Boy it's been long hasten it? I must admit my school work and soccer has been keeping me hot on my toes. Not to mention my extremes ADHD. But now as I read my previous chapter I don't think it was very good. I need to re-write it. Anyways thank you all so much for favoriting/following, thank you so much SailorSedna052 and Aysinia for their amazing support and kindness. Without further ado my story (much better than last) updates soon, please review.

I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach. It hurt. But I knew what it was. It was up to me. For the first time ever I had to do something and fast.

I sat inside a rather large, hollow bush planning. I waited and waited in the bush until the drunken voices had stopped. I waited and I waited the warm afternoon light disappeared and turned dark, the fire by the pirate's camp supplying light. Finally around the middle of the night all was silent and dark. A few ashes in the fire pit lighting the way. I tip toed silent as a mouse through the forest until I reached the camp. Adam saw me and gave me look and shook his head yearning for me to run, run, and run away to safety. But to be honest I was tired of running. I ran behind the trio of prisoners and I picked up a dagger from one of the pirates and began to cut the ropes off. First I untied the feet then hands, and then arms, then they did the rest. There was only one left. I struggled somehow on his ropes. Captain Amelia was already disappeared in the thicket dragging Adam against his will. Then suddenly the broke and ol' klutzy fell to the ground with a cry.

"Get up" I hissed. He stumbled but he sprinted away. I took a step but tripped my body falling through the air.

"HELP" I screamed but then I slammed into the ground and felt a burning sensation, I looked up and Adam was screaming, he was fighting viciously, not against the spacers but against captain Amelia and . I tried to hop up quickly and begin to run, run, run but my first step someone gabbed my ankle and once again I fell. I panted and struggled I attempted to fight still. But soon my gaze upon Adam disappeared as he did and I stopped I lie upon the ground becoming aware of a metallic taste in my mouth. I clenched my eyes shut the men lifted me up and tied me to a post. I did not restrain I opened my eyes to see blood dripping down upon my sweatshirt my hat covered my eyes I wondered where I was bleeding from. My chin I thought and something was wrong with my mouth. It was strange.

Tim smiled at me

"weeellll" he said "looks like wrong doers get what they deserve no don't they?" he took a sig from his mug

"like my mum always said" Tim hiccupped. I looked up at Tim and choose two of my favorite banished words and threw them at him

"F*** YOU" I screamed as loud as I could "And your fat A** two timin' mum!"

Tim whipped his head around angry and looked at her "what did ye say?"

"YOU HEARD ME" I taunted spitting a glob of bloody spit at his face"

I felt a whip across my face and a shout of anger from the crowd

"Tomorrow" Tim said "when I am rested I will beat the living S*** out of you and that is a promise." He spat. I looked into his eyes with nothing but pure hatred and anger. Boy! If looks could kill.

The night turned to day and food was handed out generously to everybody except me. Lunch was the same way. The minutes and hours ticked by with an agonizing slowness my body tied with terrible rope. My huger over whelming made my head hurt, not to mention how much I had to go to the bathroom. I sat at the post all afternoon. I dosed off for what seemed like forever. When I awoke the sky was black once more and I was weak. Weak. Weak I could barely keep awake. I wondered why nobody had come to save me. But then Tim appeared with a grin on his face.

"You don't think I've forgotten 'ave you?" he asked I thought for a mint without saying anything I knew what he was talking about. He held a belt and a stick. The fire light making his face sweaty and orange.

"untie the disrespectful teenage puss hole of a boy" they did as told I tried to make a run for it but I was weak and they grabbed me. But Tim wasn't ready

"take off the sweatshirt, pain is needed" he ordered

The men cheered

Despite "NO" I shouted

He looked at me with a smirk "and why not" he added

I dint answer

"DO IT" he roared as the pirates ran to tear off my pull over. I shook with fear and fought it all my will. They shoved my deep into the ground and pulled off my sweat shirt. There was a gasp all around as they looked at my tank top.

Tim's jaw dropped and he smiled he ripped off my hat grabbed my wrist and held me up.

"The cabin boy isa GIRL" he shouted and let out a cry with a ripple of laughter "I tell you men I it really had us fooled! HAHAHA" he began to hiccup.

"no" I whispered "no,no,no,no,no, "

"That deserves extra punishments."

He stripped me to bare back and wetted my skin with ice water so the stings would burn deep down. Tim pulled back the belt and whipped it as hard as he could through the air and SMACK. It hit my back. I did not cry, I refused to. The hook on the belt dug into my skin. He did it again and again until I lost count I let out a cry only once as the brown hairy and drunk Tim poured alcohol on my bare back and a dash of salt. I sucked in breath and collapsed and Tim pulled me up again. He lifted the cane now. He wasn't done yet. But after the first swipe through the air it smacked my back with more force than all the belts combined I let out a scream. He lifted it again and smiled my blood spattered his shirt. I was weak and dead surely-I was dead for life could never be like this. Tim began to slice the cane through the air once more but now a fist popped out of nowhere I feet to the ground with a cry. I was top less and frail. My bones showing at every angle and spot on my body. Blood splattering everywhere. I panted and lied there on my stomach broken into a million pieces, confused, helpless, beaten, now another person was there. I dint know who it was but his presence was calming. It said something I couldn't hear. It pulled at my arm but I refused to get up. So it scooped me up in its big mescaline arms and whispered something in my ear "it's alright" I looked up and it was Jim. He was shocked as he ran. I became aware that I was not wearing a shirt. Adam was there next he took me out of Jim's arms and held me tight I could hear his heart.


Pitter- patter


Please review, updates soon!