The Reunion

Chapter 1

The Girl from His Past

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed/ Seed Destiny

The airplane landed safety on the runway of the Orb National Airport. Once it came to a stop, the passengers went out of it one by one. Along with them was a young woman of around twenty four years old. She had a long wavy blond hair. She was wearing a coat and she was holding a big trolley bag in her right hand. Her lips formed a wide smile as she removed the dark shades covering her mesmerizing amber eyes.

'It's good to be back', she thought to herself. Then she began walking out of the airport and rode a taxi.

A sleeping young man was lying on his black couch. There were several bottles of beer scattered on the floor. The curtains covered the windows and the door was locked preventing light from penetrating the house. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. The man was woken up by it but he chose to ignore it since he already had an idea who that person was. Moments later, the door went open allowing some brightness in the dark room.

"Athrun, are you there?", the girls voice said. But still, the man ignored her. The girl turned on the light making Athrun groan from the sudden change in the environment. He covered his eyes with his arm but did not say a thing. The girl sat on the couch he was lying on.

"Athrun", she called as she shook him gently.

"Meyrin, it's still too early. Just go back later", he finally spoke in an irritated manner. The girl named Meyrin looked at the surrounding and frowned.

"You've been drinking again. I told you to stop, didn't I?", she said. With that , Athrun sat up and glared at the poor girl.

"You're just my girlfriend, Meyrin. You're not my mother to tell me what to do", he hissed then stood up from the couch.

"But you aren't even listening to your parents. That's why you left their house!", she argued. She already had enough of his stubbornness. He was really different from the Athrun she knew way back in high school.

Athrun smirked then sat again on the couch facing Meyrin, who was getting frightened of her boyfriend. He gripped both of her cheeks with his right hand and moved it closer to him. Meyrin felt like he was going to eat her alive (not literally, of course) as she stared at his dull and lifeless eyes.

"Didn't I told you not to mention them in front of me?", he asked creepily as he tightened his grip on her cheeks.

"So... Sorry", he little voice said. Tears were forming at the corner of her eyes. He let go of her and spoke again.

"Leave now and don't ever come back. It's all over between us", he said then went to his room. Athrun may be rude to her before, but it was the first time that she saw his violent side. She placed her hands on her swollen cheeks and caressed it a bit. She silently left the room holding her tears.

Meanwhile, the young blonde woman stepped out of the taxi with her things. She stared at the house in front of her then let out a sigh. It had been eight years since she left. She opened the door and entered it. The furnitures were all covered with white fabrics. She proceeded to her room upstairs and changed into her working clothes. Then, she started cleaning her old room and arranged her things. After that, she began cleaning the whole house.

In just a few hours, she stared at her work and smiled. She managed to arrange the house just the way it looked before. Although she perfectly knew that the house will never be the same again. She lied down on the sofa in the receiving area and fell asleep.

Athrun was sitting on his bed holding a picture frame. His eyes softened as he stared at the picture. He placed it near his heart as a single tear came out of his emerald eyes.

Amber eyes met darkness. It was already eight in the evening as the new wall clock indicated. The blonde woman lazily sat up as she rubbed her eyes and did some stretching. She made a yawn before finally standing up. Then she heard her stomach grumbled. She went to her room and changed into a pair of jeans and a plain red shirt. She got her phone, wallet and key then went out of the house. She went to a nearby fast food chain to eat. After eating she decided to go for a walk. When she passed by the park, she heard a girl's sob. Curiosity got the best of her so she followed the direction of the sound. There sitting on one of the benches was a red haired girl of around eighteen years old. She walked near her and handed her a handkerchief.

After leaving Athrun's house, Meyrin went to her friend's house because she didn't feel like going home yet. She didn't want to face her sister when she was in that state. She knocked on the door and was greeted by a middle age woman with blond hair.

"Hi Auntie, Is Stellar there?", she asked forcing a cheerful smile on her lips.

"I'm sorry dear but Stellar is not yet here. Shinn fetched her earlier", the woman replied.

"Oh, I see. I'll take my leave now Auntie. Thank you and sorry for disturbing you", Meyrin said.

"It's alright. I'll just tell Stellar that you visited", with that Meyrin left without thinking where she would be heading to. She just walked aimlessly until she reached the park where there were quite a number of people. She spotted an empty bench and decided to sit there since her feet already hurt from walking a long distance. She stared at the kids playing around. They looked so happy unlike her who was devastated from the break up. She waited for so long for Athrun to notice her. That's why she was so happy when they became an official couple. She first saw him when she was in middle school while Athrun was already in high school. During that time, Athrun had a girlfriend, a blonde one. Even though she couldn't recall the girl's name, her face was still clear in her mind, especially when she saw a picture of her in Athrun's room.

Time passed by and the people in park left one by one until it was already dark and she was now alone. She couldn't help but cry. She was surprised when she saw a handkerchief in front of her. And there in front of her was the blonde girl.

"You!", Meyrin exclaimed in horror as if she had seen a ghost which made the blonde to raise an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?", she replied. She was really certain that she had never seen the red head before. Meyrin glared at her.

"Don't go near me!", she growled which surprised the young woman. To avoid getting into an argument with the red head, she decided to leave but she was a bit bothered. The girl seemed to know her though they haven't met before. The blonde just brush away that thought and returned home.

AN: I apologize for the errors committed in this fic.