Night of the final day, 1 hour remains

Clock town and the surrounding country were silent. People had fled, frightened of the falling moon. Nearly every street, every home, and every inn was was empty.

But one inn held two brave occupants. Joyous for one moment after being reunited.

They held one last ceremony, a wedding, because for them, nothing mattered except being together again.

They were all too aware of the doom hanging over Termina, sucking the hope and joy away and replacing it with fear.

But yet they stayed, solely to be reunited.

A last testament to the cheerfulness in the world.

For indeed, to Anju and Kafei, nothing else mattered but to find each other, thus sealing their fate.

By then it was too late to flee.

Because fate, yes, Fate is a terrible thing.

So there they sat, in the middle of an inn, coming to terms with the doom they had brought upon themselves.

The newly wedded couple embraced.

"I knew you would come. I never stopped believing in you," Anju told her lover.

"I would never abandon you. Not now, not ever,"

Anju sighed, pulling away from Kafei so she could look into his eyes. "It seems fate has been cruel with us. We have only this night to be together,"

"Anju, don't worry about dying yet, let's just focus on living long enough to greet the morning together,"

Mutually, they held hands, staring out the window and watching the moon in its descent toward Termina's imminent doom.

The ground trembled against the threatening mass hanging in the sky.

Anju gripped Kafei's hand harder. He gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"It'll be alright, everything will be ok as long as we are together," he told her.

"I know Kafei. I know,"

"I love you," he whispered in her ear.

"I love you too, Kafei,"

They leaned against each other, knowing that tomorrow, Termina would be gone.


Destroyed, never to flourish again.

But they also knew that as long as they were together, they never needed to fear.

Because they knew not even death could keep them apart.

The handholding turned into a tight embrace, both prepared for the end of all things. There was nothing to do now but linger uselessly in the small inn, watching their fate approach and hoping they lived long enough to see one last sunrise together.

And they waited.