A/N: Will Tama live? The answer is... Right down below in the reading. Enjoy!

Greg M 94: Too bad Tama and Tojo have never met in this series... Oh well, I'm sure he's getting along just fine...

yeti: So, you like Simba that much? Good to know...

Chapter Five: Finding Love

Chumvi and Nala could now see the sun peaking over the horizon. Everybody would be getting up soon... Well, maybe except for Simba, he liked to sleep. They had walked all the way out to the border and walked along it. Just as they were getting ready to go back to Pride Rock, they saw something on the ground ahead of them.

"What's that?" Chumvi asked,

"I'm not sure." Nala said, "Let's go see."

As they got closer, it became apparent that it was another cub. It's back was to them, but they were able to see what looked like a nasty bite on it's back leg. When they got to the cub, they checked to see if they were awake.

"Hello?" Nala said as they approached. There was no response.

"Hey," Chumvi said, putting a paw on the cub, "wake up." He rolled the cub over and his eyes widened when he saw who it was.

"Tama...?" Then he started to panic, "Tama! Wake up!" Her lack of response was starting to worry him.

"This is Tama?" Nala asked, "Why isn't she waking up?"

"I don't know!" Chumvi cried, "Wait, her leg! She was bitten by something!"

Nala looked at the wound, "That's a snake bite, a bad one. We need to get her help, whatever it was that bit her was probably poisonous, and it looks infected."

Chumvi put his head down and listened for breathing. She was, but it was very faint.

"Where can we take her!?" Chumvi asked, "She isn't going to last..."

"We need to get her to Rafiki." Nala told him, "He's the only one that would have a chance at saving her now. Pick her up and follow me."

Chumvi put Tama his back and he and Nala took off in the direction of Rafiki's tree.

Nala and Chumvi were waiting outside of Rafiki's tree. Rafiki had heard them yelling for him and he had met them on the ground. He told them to wait until he was sure of Tama's condtion, and then took her up into his tree.

"She's going to die..." Chumvi said as he paced back and forth nervously, "I know it."

"We don't know that." Nala told him, "Try and relax."

Chumvi didn't appear to hear her as he continued to panic, "It's my fault... If I never had revealed I was magic, I wouldn't have been exiled, then she wouldn't have left, then she wouldn't be dying."

"You're reading too much into this." Nala said, "It isn't your fault. It just happened. Just calm down until we know how she is. Look at yourself, your shaking terribly."

They looked up at the tree and saw Rafiki come down.

"How is she!?" Chumvi exclaimed as the two ran up to Rafiki.

"If she makes it until de end of de day, she will be fine." Rafiki told them, "The poison is well into her system. She probably had another hour when you got here. I gave her something that will hopefully work against the venom. You may go up and see her if you wish."

"I'm going to get back to Pride Rock." Nala said, "I'll leave you alone to see her."

Chumvi walked over the tree and clawed his way up. He was surprised how big it was up there. He saw Tama laying in the main part of the tree. He walked over to her. She was still out. He just looked down at her. He was about to say something, but stopped when he saw her eyes open weakly.

Tama's vision was a little blurry, but she could make out who she was looking at.

"Ch... Chumvi?" She said faintly. She was still weak, and knew she would probably fall unconscious again.

"Yes." He said, "It's me. How are you feeling?"

"How do you think?" she managed a weak laugh.

"Yeah... Stupid question." Chumvi said, "I'm sorry. This is my fault."

"Stop." Tama said, "I chose to leave... You didn't do anything."

"Yes I did," He told her, "If I nev-" He was cut off by a kiss from Tama.

She had managed to lift a paw and pull his face down to her's. She held him in the kiss for a good ten seconds before stopping.

"There..." She said as Chumvi had a look of surprise on his face, "That shut you up..." She started to feel herself going unconscious again. "I'll be... Fine. Don't worry about me."

"I'm not leaving." He said, lieing down next to her, "I'll be here until you're better."

"Whatever." She said, "I..." She went unconscious again.

Chumvi just wrapped a paw around her and kissed her on the cheek and fell asleep next to her.

"Hey." Chumvi heard a voice say, "wake up. You slept all day."

He lifted his head and saw Tama standing there. She still looked weak, but at least she was able to stand. Chumvi noticed that the sun was nearly down.

"Why didn't you wake me earlier?" Chumvi asked.

"Hey," she said, "I just woke up from my poison induced sickness, and I still don't feel all that peachy. Besides, sleeping in this tree made me sore."

"Well," Chumvi saod as he got up and stretched, "I found a pride. I'm living there now. I'm sure they won't object to you staying."

Tama tried to take a step, but she was too unstable.

"I'll carry you." Chumvi told her as he lifted her onto his back. "Let's go."

"Ah," Simba said as he and the others saw Chumvi approaching with Tama, "so you did find your friend."

"One more is okay, right?" Chumvi asked.

"It better be." Tama said, "I didn't traverse scorching, barren wastelands and nearly die from a snake bite for nothing."

"Well, I can't argue with that." Simba said.

"Do you feel better now, Chumvi?" Nala asked, "Can you live here without worrying?"

"Yep." Chumvi said, "I think everything will be just fine..."

"On another note," Haiba said, "it looks like I another potential date for me has joined us!"

They all just gave him blank stares.

He looked at them confused, "What?"

A/N: Aw... Wasn't that touching? What will Chumvi and Tama add to the group. It can't bend their lives too much, right? Well, see you for the next story!