Author's Note: Thank you all for understanding, my reasons are far more in depth and personal, but I'm glad you guys ultimately understand. :-) Please take note that I am still playing with writing styles - one chapter might idealize simplicity, while the other exudes a highly descriptive nature.


Rick owns all.

Annabeth's P.O.V.

"How about you ask us that question in a few weeks and we'll get back to you?"

As these words left Percy's mouth with a tiny smile, he peered precariously at Annabeth, who felt twin bursts of red tint her cheeks as she blushed fiercely at his indirect words. Percy could have possibly said something completely worse and something indefinitely out of hand, but he didn't. Which confused Annabeth.

She could feel only but two things at the moment: relief and dread.

Relief, because Percy hadn't uttered anything that was remotely stupid in nature. Dread, because, well, the response had left enough insinuation for anyone to latch on to without not thinking something was going between the two of them. Meaning, there was enough evidence for Annabeth's mother to presume that, yes, indeed, her daughter was involved with some surfing teen heartthrob who just coincidentally beat her in a major surfing competitive - on terms of being her mother, it was presumed that she'd be outraged, and on terms of being Annabeth's number one supporter when it came to surfing. . .there was still that knowing possibly that she was going to be outraged!

And, get this, Percy's words had probably opened up another typical, strangely-formatted portal of all-knowing knowledge (maybe she's exaggerating too much) that allowed Athena to confirm that, yes, Annabeth had lied about her whereabouts.

Sure, Annabeth knew Athena wasn't as naïve to accept the probability of her daughter being off with Silena but instead was frolicking with some boy. But it was only the nature in which the insinuation had been stated was what left Athena's doubtful suspicions in a wake of evident affirmation.

Annabeth had come to an acceptance that she wasn't going to be grounded for a few foreseen typically unsociable months, she was going to be imprisoned.

The crowd - it was nearly like a soundwave that had settled over Hawaii - was steadily quiet, fully processing the word's uttered by the green-eyed surfer, until they broke out in a frenzy of questions. Chatter erupted every which way, people shoving to get closer to the unformatted couple, others at awe of the prying careen revolving around them.

Annabeth ultimately felt overwhelmed, with all the shouting, the spontaneous shift of the restless crowd - most especially, Percy's guarded yet shy gaze. She was half tempted to get up and leave and return to the hotel where she could sort through her jumbled thoughts and emotions, however, the ever-so-graceful Hanai unintentionally halted her from doing so.

It scared Annabeth to know how aggressive people tended to get at crowning ceremonies. Much less when it had something about her featured.

"SHUT UP! AND CALM DOWN!" Hanai hollered in agitation, forcefully grabbing the microphone out of a discomposed Percy Jackson's hand. "If you all cannot compose yourselves, this interview will be over!"

The crowd simmered down.

Only a little, of course.

Annabeth watched, face slack of emotion, as Hanai returned the microphone to Percy, who proceeded to get interviewed in the same fashion Ethan and she had experienced. She was fully aware of Percy glancing at her every other instance of a moment, but she disciplined herself to keep her eyes strained ahead: focusing solely on her tight-lipped mother.

She didn't even smile when a finalized applaud was sounded.

To say the least, Annabeth was scared and stressed out by the previous event that unfolded. And she knew that receiving her mother's strange, yet relaxing form of comfort wouldn't be present this time.

After being crowded by a few interviewers and a being introduced to a few fans, Annabeth was found by her mother.

"Mom," Annabeth said quietly, her voice trembling with a suffocating amount of emotion as Athena, face passive, silently guided her away from the congratulatory party that was unfolding at the beach. "I am so sorry. I know you must hate me right now, but I will never-"

"Stop," Athena commanded, crossing her arms in a way that embraced the authority she held over Annabeth. Athena's face remained placid as she avoided Annabeth's inquisitive gaze, but when she peered at Annabeth's trembling lip and glistening eyes, her firm exterior lessened and Annabeth swore she saw signs of a human being for a second.

"Know that I do not hate you nor will I ever hate you, Annabeth," Athena said softly, drawing Annabeth into her arms, "I just cannot grasp where these uncharacteristic mistakes are brewing from which leaves me in a lot of frustration. I am outrageously disappointed in you, Annabeth, and I need you to realize that because of that, that does not mean I hate you, I love you - you have just upset me to the point where I am angered. I am your mother, Annabeth, do not be afraid to tell me things even if they feel out of place, is that clear? We can't keep a functioning relationship going if there are lies taking place. Yes, I maybe grow rationally angry at you for that, but know that is only because that is my sole duty as a mother - to mother you, despite the methods I go about. I do not want to raise children who grow up without consequence; try to understand that that is the last thing I want."

Annabeth remained steadily silently, her overly exhausted mind thinning out as Athena continued to hold her in a way a mother should - a way that permits a child to feel the unaltered love and care that is provided by a mother. And just like that, winning the surf competition didn't matter. The abrupt drama that had plagued her day didn't matter. All that mattered was that her mother was here for her and she was waiting with ready ears.

"Now, I understand, that as a teenager, mistakes are presumably the highlights of our lives," Athena said knowingly, after a moment of comfortable silence passed. She pulled away from Annabeth, holding her forearms whilst assuring that Annabeth's gaze remained on her before continuing, "And that boys are an exhausting part of those mistakes, too. But, however, I know you are different from other teenagers, Annabeth. You are much more sensible, isolated from incompetent ignorance - responsible. So, please, tell me what the hell is going on!"

Annabeth reluctantly smiled at Athena's small outburst. She was expecting for Athena to approach her in that scary, authoritative way of hers and incessantly interrogate her until she ultimately felt guilty and had no choice but to confess it all. She was most certainly not expecting that universal puzzled, yet understanding motherly response from Athena - that was a rarity among rarities!

"I-I really don't know, either, Mom," Annabeth confided with a sigh, "I guess the girls at school made feel this sudden interest to get to know boys. . .and Percy just happened to show up and become an opportunity for me to compress that interest."

Annabeth ran her fingers through her coiled hair, gazing uncomfortably at Athena's intense look.

"I see," Athena said as she pursed her lips. "That does not change the fact that you have been acting unlike yourself."

Annabeth heaved a large sigh, peering at the ocean in a certain type of longing. "I no longer want to continue to be that compressed, socially awkward girl, Mom. I'm trying to be who I authentically am and be able to show that to others. And I guess I do slowly want to change that about myself. It feels. . .pleasant to be myself and not have to shelter that."

Athena had only gradually begin to smile in a way Annabeth had thought was proud before looking away from her onto the ocean.

"I have always feared your shyness would one day stop you from doing things you want to do. I'm glad that it has not and presumably will not be an issue. You have a certain beauty that is not found in others and I do wish you could see that in yourself."

Annabeth smiled widely at her mom before embracing her in a well-needed hug. "Thank you," she whispered genuinely.

Athena pulled away from Annabeth, smiling warmly before placing a kiss on her forehead.

Annabeth was aware that the conversation wasn't fully over, but due to the atmosphere they currently were in, there had to be necessary halt. And looking at the ocean, both consumed deeply in thoughts, didn't seem too shabby after all.

After silence had settled nicely between the two, Annabeth, afraid that this unlikely experience would set an even more strict and heavily regulated form of parenting from Athena (despite the refreshing dose of mothering she had received), after an afterthought, said:

"And just know that I haven't done anything even remotely inappropriate or lost my innocence or some idiotic teenage thing like that! My lips are still inexperienced parts of the human body that have not been touched by lips swayed by hormones that are of the opposing gender. I have not lost the morality that you have exercised frequently into my - "

"Annabeth, stop that speak of nonsense," Athena said sternly, but the her face displayed slight amusement. "I would know if something has affected you emphatically in a romantic or physical sense. You will come to know that a mother does notice certain things about her child."

"Reasonable," Annabeth considered, then after a while she said, "I have this feeling that I'm still in trouble, aren't I?"

"They say that 'no question is a stupid question' but, darling, did you really just ask me that?"

After Athena made sure to firmly confirm that Annabeth remained in trouble and the fact that they were still in Hawaii was halting for her punishment to take course, she reluctantly made her way over to the more lively part of the beach.

Annabeth was instantly greeted by an enthusiastic Thalia.

"'Sup Silent Wave!" Thalia hollered, shoving her way through the mass of people who were gathered on a makeshift dance floor, a few adults shuffling awkwardly as opposed to dancing. "You should totally come hit up Ethan's party with me!"

"I'm not so sure about that, Thalia. I seriously just made amends with my mom and the last thing I want to do is go against her orders," Annabeth explained, faux sorrow embracing her features.

Thalia's excitement slowly faded in her electrifying eyes as they were replaced with suspicion. "Seriously, Annabeth, his party is literally twenty feet away from. . .whatever the Hell this is! You get to meet new people! Some of which who legitimately glorify the essence of your being - and, c'mon, that's flippin' awesome, if you ask me!"

"I don't party," Annabeth responded, irritated. "And I told you, I'm not going to disobey my mother's orders."

"Percy's going to be there," Thalia taunted in a sing-song tone, smiling devilishly.

"I. Don't. Care," Annabeth retorted, scowling. After Thalia raised her eyebrow as a form of an unworded question, she said, "Seriously, Thalia, I appreciate you coming over here and inviting me, but I'm perfectly fine with where I'm at. Don't waste your time on me."

Thalia narrowed her eyes - not without conveying a severe amount of suspicion embodied in those enigmatic eyes of hers - and pursed her lips.

"Fine," Thalia said curtly, turning on her heels in the direction of Ethan's party.

"Thalia," Annabeth called out helplessly, "I really am sorry."

"No, no, it's fine," Thalia said, shrugging it off, a tiny smile forming on her lips. "Just do me a favor and stay here, yeah?"

"O-okay," Annabeth promised, frowning as Thalia's casual walk developed into a sprint.

Minutes later, Thalia reappeared, however this time she wasn't alone.

Percy was with her, and the look on his face betrayed everything but evident awkwardness.

So, you can't exactly blame Annabeth for subtly smiling when he slowly walked up to her, leaving Thalia to inconspicuously watch at a distance, whilst uncomfortably rubbing his neck, saying something along the lines of: "Uh, you're not going to kill me if I try to talk to you, right?"

"Well, you just did and I think we both can establish that you're still alive."

All he did was smirk, an enigmatic glint arising in his eyes.

Author's Note: I know, I know. I promised a buttload (that's an actual measurement btw) of Percabeth the last chapter, but honestly, you guys, I really miss my mom. So, this is what happened. . .Anyway, I'll try (please do not take this literally, knowing my complicated update schedule) to update this week since I'm on spring break, but no firm promises. I'm going through some unwanted crap right now.

Feedback is sincerely appreciated.

Thanks for reading. :-)

- That Was Such A Face Palm -.\