The Doomed Prince

By: AliceWithKnives

Chapter 1: Freer

A/N: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! or the small paragraph below. It is from a retelling of an old Egyptian story. Also, for those who want me to continue Dangerous Love, it'll be a little while. I have not seen Pokemon for a while and I cannot remember a lot of the plot. I will reread over my story and try to continue it. If I can't, I'm also open to someone taking over the story for me. I'm sorry it's been so long.


Once upon a time there was a king and queen of Egypt and they had no children, so they prayed to the gods to send them a child, and the gods favoured them and in due course a son was born to them. To the naming of the prince came the Seven Hathors which are the Seven Fates in Egypt and they looked at the young child and they said, "He will die by the snake, or by the crocodile or by the dog", and they went away. The king and queen were very upset, and to prevent this happening, they built a high tower and shut up the young prince in this, with first his nurse and later his tutor.

Yami grumbled silently as he sat and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at the tutor vehemently. It had been seventeen years! How long did they expect him to stay cooped up for? Clearly by now, surely nothing will happen to him. Blinking his ruby red eyes, Yami gave up glowering and sighed, resorting to pouting and staring out the wide window of his room. Since he was born, he had been locked up in this tower. Countless times, he tried to convince his parents that he was not going to be killed if he ventured outside of the tower's walls, but nothing could be done. The Seven Fates foresaw his demise, and it terrified his parents. Yami was their miracle.

Bark! Bark! Luki pounced onto Yami, catching him off guard and almost pushing him out of his seat. I know what you're thinking. I thought he couldn't have a dog. However, after days of begging and crying to his parents, he finally convinced them to let him get the small companion. After all, when a prince wants something, he is bound to get it in the end. Luki was a small, black puppy with a light white spot of fur in the middle of his forehead. Just the unique spot drew Yami to him, and from then on it was inevitable that Luki would be by his side for a long time.

"What is it boy?" Yami chuckled as Luki lapped at his cheek, wagging his tail excitedly. Luki whimpered and jumped down, walking briskly in circles. This was the clear sign that he had to be walked.

"I'll do it, my prince," The tutor offered in a monotone voice; however, Yami wouldn't allow it. Luki was his responsibility and his friend. Yami would be the one to take care of him. Also, this was almost the only time he was ever allowed to leave the dull walls of the tower his parents built for him when he was younger. Standing swiftly, Yami picked up Luki and proceeded to leave the room. Once in the hall, he started down the seemingly endless flight of stairs. There were no windows in the hall, only the stairs.

Finally reaching the end, Yami heaved a heavy sigh of relief and left the tower. The grass was a vibrant green and the sky glistened blue with speckles of white clouds. Everything was quiet. There was a slight breeze, but nothing too overwhelming that everyone and their mothers would force him to stay inside. Luki began to wiggle, desperate to be placed on the ground so he could relieve himself. Laughing, Yami bent over and allowed the dog to do his business as Yami drifted off into a day dream. This was always how it was when he went outside. His imagination got the best of him. He began to imagine how his life would be if he wasn't the prince. He imagined finding a beautiful princess one day and falling in love and getting married. But most of all, Yami imagined what it would be run away. He was almost eighteen. Surely he could make it on his own. I am a man. I am strong enough to defend myself against these ridiculous fortunes. Sighing once again, Yami felt a pull on his left egyptian sandal. Peering down, he smiled sadly as Luki had started to try to nibble away at the leather of the straps. Patting him on the head, Yami picked up the black puppy and softly kissed his head, to which the dog mewled happily to.

"The Seven Fates said I was bound to die by a snake, a crocodile, or a dog. Well I have you. And I seriously doubt you're going to bring me any harm." Yami pondered the thoughts over in his head. Should he continue to allow his parents and the kingdom to keep him locked up, or should he risk his life and run away?

"Yami! That is quite enough time out there! Come in now!" The snarky tutor ordered, his voice more cynical than beforehand. Glancing over his shoulder, Yami stuck his tongue out at the tutor and quickly made up his mind.

Life's too short. Live a little! "See ya, Seto!" And with that, Yami took off, squeezing Luki in his arms so as to not drop him in his haste. He sprinted past the garden and the small pond his family had in the castle grounds. Past the horses and finally, he reached the entrance to the palace, where four guards stood facing outside the grounds. Taking a deep breath, Yami got as close as he could, and proceeded to jump over one of the guards, then used wall as leverage to push his leg against and shoot himself further past the guards. The whole time, Luki stayed in his arms, silently wide-eyed.

Where should I go? What should I do now? Yami realized, a little too late, that he was far from the nearest village. It was at least a day long adventure. However, he felt like he could make it. He felt stronger, faster. Freer.