Hey everyone! I'm back now. Thank you all for so much support and kindness I really appreciate every single one of you!

Hey everyone! Well, this here is an episode I just plain don't like. This is incredibly rare for me! I usually really like Code Lyoko episodes, but this one just annoys me. It's just incredibly forgettable and nothing really happens that advances the plot, so it's sort of just filler.

Anyways, if you will recall, the only other episode I disliked was episode 21: Zero Gravity Zone for reasons I think I explained rather angrily. Well, this one at least doesn't suffer from the mutilation of one of its characters, the utter lack of regard for logic and reason and a horrible excuse for a plot. No, this one is just plain boring. That's really it's only major flaw and in a almost 100 episode show, who really cares?

So anyways, remember to review and let me know what you're thinking!

Episode 33: Final Mix

Aelita stands in front of the music board happily. She whistles a small tune to herself as she screws in the last piece. "There," she says cheerily. "It's all finished."

William steps up to the headphones and takes them gratefully. "Mind if I test it out right now?" he asks before putting on the headphones. Aelita nods at him to go ahead and he turns on the turn table. A broad grin forms on his face as he fiddles with switches and sliders. "Oh, way to go Aelita!" he says happily. "You fixed it! Here," he says, suddenly giving the headphones to Aelita. "You try it."

"Me?" Aelita asks, taking a small, reflexive step back. "Are you sure?" William simply hands her the headphones and she puts them on. She begins to play and a lovely sound begins to emanate from the speakers set up around the gym. As she is beginning to get into the sounds of the music she is suddenly cut off.

The three kids gathered around the table look up as one to see Jim scowling at them. "Hey!" he shouts angrily, pointing at his empty wrist. "Why are you wasting time? Don't you know what time it is?"

Aelita looks at him smugly. "No." she says simply. "And it looks like you don't either." She says smarmily, staring pointedly at his empty wrist.


William walks with Aelita and Odd out of the gymnasium. They had been fixing a sound board that William had dropped when Aelita had come to help out. She had managed to quickly repair the board and William had let her try to mix a song in thanks for her hard work. To everyone's surprise, she was quite good and Just as she had begun to become comfortable with the music and her abilities, Jim had come in. Berating them for wasting time, he had sent them out of the gym.

"So Aelita," William asks. "You ever done that sort of thing before?"

"No, never." Aelita answers honestly. "Why?"

"Well you were really good!" William proclaims happily. "How'd you learn how to do that?"

Aelita's eyes widen a fraction and she opens her mouth to tell William that she had just done what felt right when Odd steps behind her and grabs her shoulders. "It runs in the family," he lies smoothly. "We're all artists! We're creative!"

Aelita smiles nervously at this and nods. William seems not to buy Odd's story entirely but shakes his head and drops the subject.

"Well okay," he says tapping the record cover with his index finger. "I'm going to get a list of LP's together and you can be our DJ for tomorrow night!"

"That's great William!" Aelita says. "Really, that's great, but why would you do that?"

"What do you mean?" William asks, sounding confused. "You heard what you did up there! You did great!"

"But haven't you even considered that it was just a fluke?" Aelita asks. "I mean, it was a one time thing, and you only heard me play for about three seconds before Jim shut me down. For all you know I'm awful and I don't know what I'm doing! Why would you hand the entire DJ spot to a girl that has onoly played for about two seconds?"

"You're right!" William says, sounding shocked at his own suggestion. "I don't know what I was thinking, trusting our entire night to you!"


See another way to do that scene?

William walks with Aelita and Odd out of the gymnasium. They had been fixing a sound board that William had dropped when Aelita had come to help out. She had managed to quickly repair the board and William had let her try to mix a song in thanks for her hard work. To everyone's surprise, she was quite good and Just as she had begun to become comfortable with the music and her abilities, Jim had come in. Berating them for wasting time, he had sent them out of the gym.

"So Aelita," William asks. "You ever done that sort of thing before?"

"No, never." Aelita answers honestly. "Why?"

"Well you were really good!" William proclaims happily. "How'd you learn how to do that?"

Aelita's eyes widen a fraction and she opens her mouth to tell William that she had just done what felt right when Odd steps behind her and grabs her shoulders. "It runs in the family," he lies smoothly. "We're all artists! We're creative!"

Aelita smiles nervously at this and nods. William seems not to buy Odd's story entirely but shakes his head and drops the subject.

"Well okay," he says tapping the record cover with his index finger. "I'm going to get a list of LP's together and you can be our DJ for tomorrow night!"

"That's great William!" Aelita says. "Really, that's great, but why would you do that?"

"What do you mean?" William asks, sounding confused. "You heard what you did up there! You did great!"

"Well yeah," Aelita says. "I mean, I'm awesome at pretty much everything I do. It's who I am. But here's the thing William." Aelita raises her hand and begins to tick off points with her fingers, thrusting her hand up so William can clearly see what she is doing. "One, I have had no professional training, everyone else has, so I can't be as good. Natural talent can only take you so far if you don't have anything to build from. Also, have you seen me?"

"What are you talking about?" William asks, clearly confused at her attitude. "Of course I've seen you! You're right here, aren't you!"

"Yeah, that's the problem," she says. "I mean, I'm incredibly shy! I never speak up in classes, I only hang around the same four people and have never talked to anyone else outside of a confrontation. What makes you think that I would just be able to get up in front of dozens, if not a hundred or so, people and play them music, which I'm not sure how to do, let alone do it well. What are you thinking?"

William blushes deeply, a dark red stain covering his cheeks and he buries his head a little into his collar. "I- I'm not sure at all actually." He says sheepishly as Aelita glares at him.


See another way to do this scene?

William walks with Aelita and Odd out of the gymnasium. They had been fixing a sound board that William had dropped when Aelita had come to help out. She had managed to quickly repair the board and William had let her try to mix a song in thanks for her hard work. To everyone's surprise, she was quite good and Just as she had begun to become comfortable with the music and her abilities, Jim had come in. Berating them for wasting time, he had sent them out of the gym.

"So Aelita," William asks. "You ever done that sort of thing before?"

"No, never." Aelita answers honestly. "Why?"

"Well you were really good!" William proclaims happily. "How'd you learn how to do that?"

Aelita's eyes widen a fraction and she opens her mouth to tell William that she had just done what felt right when Odd steps behind her and grabs her shoulders. "It runs in the family," he lies smoothly. "We're all artists! We're creative!"

Aelita smiles nervously at this and nods. William seems not to buy Odd's story entirely but shakes his head and drops the subject.

"Well okay," he says tapping the record cover with his index finger. "I'm going to get a list of LP's together and you can be our DJ for tomorrow night!"

"That's great William!" Aelita says. "Really, that's great, but why would you do that?"

"What do you mean?" William asks, sounding confused. "You heard what you did up there! You did great!"

"Well, yeah, sure." Aelita says puffing up her shoulders in pride. "That's just how I do things. Awesomely. But William, as much as I would love to do this DJing thing," here Aelita waved her left hand vaguely in the air. "You already have people signed up. You can't just go and change people's line up for an upstart like me. These people are most likely being paid to come here, so they cleared their schedules just to come here. So I really don't think that it's in any way, shape or form to just tell them to piss off after setting everything up. Even if I'm better than them, it just isn't right to leave someone hanging like that. Where's your sense of morality William?"

"Gone I suppose." William says. "Sucked out by a giant jellyfish."

"What the hell?" Odd and Aelita ask him at the same time in the same disgusted tone.

William shrugs but a blush covers most of his face in an angry red color. "Just something my family always says," he replies softly.

I have to say, I was sort of worried about this episode. Usually I have a joke few jokes lines up before the episode even begins. I usually know the subject matter and everything that happens in it. However, because this episode is just so forgettable, I didn't even remember what was in this episode.

So when I got to the three minute mark and had nothing to write, I got sort of nervous, but then came along William and the connection was instantaneous. William and logic tend to mix about as well as a nuke in an active volcano, so he's always fun.


Odd walks with Ulrich towards the science building. Odd looks incredibly confident and has a relaxed smile on his face with Ulrich looks visibly agitated as they walk towards the testing center. "So you didn't study at all?" Ulrich asks incredulously looking at Odd in shock.

"Nope!" Odd replies cheerfully. "Like I told Jeremie, it's in the bag!" Ulrich rolls his eyes as they push open the doors and enter the building. They almost run directly into someone and Odd looks up in confusion. "What's the holdup?" he asks.

"Inspection by G.I Jim." Sissi replies looking annoyed. She slings her bag over her shoulder and rolls her eyes, pointing up to the top of the stairs wher Jim is gleefully throwing bags aside and holding up a single pen frot eh students to take inside.

"One pen!" he says smiling heavily. "That's all you can take in with you for the test."

"Haha!" Ulrich says, smirking at Odd. "So much for your plan Odd."

"What?" Odd scoffs. "This? You think this can stop Odd the Magnificent?"

"The Magnificent?" Ulrich chokes out.

Odd ignores his friend's laughter and continues. "You don't think I'm an idiot do you?" he asks. "No, I have a cheat sheet, on paper in my bag. All I need to do is put it into my shoe when I walk up there. Jim won't be able to notice. If he wants us to take off our shoes, I can just stuff it into my sock or inside my pants. Let's face it Ulrich," he says, leaning against a post confidently. "Jim wants to play Super Spy? I can do it better. And I'll prove it too!"

Seriously. It's not that hard to cheat. Now, I don't condone cheating and I honestly have never cheated before but I know how to and it's incredibly simple. The number one reason that it's so easy is that teachers just don't care. They would rather sit on their computers and look at sports or porn or whatever, then pay attention to anyone else in the room. So people have been getting away with cheating for years and they will continue to do so because it's just so easy.

Disclaimer: Don't cheat. I'm not advocating it. Just so I don't get in trouble here.


Jeremie walks by Sissi's room to see Mr. Delmas yelling at his daughter. "But Daddy!" Sissi begs. "It's the happening of the century!"

"Well that's too bad!" Mr. Delmas yells. "You should have thought of that before and studied for the exam!" He unfolds a crude drawing of a woman that has been scribbled all over Sissi's exams. Jeremie stifles a laugh and continues down the hall into his own room.

He taps on some keys and out of pure habit, brings up the Super Scan. The scan shows an activated tower and as he begins o call the others Jim's hand grabs his own, crushing the cell phone underneath his grasp. Jeremie instantly begins to scream as loudly as he can. Jim manages to stifle him but he bites Jim's hand and continues to make as much noise as possible until Xana shocks him into submission.

As Jeremie lays unconscious, Mr. Delmas and Sissi run upstairs to see Jim standing over an unconscious Jeremie. Sissi runs out of the room to call the police as Mr. Delmas tries to help deal with Jim. Damn, Xana thinks to himself as he is shot several times in the stomach by police officers. I really should have realized that those two would hear me. I mean, I passed right by their rooms and everything! I knew they would hear me assaulting the boy! Why would I do that?


See another way to do this scene?

Jeremie walks by Sissi's room to see Mr. Delmas yelling at his daughter. "But Daddy!" Sissi begs. "It's the happening of the century!"

"Well that's too bad!" Mr. Delmas yells. "You should have thought of that before and studied for the exam!" He unfolds a crude drawing of a woman that has been scribbled all over Sissi's exams. Jeremie stifles a laugh and continues down the hall into his own room.

He taps on some keys and out of pure habit, brings up the Super Scan. The scan shows an activated tower and as he begins o call the others Jim's hand grabs his own, crushing the cell phone underneath his grasp. Jeremie instantly begins to scream as loudly as he can. Jim manages to stifle him but he bites Jim's hand and continues to make as much noise as possible until Xana shocks him into submission.

Xana stands over his body and smirks down at it. Oh well, he says to himself. I suppose it's time to end this once and for all. Xana looks down at Jeremie and coats his hands in electricity. He bends down and lays his hands on Jeremie's lifeless body. After a few moments, Jeremie's smoking body falls to the floor and Xana walks out of the room.

Well, he thinks. This was unpleasant. But incredibly necessary.

As much as I don't like killing characters, this is needed. I mean, Xana has Jeremie at his complete mercy. He knows at this point that Jeremie has the potential to become another Hopper. That is the last thing that he needs at this point. If he kills Jeremie now and then takes Aelita, he can win with this one attack.

The fact that he doesn't relieves and disgusts me. It relieves me because I hate to see anyone die. It disgusts me because it is completely illogical to leave your worst enemy alive when you have the power to kill him and has no emotions to tie you down and have no law coming down on your head.

So anyways, the reason they didn't do that? Dramatic tension of course. Well, that, and the fact that it's a kids show and they can't do that without getting in major trouble.


Jeremie and his friends run down the hallway towards the gym. They exit the dorms just as Xana exits the double doors holding Aelita much like how one would hold a dead squirrel. Jeremie and the others run towards the end of the hallway, which is around 200 meters long. As they run past Jeremie looks off to the side for a moment. "Hey guys!" he screams coming to a halt.

"What is it Jeremie?" Odd asks curiously. "Was it Xana?"

"Yeah!" Jeremie says excitedly. "I just saw him carry Aelita down the stairs. We just ran past him I think." A

"Seeing how we are looking for him at this moment, we should easily spot him!" Yumi says, placing a hand on her hip. "I mean, he's pretty easy to spot. I saw him just a second ago."

"What?" Jeremie asks in astonishment. "You guys saw him too?"

"What are you talking about?" Ulrich scoffs. "Of course we saw him! In case you haven't noticed Jeremie, the hallway goes in one direction. Straight. If Xana were to take Aelita, he would have to come out of the double doors right at the end of the hallway, which over the years I have gone to this school, I know that it's a relatively short distance to travel from here to the doors, he would have had no other option!"

"Add in the fact that it's a completely unobstructed view from here to the door," Odd adds. "And we would have to be complete idiots not to notice Xana walking down off to the side!"

"That's true." Jeremie says thoughtfully, rubbing his chin slowly. After a short pause he shakes his hands slightly and takes off towards the factory, his friends following slightly behind.


See another way to do that scene?

Jeremie and his friends run down the hallway towards the gym. They exit the dorms just as Xana exits the double doors holding Aelita much like how one would hold a dead squirrel. Jeremie and the others run towards the end of the hallway, which is around 200 meters long. As they run past Jeremie looks off to the side for a moment, seeing nothing. Xana sighs in relief as Jeremie's eyes glaze right over him as though he is invisible. Idiots, Xana thinks to himself as he begins to run towards the factory.

"Do you really think that Jim can virtualize Aelita?" Ulrich asks.

"With Xana controlling him?" Jeremie asks rhetorically. "He can do whatever he wants!"

"Aelita will have no defense against the Scyphozoa!" Yumi says in a panic. "She'll die!"

"Hold on guys!" Odd wheezes coming to a halt.

"What! What is it Odd?" Jeremie asks in annoyance.

"How- How long… is this hallway?" Odd asks in-between breaths.

"What are you talking about?" Ulrich asks. "The same as always. What kind of question is that?"

"It just feels like we have been running down this hallway for much longer than we should have." Odd pants. "I know that's impossible, but it seems that until we finish our conversation, the hallway will just keep extending itself for dramatic tension, which is impossible."

"You know what Odd?" Jeremie says slowly. "I think everyone is right."

"Everyone's right about what?" Odd asks.

"You really are a dumbass." Jeremie says shortly. "Now keep moving, we need to get to the gym!"

Watch that scene! I noticed this at about 11:42 on the timer. We know how long that hallway is. We've seen that exact hallway several times throughout the series. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, the dorms are positioned so that they are attached the main gym building. The door exiting the dorms is about 200 meters away from the gym double doors. This is commonly referred to as 'the arches' by the Lyoko gang throughout the series.

They begin to run by and Jim clearly is leaving the doors about the same time that they are. They should see him. By all rights, they should be able to go after him! I can excuse that though with a small glare of disappointment. This, however, is a much more glaring inaccuracy. They run for at least twenty seconds in the same hallway. Keep in mind that they start being seen when they are about halfway down the hallway.

This is impossible. It annoys me.


Jeremie, Yumi, Ulrich and Odd all run towards the factory. They reach the factory entrance and jump down the ropes hanging over a high ledge. They gather around the elevator and are about to advance towards it when they hear a strange creaking noise. Yumi looks around curiously before she spots the cables of the elevator moving. "Get ready guys!" she calls out, sliding into a fighting stance.

The elevator door slides up to reveal Jim standing there. He has a confidant smirk on his face as he stares blankly at the group before a large eye of Xana appears in each of his eyes, transforming his face into a mask of rage.

He begins to walk towards the group, power radiating off of his body and Yumi feels herself try to take a step back from his sheer presence, which she refuses to do out of pride. Jim reaches the middle of the floor and grins, splitting his body into two. "He brought a friend!" Odd calls out in fear.

Yumi huffs angrily, her breath lifting her bangs up momentarily. "Are you kidding me?" she says loudly. "Xana!" she cries, causing both Jims to turn towards her. "What the actual hell is this!"

"What are you talking about Ishiyama?" Xana asks curiously, tilting both of his heads towards her .

"What am I talking about?" she asks in disbelief. "What am I talking about? I'm talking about all of-" here she waves her hands at both Jims, annoyance clear on er face. "This! This logically defiant, impossible mess of a plan!"

"It's not impossible!" Xana says defensively. "I just did it!"

"Hence the problem." Yumi growls out angrily. "You split yourself in half."

"I fail to see the problem." Xana says blankly.

"Of course you don't let me see how to explain this." Yumi buries her head in her hands for a moment before brightening. "Okay," she says clearly. "You are inhabiting Jim. A real, physical human being. Now, here's the thing. Real, physical humans are not computer code. You can't just copy and paste our 'code' if you will, and make another copy."

"Yes you can." Xana says arrogantly.

"No. You can't." Yumi says firmly. "Alright. You would need to copy every single one of Jim's cells, down to the last minor detail and then separate it from yourself. Every muscle cell, every atom, every single little proton, neutron and electron, you need to copy. And you're telling me you can do that?"


"Bullshit!" Yumi cries angrily. "That's impossible! I don't care if you come from the Super computer. You cannot just copy a human being's every atom instantaneously! You just can't. Even if the entire concept wasn't absurd, the sheer amount of processing power that would require is simply impossible to have, even with the Super computer! And besides!" she continues. "Even if you could do that, how would you manage to take all that extra mass and reassemble it in an instant. Then, how would you take that extra Jim and make it float across the floor to your side? That's also impossible!

"And furthermore," Yumi continues. "If we manage to deactivate the tower, what then? I mean, you have copied every atom of Jim. When we deactivate the tower, that extra mass just doesn't vanish. It stays here. If he were a computer program I could understand, but he's not. You just, for all intents and purposes, cloned him. The clone will not just vanish. Even if we do a Return, what then? How can two Jims exist at the same place and time? That just f***s everything up with the space time continuum!

"So, Xana," Yumi says, taking a enormous breath. "You just broke the entire universe. Congrats."

"Shut up Yumi." Xana says irritably, fusing the two Jims back into one.

"I will admit though." Yumi says, laying a comforting hand on Xana's shoulder. "That was pretty awesome."

"Thanks Yumi," Xana says sadly.

Seriously. I have more points. I could go on about this. Really I could, but I figured it had already gone on too long and there was no need. Now, if I'm wrong! Which is possible! Let me know. And don't just tell me I'm wrong. Let me know exactly how I'm wrong. Also, if you want me to explain more on why this power cannot work, let me know and I'll take care of it.


Odd walks up to Jim, a cocky smile on his face. "Hey, Jim!" he calls as Ulrich walks up behind Jim. "You didn't think a little tap like that would knock me out did you?" Odd asks swaggering closer to Jim. Xana growls angrily and begins to walk towards Odd his fist crackling with bright blue electricity.

"Hey!" Odd calls suddenly. "I just realized something! Why is it that right now your lightning is blue, but just the other day, when you possessed Jeremie, it was purple?" Xana shrugs before looking down at his hands to check to see if what Odd is saying is true. At that moment, Ulrich leaps out from behind Jim and whacks him in the neck with a metal pole, sending Jim crashing to the ground.


See another way to do that scene?

Odd walks up to Jim, a cocky smile on his face. "Hey, Jim!" he calls as Ulrich walks up behind Jim. "You didn't think a little tap like that would knock me out did you?" Odd asks swaggering closer to Jim. Xana growls angrily and begins to walk towards Odd his fist crackling with bright blue electricity.

At that moment, Ulrich leaps out from behind Jim and thumps him on the side of the neck. Jim crumples to the floor, his body pixalating as Xana attempts to heal himself. "Come on Ulrich!" Odd yells, leaping into the elevator.

"No Odd," Ulrich says, hefting the pole over his shoulder. "I'm staying here."

"What?" Odd asks in shock. "We need you on Lyoko!"

"I can keep him down. Odd." Ulrich says seriously. "I just need you to go to Lyoko and handle things there."

"Alright," Odd says hesitantly. "I trust you. Good luck out here good buddy!" Ulrich gives Odd a small nod as the doors tot eh elevator side shut and the box begins to descend into the factory depths.

"Now for you." Ulrich says as Jim's body reforms into a solid mass once again. As Jim begins to rise, Ulrich hits him on the back of the head again. This sends Jim crashing back down into the floor and his body begins to fade once again as Xana tries to repair the damage. As the body reforms once more, a little slower this time than the time before, Ulrich gives Jim another hit with the pole. This continues for a good half hour until finally, Jim's body convulses and a long stream of black smoke uncoils from his mouth. The smoke circles around Ulrich and he can hear an angry scream coming from the smoke before it vanishes altogether. Before Ulrich can react to this development, a large bubble of white begins to spread towards him and he can hear everything reverse around him and he grins at his success as he too is enveloped in the light, vanishing from the factory floor.


"Jeremie!" Ulrich calls out. "What level is Aelita's memory at?" He stands in the middle of the desert crater watching the Scyphozoa drain away Aelita's life. The Hornets hover around him, slowly drawing closer to him, their horrible buzzing filling Ulrich's senses.

"What?" Yumi screams from Earth as she tackles Jim to the ground. "What kind of stupid ass question is that! What's her memory at? Why does that matter? You can only save her when it's at critical levels or something? She's in danger; you have to help her now! It makes no sense why you aren't helping her right now!

Let's look at that. He will only save her if her memory is below a certain level. That's just annoyingly sad. Looks like Jeremie isn't the only disciple in the Dramatic Tension sect of story telling.