"But Guy, the team needs me!" Naruto began complaining. Guy sighed.

"I know, but rules are rules. You need good grades in order to compete."

"Who's dumb idea was that!?" Naruto pouted. It just wasn't fair. It's not like he wanted those classes. He needed them to graduate.

Naruto was failing in science and math, the two subjects Naruto was the worst at. All those numbers and formulas, who in there right mind remembers that useless stuff?

"Look, you obviously need help. Why don't you go to your teachers for help after school?"

Now Naruto was the one sighing. "Because no matter how many times I go in, they just don't make since. It's not that I didn't pay attention in class, it's that I can't follow what they're saying. So when all they do is just repeat what they say in class it really doesn't help."

Guy nodded understandingly. He knew Naruto was a good kid and that what he was saying was probably true, but what could he do?

"Have you…ever consider asking one of the other students in your class to help?" Guy advised "Maybe they can explain it in a why you can understand since they're students too."

Naruto blinked a few times. He guessed that made since. It be embarrassing, but it was either that or no more competing in sports.

Naruto then walked out of the locker room, slowly. He ran his hand along the lockers. He wasn't going to be allowed to come back here until his grades improved. He stopped at his locker, then banged it as hard as he could before running out. He was so pissed! He ran through the school only to stop once he finally reached outside. It was rainy. Great, just what he bloody needed. He sat down on on of the steps leading into the school and just sat there, hoping the rain would at some point stop.

"Hn, dope." Naruto jerked his head up. "You're gonna get drenched."

"Teme…" Naruto growled. He wasn't in the mood to lesson to this…nerd bad talking him. "buzz off."

But he didn't, he just stood there for a while. Naruto then noticed something. He wasn't getting wet anymore. Looking more closely he then realized the person was holding an umbrella. 'is he-' Naruto began thinking to himself 'trying to keep me dry?' he glanced down embarrassed. The two of them stayed like that for a while in silence as the rain continued to pour.

"What's your name?" Naruto finally asked haven been sick of the god damn silence.

"Uchia Sasuke." The other replied calmly. Naruto pondered for a sec, why the hell did that name sound familiar?

"Naruto. I know."

Naruto twitched, this guy was being such an ass!

It grew silent again, and the rain kept raining. Again, Naruto couldn't stand the silence.

"What the hell are you staying so late after school for anyways?"
"Studying." Sasuke explained. "I have a quiz in Kakashi's class." Naruto blinked a couple times.

"You're taking one of Kakashi's classes?"

Naruto blinked a couple of times. Was that even a word?

"Uh, which one?"

Naruto suddenly felt the slightest hint of hope.

"M-me too! Do you like, understand any of the stuff he says?"
"Yeah?" Sasuke glanced over questionably.

"Do you think you can teach it to me!?" Naruto had asked as he hoped up and grabbed onto the hand that was holding the umbrella. "I really need the help!"

Sasuke just stood there blushing staring at the two hands wrapped around his own.


"So!?" Naruto squeezed tighter "Can't you help a fellow man out!?"

Sasuke was just flabbergasted, he didn't even know what to say.

"Come on! Please!" Naruto began to beg "If my grades keep getting any woreser then I can't continue at sports!"

They stood like that for a while until Sasuke had mumbled something.

"Huh?" Naruto commented "What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"…I said that woreser isn't a word, you dumb ass."

Naruto jerk "Is that SERIOUSLY what you got from all that! Here I am begging for help and you're giving me a lecture on my choice of words!? God damn it teme, I'm asking for help not a fucking dictionary!"

Sasuke sighed "Fine, but on two conditions."

Naruto lightened up. He was actually gonna get the help he needed!
"Money." Sasuke stated dully "my tutoring services are not going to be free."

"And secondly…let go of my hand."

Naruto had then realized what he had done and pulled them back embarrassed. He laughed a little nervously then noticed something.

"Hey, it stopped raining." It was now Sunny and off to a distance you could see a rainbow. 'perhaps' Naruto thought to himself 'this is a sign. A sign that this is going to be the start of something beautyful'
"Thank you captain obvious."
Naruto glared at Sasuke, this guy sure knew how to kill a mood.