Title: "Craving A Lifetime"
Author: Kat Lee
Rating: G/K
Summary: She craves a lifetime of love.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, names, codenames, places, items, fandoms, titles, and etc. are always © & TM their respective owners, not the author, and are used without permission. Any and all original characters and everything else is © & TM the author and may not be reproduced in any way without the author's express, written permission. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Ah watch her sometimes, when she doesn't know Ah'm lookin'. Ah watch her fly through the blue sky, sometimes seemin' even t' chase th' sun. Ah see th' elation on her beautiful face, an' Ah remembah. Ah kind o' like mah life now, but when Ah first came to th' X-Men, Ah hated it. Ah hated everythin' about it, hated bein' a mutant, hated bein' me, as mixed an' messed up as Ah was.
That hate wan't all about mah mutancy, but she was th' first one t' make me realize that mah mutant power could be a gift instead o' a curse. She was th' second one, after ol' Charlie, t' give me any real hope about mah power, th' first one to make me see its possible benefits, th' first one to make me love mah life.
Ah remember that day on th' riverbank so clearly. Ah can still hear every sound she made in that delicate, liltin' voice o' hers. Ah can still feel her touch, still feel her body pressing so closely against mine, still feel her hand in mine. Ah grip mah windowsill as Ah watch her. Ah wanna feel that again.
Ah've been wantin' to ever since that day, an' it ain't just about th' power she gave me, or even th' happiness. Okay, maybe it is th' joy, 'cause th' joy didn't just come from her friendship or from th' power to control nature or even from havin' some one trust me so much. It came from bein' so close t' her. Ah crave touch, but Ah crave hers more than anybody else's, even Remy's. She's th' one Ah want, th' one Ah've loved ever since that day, but Ah just don't know how to tell her.
Ah sigh, lower mah head, an' turn away. Don't reckon it really mattahs, 'cause even after all this time, if Ah did get to touch her again, it'd be for too short a time. But then, too, Ah can't help thinkin' that a lifetime touchin' Stormy every night, every day, every moment still wouldn't be enough.
The End