This is my New baby... My Beautiful Disaster Fan-fiction.

Please Reviews and comments are welcome. No being mean as I said before it takes courage to write something and they least you can do is respect my work. If you don't like it thats fine you don't have to follow my work or any of my stories but show respect.

FYI I used a part from BD to tie in. So that will actually be the first and last time I do that.

All Characters and Rights Belong to Jamie McGuire!

I own nothing and in no way associated with Beautiful Disaster/Walking Disaster.


"America. What are we doing tonight?" I asked

"Nothing Abby. Me and Shep have plans tonight." America responded.

"Come on Mare. Where you guys going? I don't want to be stuck here with Kara. I regret even asking to be roommates with someone else." I reply.

I came to Eastern to escape a life I no longer wanted to be part of. A fast life of drinking and gambling was something I wanted. I needed to escape. Coming to college was my only ticket out. I broke up with Jesse; he came along with that lifestyle. My Father is Mick Abernathy he is famous for being one worlds best poker players, until he blamed me when luck supposedly ran out. I also was card shark; I gambled and competed in in poker games with top guys. It just seemed the money I earned for school seemed to disappear with my fathers "winning" streaks and my mother's alcoholic problem.

Living in Kansas I needed an escape. The only person in my corner is America. My Mother living her life in a coma or in the bottom of bottle, My father fleeing and hiding and only acknowledging me when he needed something. I wanted a clean slate. I pretty much was raised in the lights of Vegas, its something I didn't care to pursue, I was "Lucky Thirteen" since the stroke of midnight on the eve of my thirteenth birthday, it was a curse I was stuck with. My father blamed me for his streaks going dead and dry. I was dubbed Lady Luck and I wasn't so please about it, I never lost a bet or a hand but I wasn't proud of this.

America laughed "Ha! That's what you get for not requesting me. I don't know why they stuck you with Kara. She doesn't event drink soda."

"I know Mare, I'm sorry but come on. Let me hang out with you and Shep. We have been in school what almost 3 weeks and I'm not looking to play dress up with Finch."

"Fine Abby, wait a sec…"

I could hear America's muffled voice and a pleading tone. I'm sure Shep isn't too thrilled about having a third wheel on his date. Shep and America met when we getting our books for class about 3 weeks. The hit it off instantly and have been together ever since.

"Ok Abby, Shep said we'll pick you up at Morgan but please no complaining." She pleaded.

"Thank You!" I ended the call, walking over to my closet and picked out a light pink cardigan and white top. I ended up throwing on some jeans and designer tennis shoes. I looked in the mirror and combed my hair straight as I could and put on a headband and my pearls earrings on.

Getting ready I seen Kara on the bed she was reading some textbook and she is a wet blanket and too OCD for me. "Where you going Abby?" She asked as if my social activities bothered her.

"I'm not sure. Shep and America are picking me up." I replied as I dabbed on my lipstick.

"Well whatever. Take your key and try not to come in too late." She responded. She was worse than my mother well when she used to be sober.

"It's my room too, why are you acting like a frigid bitch anyways?" I asked

Just before I was going to get my answer I heard my phone ring and seen "America" light up on the screen. I grabbed my purse and keys. "Later Kara." I slammed the door and went down the stairs to the front of Morgan Hall.

I seen Shep's charger already parked and with music blaring. This night was going to be interesting but it was better than hanging out in my dorm room all night. I was just looking forward to getting out.

"Hey Chickie!" America yelled out the window.

"Hey!" I ran up to the charger. America got out and pulled her seat forward so I can get in the backseat. As soon as I slid in I saw Shep on his phone texting. America turned around to look at me.

"Ok so look were going to a fight. Shep's cousins fight and people bet, drink and all kinds of shit, that's why I kind of didn't want to invite you. It's sort of like an underground fight club and only certain people can go with invite of course." America staring at me like if I was going to mess up her and Shep's plan for the evening.

"I'm ok with it, I'm not gambling or drinking." I respond

"Ok ladies shit is getting real. I got some real big time trust fund kids coming so that means a huge payout for Travis and me." Shep said excitedly and with that he revved up his engine and turned up the music. We rode into the twilight lit road.

Shepley and Travis are both cousins, they both rent an apartment off campus but Shep was already aware of the circle. So he and Travis both promoted fights, Shep got a cut and Travis got his cut from fighting. Though I never met Travis, I already painted in my mind he was a meathead. What did he go to college for to get a PhD in Kegstands and Beerpong? I already had this image of him. Also I heard rumors around campus that Travis "Mad Dog" Maddox is a man whore.

He slept with anything that put out. I've heard some of the sophomore girls in my classes swoon over his name. He supposedly had a dick from the God's and had the muscles and the sexiest tattoos. Though I've never seen him, nor did America or Shepley cared to introduce me, I thought my odds to meeting him were slim, he wouldn't be someone I'd associate myself with.

We got to the one of the university's academic buildings and I started to see small groups of guys and girls walking quietly to back windows and service entrances. I began to look at America.

"What the hell? Are breaking an entering?" I whispered to her.

"I told you Abby we are going to the fight but since it's only kind of members only it's illegal, The Circle has to keep moving to keep the cops off." She whispered back into my ear.

"Great." I said sarcastically.

"Hey. This is why I didn't tell you. Now you are going to have that "I smell shit" face all night and I was trying to avoid it, you said you no longer wanted in on this world, that's what you left behind remember?" America sneered at me.

I looked around and seen all kinds of college kids and wondering what was so appealing to watch guys fight for cash? But America was right; I told her I wanted out of this lifestyle. I wanted to do great in my classes, graduate and get my degree. But I didn't need any of my demons calling me back to my old habits.

"Do you know if they have beer?" I asked

"Now that's my girl! There's a Keg when we get down there. Let's do this!" America swatted my shoulder and popped her gum as we walked to the back of the building.

There was a red ribbon tied to the railing of the basement stairs and Shepley untied the ribbon and put in his pocket. He knocked twice when we got to the basement door. A tall jock looking douchebag opened the door. "Yea?"

"We're with Mad Dog" Shepley told him.

"Sure, Make your ho's know not to interfere with the match"

"Lay off dickhead, the girls are with me." Shep

"Whatever bro." the douche said.

With that Shep shouldered the asshole in the wall and we walked behind Shep down the dark hallway into another room full of people. Some were sitting on crates, boxes, desks and even some laying across the pipes I guess for the full on view of the fight. I couldn't believe there was a fight club here at Eastern. I spotted the Keg across the room and I went walking towards it when America caught up with me.

"Stay close, it's going to get crowded soon." America whispered.

We each got a drink and went and found a spot by the stairs that led up to the storage floor. The room got more crowded in the matter of minutes. Someone started to play some rock song on their phone and people were already getting into the fight mode.

Everything in the room screamed that I didn't belong. The stairs were crumbling, the rowdy patrons were shoulder to shoulder, and the air was a medley of sweat, blood and mold. Voices blurred as they yelled numbers and names back and forth, and arms flailed about, exchanging money and gestures to communicate over the noise. I squeezed through the crowd, following close behind my best friend.

"Keep your cash in your wallet, Abby!" America called to me

"Stay close! It'll get worse once it starts!" Shepley yelled over the noise. America grabbed his hand and then mine as Shepley led us through the sea of people.

The sharp bleating of a bullhorn cut through the smoky air. The noise startled me, and I jumped in reaction, looking for the source of the blast. A man stood on a wooden chair, holding a wad of cash in one hand, the horn in the other. He held the plastic to his lips.

"Welcome to the blood bath! If you are looking for Economics 101…you are in the wrong fucking place, my friend! If you seek the Circle, this is Mecca! My name is Adam. I make the rules and I call the fight. Betting ends once the opponents are on the floor. No touching the fighters, no assistance, no bet switching, and no encroachment of the ring. If you break these rules, you will get the piss beat out of you and you will be thrown out on your ass without your money! That includes you, ladies! So don't use your ho's to scam the system, boys!"

Shepley shook his head. "Jesus, Adam!" he yelled to the emcee over the noise, clearly disapproving of his friend's choice of words.

"Please Abby, don't get all weird here. Just promise that whatever happens here just deal with it and don't say anything." America shouted over the commotion.

"I promise" I shouted back. But I wanted to see all the action. Maybe this wasn't too terrible. Maybe I can come back and make a bet. I walked up to the front of the makeshift ring. And there was Adam standing on the wooden chair announcing the fighters on the bullhorn.

"We have a new victim, I mean a new challenger to the roster. Give it up tonight for Easterns Varsity Star Wrestler. Mareck Young."

Everyone in the basement roared with drunken chants and me getting rocked side to side causing me to almost loose my balance, I moved and pushed out of the sea musty men and beer. I smelled the faint scent of marijuana and it instantly gave me a headache. I tried to stand in my spot since I had a ok view without being in front of all the action. The cheering simmered down and Adam cleared his voice for his next announcement.

"Ok, We know him. The guys love him, ho's hate em and girls wanna date em. Come on Mothafuckas! Before he beats the shit out of me! Give it up for Travis "Mad Dog" Maddox"

When that name was announced, this tall, well-muscled toned man came from behind the white sheet in the corner, my eardrums would of popped from all the barking and screaming going, a few blonde girls in the front wear pink sorority shirts threw some thongs on him, he kicked him aside and took his place in the ring.

Wearing a black fitted shirt and jeans and heavy motorcycle boots, he look like he smelled blood and was out for the kill. I stood in my prime spot and waited for the fight to begin, the men exchanged words. Mareck looking like he wanted to kill Travis, and Travis had the face of an amused child.

"On the sound of horn you go. You know the rules. Anything goes! READY, GO" Adam yelled and pressed a button with the sound that was equally annoying as the crowd.

"We love you Travis!" the girls screamed. I looked around for Shep and America, nowhere in sight. Getting tugged and pulled and pushed I had to keep my arms moving to assure I wouldn't be trampled under the drunken idiots.

Mareck crouched and approached Travis grabbing his arms to try to pin him to the ground, Travis kneed him in balls and gave him 4 punches to his mouth. My eyes bulge to see him beat the shit out of Mareck, poor kid didn't even have a chance. Just as a I was on my tippy toes to look over I get rushed to the front of the ring and I ended up on my knees. As I was going to get up I felt something warm and wet hit my face. I look at my sweater and see that it's blood.

I look to the front to see Mareck had gotten smashed into the cement and Adam jumped off his post and threw down the white rag.

"Mad Dog Maddox is the Winner!" Adam yelled. With Travis being announced the winner, everyone in the basement barked and cheered., I thought it was obnoxious. Just as I was unbuttoning my sweater, Travis approached me.

"Hey sorry about the sweater, but at least you don't look like blue hair lady anymore." He chuckled as he pointed to the splatter

"What the hell is your problem? Why did you call me an old lady?" I snapped

Travis putting his bloody taped hands "Whoa back up, just kidding. You looked cute in it. You were reserved but cute. Catch you later Pigeon"

"Asshole." I mumbled under my breath wishing Travis would of heard it, I heard Shep yelling at me.


"Calm down Shep. I got shoved to the front. What the deal with your cousin, he called me an old lady and a pigeon. What a fuckin jerk." I complained.

Shepley laughed "I'm sure he was poking fun at you. But seriously who comes to the fight with a cardigan" Shepley could not contain his laughter after feeling like a total loser I walked towards to hallway where we came in. I spotted America.

"Chickie! Shep is looking for you. Ewww you have blood on your sweater and face." America pointed out as she studied my face.

"Thanks Mare, I'm going home. I'll walk." I insisted. Since I couldn't stand being in the sea of sinners

"No Shep was looking for you. Let's go get something to eat" America Suggested. I shook my head.

"No. I'm tired and bloody." I walked into the darkness wiping my face off with my sweater that was ruined I bumped into a couple on my way out.

"Oh sorry, excuse me" as I was apologizing I seen it was the Man Whore Travis. His hand were up some brunettes skirt and his tongue down her throat.

"Pidge. If you want some of this you are going to have to get in line." He chuckled, the brunette in his hold clicked her tongue to scan me over and she rolled her eyes at me as if I were in her space.

"You wish asshole." I responded.

I shoved my way out of the hallway and up the stairs. As I stepped out of the door I saw no sight of anything. It looked like a normal college town. Busy during the day and sleepy at night. I peeked around to see if there was any college security. As my coast was clear I made my way down the road and to walk the 20 minutes back to Morgan.

I threw my cardigan in the trash. No need in trying to save it but I prayed that I never had to come in contact with Travis again.