Sorry for the severe lack of updates. Prolonged writer's block, I s'pose you could say. Anyway, here's the next chapter of Reversed! Yay! Sorry it's a little short, but… hey, it's a chapter, right? Right. So stop complaining.
Part III: Intergalactic Crusader
Zim opened his eyes lazily and stretched out on his comfy deck chair, gazing out into space through the large glass window that took up an entire wall of the bridge.
… Wait a minute. Deck chair? Bridge? Space?!
He sat up quickly and glanced around. He was on the Massive. And…
He looked down.
He was tall! REALLY tall!
He jumped up from his chair. "YES! YEEES! It's finally happened! I'm TALL!" He climbed up onto the chair, standing there triumphantly with his arms raised above his head. "I'M TAAALL!!!"
He stopped his joyous shouting as he noticed that everyone around him had stopped whatever they were doing to turn and stare at him, then slowly hopped down from his pedestal.
"My Tallest," called a small guard-Irken as he approached Zim cautiously. "Are… you feeling well?"
"Tallest?" Zim echoed quietly, looking at the guard then down at himself.
"Yes… You're Almighty Tallest Zim… Remember?"
"I… I'm Tallest?!"
The guard arched a non-existent eyebrow questioningly. "Of course…"
A large, insane grin spread over Zim's face as he realized what this meant. HE was Tallest. That meant he had control of the Irken Empire. It also meant he could get rid of -
He paused. He couldn't quite remember the name. Oh well. He was sure it would come to him eventually.
In the meantime, he thought as he sat back down, the guard going back to his post, I can bask in all the glory and power that comes with being tall.
* * *
Gaz blinked as the front door was thrown open to reveal her older brother Dib, then looked down at the hand-held game console she was holding. As she watched the Pause message flash across the small screen every few seconds, she wondered what she had been doing. Why was she holding this thing? Why wasn't she going over her "Mysterious Mysteries" tapes or designing a new alien-snare?
She was still pondering when Dib came over and sat beside her on the couch and took the electronic enigma from her hands and started playing.
Gaz shook her head. "So, uh… where were you?"
Dib shrugged, not taking his gaze from the small, glowing screen.. "Somebody's house."
"… Oh."
"But there were some weird little green things there. Irkens, I think they're called."
Gaz stared at her brother and practically choked on her words. "Irkens?! Whose house, Dib? Where?!"
Dib shrugged yet again. "That weird green house down the block. Y'know, with the gnomes."
Gaz was out the door before Dib could've said "higgly-jiggly." I mean, like he'd want to. But if he would have, Gaz would've been out the door before he said it.
* * *
"Okay, okay, we've got to CALM DOWN and think about this rationally," Red said, pacing the floor of the odd little house he and Purple were in.
"But I can't think when I'm this close to the floor!" Purple protested.
"Oh Holy Irk, would you shut up about that?!"
The two not-so-Tallests had calmed down a little bit and were trying to think their way out of this. They remembered being aboard the Massive one minute, then… this. This oddity in Zim's house. And that brought back the fact that Zim was probably in their place, outside the atmosphere of Blorch, about to bring ruin and decay to the mighty Irken Empire.
"Okay, so, we just need to find out what caused this whole thing, then.. um… figure out how to fix it. Yeah." Red nodded in self-approval, then looked over at Purple, who was sitting on the couch to put distance between himself and the floor. "Right?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah, sure," Purple agreed half-heartedly as he picked up the remote and clicked on the large television.
The TV glowed with the insanity of a Krazy Taco commercial, the speakers blaring.
"So come on down to KRAAAAAAZY Taco and buy some food! Hurry! Before I go KRAAAAAAZY! Some more!"
Red shook his head in pity. Stupid Earth monkeys. But he didn't have long to contemplate the pathetic-ness of it all before he was knocked over by something very hard and very cold tackling his head.
"AAAAAH, GET IT OFF!" he screamed, flailing about like a fish out of water.
Purple was about to consider thinking about doing something when the hard, cold thing detached itself squealed with excitement.
Red got up carefully, staring at it. It was only Gir.
The little android suddenly stood still and saluted the two Irkens, its eyes flashing red. "GIR, reporting for duty, Masters!"
"Didn't it do that already?" Red muttered.
"Masters?" Purple inquired.
"We truly must've switched places with him… Oh Irk, how could this have happened?"
Before any more could be said, there was a small crash as a black-clad figure fell through the ceiling, an area of the support pipes having broken.
The two aliens and the android stared at this figure as it got up slowly and dusted itself off.
"Er… you're dreaming?" it said.
Gir tackled it and pulled its ski mask off, revealing closed eyes and lots of purple hair.
"You're the Dib-head's sister!" Gir cried happily.
"Gimme that!" the now-revealed Gaz growled, snatching the mask back and pushing Gir off her.
Purple frowned. "Why isn't the security system activating?"
"This is Zim's house, that's why," Red answered.
Zim? Gaz thought. Why does that name sound so familiar? She shook her head.
"Uhm… I'll just be on my way now."
"Okay, bye!" Gir said, waving.
"Here, take this nice fruit," Purple added, handing Gaz a pear.
"… Right," Gaz muttered as she backed towards the door. "But this isn't the last you'll be hearing of me! The Intergalactic Crusader shall return to smite you and your alien evil!"
And with that she was out the door.
Red turned to Purple and smacked him.
"Whaaat?!" Purple exclaimed.
"'Here, take this nice fruit.' You don't give fruit to the enemy!" Red yelled, smacking his partner again.
The computer clicked into life above them. "INTRUDER ALERT, INTRUDER ALERT!"
"Oh, look," Purple observed, "it does work. It was just a bit late."
"Ugh…" Red groaned as he flopped down on the couch.
Whoo! Well, you may've noticed that Red and Purple seem to have a lot more memories than the rest of the gang. Or maybe you hadn't noticed. But you should've. Why, you may ask? Well, I denno yet. I'm just writing it. That doesn't really require me to know everything that's going on in the story, does it? Does it?! No, it doesn't.
And to answer your question, Suko, no, Anatole won't be affected because Dib designed the device to affect everyone but the person who activated it. Neat, huh? Yeah, not really.