Bringing Up Jou

Chapter 1

Rating: PG for now, PG-13 later

Author: Moonchild DJ

E-Mail: [email protected]


Disclaimer: Yugioh does not belong to me, never has, never will! ^^ I just like to borrow the characters and make up fanfiction! But this story IS mine, so please don't steal, k?

Author's Note: Hey, there, minna-san! Moonchild DJ back with ANOTHER Yugioh fic! This one was inspired by "Locked in a Chibi-Infested House" by Manda- chan(that story ROCKS, girl!!), but I went in a different direction than that fic took. It will be yaoi later, but not for a few chapters. I hope you all like, and review, review, review!! ^_^ I love hearing from all of you!

//...//= Yami's thoughts to Yugi

/.../= Yugi's thoughts to Yami


Pegasus J. Crawford pouted as he watched Yugi mutou win yet another duel on his viewscreen from the cameras planted all over Duelist Kingdom. "Blasted boy..I wish someone would beat him, that way I get to keep this lovely card." He smirked as he twirled a card gracefully between his long fingers, pushing back his silver hair from his eyes with the other hand. "Your grandfather makes such a lovely addition to my deck, little Yugi. But you're determined, aren't you? Well...we'll just see about that, won't we?"

He glanced up from the cameras, putting the card back in his jacket pocket at the entrance of his helper, Croquet. He eyed the bespectacled man tolerantly, hoping he had news he didn't already know, though that didn't seem likely.

"Yes, Croquet, what is it?"

Croquet cleared his throat, pushing a hand through his hair nervously. "Master Pegasus..the item you requested and told me to alert you as soon as it had arrived..? It's here and awaiting you."

Pegasus smiled brilliantly, the golden eye on his left flashing through his hair. "Excellent. If this doesn't stop Yugi from winning, nothing will." He stood, pushing aside his wine glass as he stepped away from the table, following Croquet out of the room. He clapped his hands gleefully as Croquet showed him the Egyptian relic that sat on a pedestal. "Was it hard to acquire?"

Croquet chuckled. "No, sir. Wave enough money under one's nose, and anything can be yours."

Pegasus smirked. "Indeed." He walked over to the golden lavishly-decorated box adorned with Egyptian symbols. "Rather like opening up Pandora's Box, don't you think? How does it work again?"

"Simply whisper your wish and flip open the lid. The magic inside it takes care of the rest."

"And it's foolproof? It'll do as intended?"

"Well...barring circumstances, yes. And the spell only lasts for so long."

Pegasus nodded. "It will last long enough to set Yugi back, that's all I want."

"Then make your wish and open the box, sir."

Pegasus did so, watching in surprise as gold-black glitter from inside the box took wing, zooming out of the room and outside. "Hmm. Now all I need to do is sit back and watch my revenge unfold." He walked back ti the cameras, tuning it to Yugi and his friends. He saw, with some surprise, that Seto Kaiba was there now, and smirked. "Well. I can't wait to see his reaction to all this."


Yugi Mutou sighed as he and his friends struggled to keep their friend, Jounouchi Katsuya, from tackling Seto Kaiba, who was, as usual, baiting Jounouchi.

"What are you doing here, Kaiba? You have no duels with me, and you have no cause to be pestering Jounouchi!"

Seto smirked, watching in amusement as they held Jounouchi back. "Oh, I have a good cause--to drive Jounouchi insane is always good for a few laughs." He snickered as he heard Jounouchi growl and struggle harder.

Yugi rolled his eyes and murmured softly to his best friend. "Don't listen to him, Jou-kun, he only wants to make you mad. Don't give him the privilage."

Jounouchi snarled, but stopped struggling. "Easier said than done, Yugi. Kaiba's just begging for someone to punch that smirk off his face."

Seto laughed as he heard the softly-worded reply. "You wish. And I believe begging is YOUR department, mutt."

Yugi yelped as he made a grab for Jounouchi as he dove at him.

"Jounouchi, chill!!" Honda Hirohito shouted, grabbing one arm as Anzu Misaki and Ryou Bakura grabbed the other.

In all the fracas, no one noticed the gold-black dust wavering through the air straight at Yugi. But the odd upside-down pyramid charm hanging 'round his neck did, for it flashed in warning, driving off the dark dust. The magic reeled, then settled for the next best thing, dashing into Jounouchi.

Yugi gasped as Jounouchi disappeared straight from their grasp suddenly. "Jou-kun??" For a horrifying second, he thought that Jounouchi had gotten free and had tackled Seto, but a glance at Seto told him no, for Seto was alone and unharmed. Even stranger, Seto was glancing down at the ground, his intense blue eyes wide with shock.

He blinked and glanced down, frowning as he saw a blond-haired little boy, no more than a toddler, tangled up in the too-large clothes of Jounouchi. "Nani..?"

At the sound of Yugi's voice, the little blond head raised, revealing huge brown eyes in a kawaii baby face. A gap-toothed grin split across his face, and he squealed in delight, clutching Yugi's leg with baby hands. "Y'gi!!"

The group gathered gasped, even Seto, at the chibi-fied version of Jounouchi sitting at their feet. Yugi paled. " gods..Jou-kun?!" Chibi-Jounouchi giggled at his name, and Yugi became paler, then fainted dead away.

The remaining group jumped as Chibi-Jou started to cry, frightened, but no one picked him up, too much in shock were they. It wasn't until Chibi-Jou started hyperventilating with his crying that Seto moved, having some experience with Mokuba, and picked him up, rubbing his back soothingly as he held him. "Hey, it's okay, shh, don't cry..."

Anzu, Ryou and Honda blinked at Seto, stupified that he would hold a kid, much less Chibi-Jou, his enemy. Seto glared at them silently, still soothing Chibi-Jou. The little blond hiccuped, his crying winding down until he quieted, resting his head against Seto's chest, tiredly closing the big brown eyes.

Anzu blinked at how easily Jounouchi curled against him, then frowned and helped Yugi up, who had just come to. "Can anyone tell me just what in the heck is going on...?!"


Pegasus blinked as he watched what happened on his cameras, stunned. " was supposed to be Yugi, not that blond kid.." He grabbed Croquet, who was standing nearby, and collared him. "I thought you said this was foolproof?!" he snarled, practically choking Croquet. He then dropped him in realization.

"Yugi's Millenium protected him from the spell!" He smacked his forehead with a groan. "Oh, wonderful! Now what do I do?!" He glared at the screen for a few moments, then started laughing. "Although...seeing Kaiba- boy taking care of his rival is fun. Let's see how that turns out.." He sat down again, grinning, as Croquet crawled away from his insane master.


Yugi blinked at the sight of his chibi-fied best friend curled up quietly in his enemy's arms and shook his head.

"He must not remember what you are to him, Kaiba. What happened?"

Seto shrugged. "He got scared when you passed out. No one else was going to take care of the kid.." He glared at the trio again. "..So I took him."

Yugi nodded his thanks, frowning. "Does anyone know what happened?" Everyone shook their heads and he sighed.

//I think I know what happened, Aibou.//

Yugi blinked, recognizing the mental voice of his other half, coming from the Millenium Puzzle and his soulroom.

/Yami? What is it? What happened?/ He sent back to him.

//A strange dark force..old, magical..was heading straight toward you. So I forced it away, and apparantly right into Jounouchi. Gomen nasai, Aibou.//

/It's all right, Yami, I don't blame you. Do you know where it came from, what it is?/

//It's an old Egyptian cursebox. You whisper your wishes to it, and the cursebox grants it. Someone wanted to take you out. As for where it came from, the best bet would be Pegasus. He wants you to lose badly.//

/Is there any way to break the curse?/

//It'll fade eventually by itself, but you can break the curse faster by getting the cursebox and undoing the wish.//

/Looks like we're going to Pegasus' castle faster than intended./ He turned to the group, smiling slightly at the sight of Chibi-Jou snuggling against Seto's neck. "Guys, I have a plan.." He told them what Yami had told him, knowing that the trio trusted Yami.

Seto frowned. "But what about him?" he asked, pointing at Jounouchi. "You aren't taking him with you, are you? It's too dangerous, the way he is now."

Yugi smirked. "Exactly. Which is why you get to take care of him. He's staying with you."

Seto blinked, jaw dropping in surprise. "....N-Nani?!"

"You heard me."

"......You're kidding, right?"


" can't..!"

"You've got any better ideas, Kaiba?"


"I thought not. He'll be safer with you. Besides.." he chuckled, not being able to resist sticking it to him for Jou-kun. "..You look so kawaii taking care of a baby!"

Seto growled. "You little..!" He yelped suddenly as Chibi-Jou awoke, pulling at his hair in glee. He glared at the tyke, which only earned him a mischievious giggle and another yank.

Yugi grinned. "Then it's settled. Kaiba takes care of Jou-kun, the rest of us head for Pegasus' castle."

Anzu, Ryou and Honda nodded in agreement, soon leaving with Yugi and leaving behind a panicked Seto with Chibi-Jou. Seto glared at Jou.

"You cause me nothing but headaches, you know that, little mutt?"

Jou grinned and grabbed his hair again, yanking hard.


~End Chapter 1~