Authors Note: WOOPWOOP! Clint has been saved...yeah!

This is the last chapter I'm afraid...I really hope you all enjoyed this story and I'm currently working on my next. ;)

Hope you like!

Two days Later

Natasha sat at her partners side, book in hand and kept flicking her eyes up to watch his face. He'd woken a couple of times but was still pretty out of it because of the amount of pain medication. She knew he hated the way it made him feel but right now the doctor's only concern was keeping the pain to a minimum.

She noticed movement beneath his eyelids and knew he was dreaming, leaning forward she squeezed his hand, just to let him know she was here. Phil had been in and out of the room the last two days, where Clint could sit at his bed side for days and not move, Phil was the opposite, he couldn't sit still, always had to be doing something to keep himself busy.

Until his charge was awake that is. Then you couldn't get rid of him.

Natasha sighed and closed her book, placing it on the side table and almost jumped when she looked up to see blue eyes watching her.

"Hey." She was immediately at his side, taking his hand in hers and squeezing gently.

"Hey…." He whispered, his throat still hurt from being strangled.

Natasha popped an ice chip into his mouth and smiled when he groaned in pleasure.

"I thought it was just me that did that when given ice chips." Clint gave his handler a tired smile and watched as he made his way to the other chair.

"You had us worried." Natasha admitted.

Clint nodded and gave her hand still holding his a slight squeeze. "I'm…..sorry."

Then his partner surprised him and herself when she leaned in and kissed him. "Just don't do it again." She ordered.

Phil had chosen to look away, giving them a hint of privacy. Clint turned to him and offered an apology, but the older agent just shook his head. "You don't have to apologise Clint. This wasn't your fault."

"Seems like…..that's all I….hear these...days." Clint lifted his right hand to his aching throat, it felt badly bruised.

Phil smiled. "That's because it's true." Clint nodded but still didn't look convinced.

"You have some visitors if you're feeling up to it." Clint frowned and looked towards the door. He was surprised to see Tony, Steve and Bruce all waiting patiently outside. He managed a small smile and motioned for them to come in.

"I have the strangest feeling that this happens quite a lot with you." Tony joked at the archer but Clint saw the genuine concern in the man's eyes.

Steve and Bruce stood at the foot of the bed, Bruce in full doctor mode, his eyes taking in the various wounds now covered by thick white bandages.

Steve gave him a soft pat on the leg and smiled at the young agent. "It's good to see you awake Barton."

Clint smirked at him. "What no 'sir'?"

Steve looked confused for a moment before remembering the first words he'd said to Phil when he had woken up. Had that really only been less than four days ago?

"Actually I think it would be you that addresses me as 'sir'." Steve smiled.

Phil scoffed. "You'll be lucky Captain, I don't even get a 'sir'."

Clint glared at his handler and then frowned as he thought about it. "I do sometimes." He mumbled.

The others laughed and made themselves comfortable, they stayed for another hour before Phil noticed his agent was struggling to keep his eyes open, he stood and motioned for them to do the same, then pointed towards the sleeping man. Making their way out of the room the team sighed in relief. Their teammate was safe at last, and if anyone else tried to so much as glance at the archer the wrong way, they'd have the Avengers to deal with.

Tony and Bruce made their way to their temporary quarters while Steve headed back to the gym. Phil gave Natasha a nod and headed to speak with the director about all of them moving to Stark's tower, Tony had mentioned it while talking to Clint and Phil had been shocked that the archer had agreed so quickly. He was pretty sure it had something to do with another SHIELD agent betraying him, setting him up and almost taking him away from his family. He'd be pretty pissed too, hell he was pissed. Clint was his family after all.

Natasha stayed in the room with Clint, sitting back down on the chair she had been in previously, she picked up her book and continued reading. Her eyes still flickered to his face every now and then, just to make sure he wasn't in any pain. She felt like she could finally breath now, he was safe, his torturer was dead and Agent Sanders was locked up and would be for a long time.

At first she had been infuriated with Fury, thinking the man was getting the easy option, but the director had informed her she was being given authorisation for the occasional visit. She had smartly kept her mouth shut after that and given Fury a smile that had given him a shiver down his spine.

No one messed with her Hawk and lived to tell the tale.

The Black Widow enjoyed educating anyone who thought otherwise.

Clint adjusted the shoulder strap keeping his injured shoulder immobile and pulled his hoodie tighter around him. It was cold outside tonight and the sounds from the city drifted up to him, reminding him that the world kept turning.

He and Natasha had now officially moved into the Avengers Tower, Tony had told him when he was fit enough to leave SHIELD, he was more than welcome to move in. Clint had checked himself out of medical the next day.

Phil nor Bruce had been too happy with his decision as he was still in need of medical care, Clint had simply gave Bruce his best puppy dog eyes and told him he was more than happy to let Bruce be his Doctor and would do whatever he asked, as long as he was allowed to leave the base. They had both begrudgingly agreed, knowing that the archer would take it easier and be in a more relaxed environment at the Tower.

Natasha wasn't too happy either but she knew what her partner was like and knew she would be able to keep a close eye on him.

Tony and Steve both felt relieved, they would rather keep tabs on their team mate under Tony's roof than at SHIELD, there were too many prying eyes, and even Fury admitted that there were a few other agents that were still angry with Barton.

Fury and Phil were working on that problem discretely.

Clint didn't bother turning when he heard the side door to the roof open, didn't even turn when the person stopped just beside him and looked out over the city. He did smile though, "Are you moving in too Phil?"

His handler chuckled and gave him a side glance. "No. But I have been offered a room if I change my mind."

Clint arched an eyebrow at his friend when he noticed he was wearing jeans and a shirt. It was weird seeing Phil in normal clothes, the man practically lived in a suit.

Well so Clint thought.


"Why what?" Phil turned to face his charge.

Clint looked down at the city below before turning to Phil. "Why don't you move in?"

Phil smiled. "I might, just not right now. There is still too much to sort out at SHIELD. Once that's done Fury will probably assign me here as handler."

Clint frowned in confusion. "You are my handler Phil. Did you hit your head and didn't tell me?"

His handler laughed. "No, I didn't hit my head. I mean I will be assigned as handler to the Avengers. To keep an eye on all of you."

It was Clint's turn to laugh. "Jeez Phil, you got the short end of the stick there, didn't you."

"I would never consider looking out for you the short end of the stick Clint. Or any of the others." Phil's quiet words had Clint pushing back the surge of emotion that followed.

"Thanks Phil."

Phil glanced over at his young agent. ""For what?"

"For being you, for always looking out for me, and giving me the kick up the ass when I need it." He swallowed when he felt Phil's hand squeeze his uninjured shoulder. "For being my friend and not just my handler."

"Always Clint."

Clint smiled and looked over the city, as long as his friends were behind him, he had the feeling he could do anything.

Now he just had to prove it.

The End!

I just wanted to thank everyone that has reviewed and added this story to your alerts, and although this has been completed I do plan on doing the odd one shot story off of this one, and perhaps a couple of my other stories that people don't want me to end :)

So thank you, and keep your eyes peeled for more.
