Hey guys, hope you like this chapter.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

"No, can't you see her. Rachel, it's Annabeth the girl from the painting she's in my mind. She's my girlfriend."

Rachel looked down at her feet, "Percy…" She said slowly, "Percy, are you feeling okay?"

I grinned at her, "I'm feeling fantastic now that I know that you understand."

"Perce, what happened to me was just due to me being incredibly tired and slightly drunk."

I frowned and shook my head, "No. It was real. Annabeth and I summoned you into the dreamscape and then you came. I can tell you exactly what you said too."

"Percy, I think you need help." She whispered.

I gripped the wooden table that was behind me, "No I don't. She's real. It's all real."

"You need to talk to someone."


So that conversation brought me to the office of some therapist woman in some stupid hospital. It was a very white room with a desk and a chair for her and an armchair a few feet away from it. I looked around for the woman who was supposed to be Dr. Regina Frost, but she wasn't there.

I shrugged to myself and sat down in the ugly green armchair that I assumed was for me. I tipped my head back and ran my fingers through my hair. I realised that my hair was very long, much longer than I usually liked to have it. With all this craziness a haircut had been the last thing on my mind.

I looked around trying to entertain myself visually there was a small painting on the wall, a canvas done with oil paints to depict a beach. Looking at art had always been one of my favourite past times and as I looked closer at the painting I realised that it was a recreation of the beach at Montauk, the beach that I had based me and Annabeth's beach on.

A pang of nostalgia washed over me and my whole body seemed to ache at the thought of Annabeth. All week I had been trying to go back to the museum where she was but Rachel hadn't allowed me. I had tried everything, sneaking out in the night and distracting her. Of course, nothing had worked. That girl had ambition.

I groaned quietly as I continued to think of my Annabeth, I wish she was real. I wish she was real. I wish she was real. I wish she was real. I wish she was real. I wish she was real. I wish she was real. I wish she was real. I wish she was real.

Then it hit me. She had been real. Sort of… I had had a chance with a girl that had been identical to her but I had blown it. And now that girl was far away now.

I looked up when I heard the office door open and a woman came in. She was very tall and her heels made her at least five inches taller (AN: is this a lot? Sorry I don't know inches.) She had dark brown hair that was sleekly pulled back into a tight bun and she was wearing tight black jeans and a navy blue blazer. I noticed that she was quite attractive too. She was slim with high cheekbones, but after witnessing the beauty that was my Annabeth all I could see were her flaws.

She looked me up and down with her golden eyes and frowned, "I see you have already made yourself at home, Mr Jackson?"

I rubbed my neck sheepishly, "Mmmhmm. Sorry."

She took a seat across from me and pulled out a notebook and a pen and began to furiously write. I don't know what she could have gotten from "Mmmhmm. Sorry." But it seemed to be gold. When she was finished writing she smiled curtly at me, "So Percy… Please tell me about why you are here."

I shrugged, "My best friend made me come."

She rolled her eyes, "Percy, why did your roommate make you come and see me?"

I didn't hesitate or stutter, I just gave this lady the facts, "She thinks I'm crazy."

Dr. Regina Frost wrote down something then looked back up at me intently, "Why may I ask?"

I fiddled with the hem of my shirt, "It's because of my girlfriend."

"Your girlfriend?"

"Yes Annabeth." I nodded, "Rachel thinks that I shouldn't be dating someone that isn't real."

Doctor Frost bit her lip, "I see. So… Annabeth, is she your imaginary friend?"

I shook my head, "No she's my dream patron."

"Mr Jackson, you are going to have to include more information than that."

"She lives in my dreams. So I can only see her when I am asleep. She's real though, in a way."

I waited as the doctor scribbled several things down onto the busy page and when she was done she looked up at me, "Percy, I am going to recommend that you follow up with a specialist at Delany's."

I frowned, "What's Delany's?"

"I will email your roommate the details; in the meantime I want you to avoid contact with other people until we have assessed your disorder."

"Disorder?" I clenched my fists, "I don't have a disorder. Even though Annabeth isn't on Earth and you can't see her she's still real in my mind. I'm not crazy; all of you are just too narrow-minded to see that I am in love!"

"Percy, please remain calm." The doctor deadpanned.

"Calm? How am I supposed to stay calm? Everyone thinks I'm crazy!" I stood up from my seat, "If I'm so crazy then I guess I will just knock this jug of water off the table." I swiped my hand against the cool glass of the jug and it went flying off the table, shards of glass and water going everywhere. "And if I'm so crazy then I guess I like destroying other things too." I ran over to her desk and pushed everything off the desk.

Regina stood up, "Mr Jackson, please. No one thinks your crazy."

I spun around and pointed my finger at her, "Oh but you do. I can see it in your eyes."


My little temper tantrum had only ensure that I needed therapy and Rachel had booked three sessions a week for me to go and talk to a professional about my feelings and my 'visions' as she liked to call them.

All I really needed right now was to talk to Annabeth and so I was standing in front of her painting in the middle of the night. I closed my eyes and soon I was taken into the familiar clutches of sleep.

I found myself on the warm sand and I loved the feeling of the sun on my cheeks and the grains of sand between my toes. I had forgotten how much I missed this place and how much of a sanctuary it had been for me.

I looked around and saw Annabeth standing with her back faced to my, her long hair flowing in the wind. Gods, I needed to talk to her, she would know how to make me feel better.

I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her from behind. She spun around in my arms and a smile spread across her face when she saw it was me. "Percy!"

I smiled and let her go, "It's me." I looked down, "Can we talk? I really need to talk to you right now."

She sighed, "Do we have to? I really just want you to hold me right now."

I bit my lip, "Oh… Uh… Okay, yeah I guess."


I was sitting in the passenger seat of Rachel's Porsche 911 Turbo as we pulled up in front of Delany's. Which I had discovered was a hospital for crazy people and that was where my therapist worked. I looked out the window with a sigh, it looked more like a prison than a hospital and I sure was glad that I didn't have to stay there.

I looked back at Rachel pleadingly, "Rachel, do I have to do this?"

She sighed, "Percy, I'm sorry, but I think it's what's best for you."

I didn't reply I simply opened the car door and climbed out. I slammed the door shut and waited for Rachel to drive off. She didn't.

The window rolled down, "Percy, I'm not leaving until I see you inside that foyer and speaking to that secretary. Do I need to walk you in?"

I shook my head furiously. I felt suffocated, like she was treating me like a child and I hated it. I dragged my feet through the gate and inside the foyer where a woman directed me up a hall to a small room where I assumed my therapist was.

The therapists name was Chiron Brunner and he seemed nice enough. The session wasn't what I expected. We had barely spoken of Annabeth in fact I only mentioned her once and that was only in the context that she like both Chiron and I was into Greek mythology.

I walked out of the room feeling confused but surprisingly happy. As I walked down the hall I suddenly realised that I had forgotten how to get back to the front of the large building and soon found myself in what seemed to be an almost residential hallway. It reminded me of the hallway that had been outside my dorm in college before I dropped out to focus only on my art.

All of the doors were closed and I noticed that each door had a sign with a patient number and name on it. I amused myself by reading all of the names, Katie Gardner, Thalia Grace, Travis Stoll and Charles Beckendorf. None of the names stood out for me and I kept walking until I saw one door that was wide open.

I frowned and walked towards it when I looked in through the door I saw a girl kneeling down, holding a bloody butter knife in her small pale hands. When the girl looked up I almost let out a dry laugh. I shook my head, "We have to stop meeting like this."

Annabeth's eyes widened, "Y-you? What? How?"

I walked towards her and knelt down beside her and gently took the butter knife from her fist and placed it as far away as possible so she couldn't reach for it while in her current position. I stood back up and shut the door to her room, then sat back down beside her.

She pushed a curl behind her ear, her bloody fingers painting her hair red and looked up at me with begging eyes, "I don't know why you're here, but promise me you will not tell anyone what you just saw."

I shook my head and looked down at my lap, "Annabeth…"

"Don't call me that."

I stared intently at her face, "You're so young. You can't do this to yourself. It's not right."

She was fighting tears, "I'm an adult, I can take care of myself. Just… Please don't tell anyone."

"I'm not sure I can make a promised like that."

She began to cry. It was awful; the sobs were so violent that her fragile body intensely shook with each one. It was painful to see her like this. "Please don't tell," She pleaded, "Please, I will do anything!"

I considered this for a moment then I had a revelation, "Let me paint you."

She frowned, "What?"

"Let me paint you." I repeated.

She looked away in disgust, "Why would you want to paint me?"

I shrugged, "You remind me of someone."

She considered this for a moment then sighed, "Fine. But you better not tell anyone."

A smile spread across my face, "I won't. Now let's get you cleaned up."

I hope you guys enjoyed that. I know it's not the longest so sorry but I've just started my first job so I'm pretty busy. Also I am actually considering writing another story, I know it depends on the plot but I am interested to see who would want me to start another one of my strange stories?

Anyway, please review because that is one of the main reasons I write to get feedback from you guys. If you want the story to continue then review, if not then I guess review anyway?


Love Emily xx