you insane?!" I dash out of the hut in hopes to find Helga before it's too late.
Helga's POV
I ran further in the jungle just trying to get away and clear my head for a while.
"I fucking knew it! I knew Selena is exactly his type. Of course he realized he could do better!"
I don't know whether to cry or punch something. I quickly punched a tree.
"OW!" I look at my fist. I shrink down onto the ground and laid my head between my knees. I cried. I cried for all the emotions I built up inside for the past thirteen years. Since I met him. I rise up and clench my fists.
I felt someone grab me I figured it was Arnold but when I turned around it wasn't I screamed loud hoping someone would hear me. He put something over my nose and mouth and everything faded to black.