As they stand waiting for their ride, Carter takes Zia's hand and gives is a loving squeeze. Ever since he made the suggestion, she's been a little nervous. She agreed to this mode of transportation, but he's not sure she's really comfortable with it.

"It's not too late to change our plans, get Anubis to take us," he tells her.

"I told you this way is fine, besides they're here," she replies pointing out the boat appearing in the distance with the crocodile standing watch at the bow.

They make their way down to the water's edge by the time Ra's solar barge comes to a stop for them to board.

"Well, hello little nephew," Set says with an evil grin, offering his hand to Zia as she makes a step. She ignores the assistance and walks past the god and straight toward Ra.

"Little nephew?" Carter questions with a raised eyebrow as he too boards without help.

"I figure that since your father is hosting my brother and your Uncle Amos sometimes enjoys my company in his head just like you do my nephew Horus that makes you my nephew three times over," the desert god explains.

"I think you should figure again," Carter says then finally gives the god a grin of his own.

"Zebras is here!" Ra shouts when he spots his favorite magician and eye.

"Ra it is good to see you again," she says genuinely excited. He gives her a big toothless grin and she returns it with a big hug.

"Sit, sit" he says patting the arm of his throne. For anyone else, the offer to sit on the edge of a flaming chair might not work out well, but it doesn't even phase the fire elementalist.

"How have you been?" she asks as he offers her a cookie.

"Taking care of business," he says patting the other arm of the chair this time.

Carter now stands at the bow with Sobek and Set keeping watch as they head into the night.

"So you've decided to get hitched?" Set now asks Carter.

"How do you know about that?"Carter says in surprise. The only god they've told is Bast and that's only because she lives with them again, at least when she's not staying with Hermes.

"I have my ways," the storm god laughs without actually answering.

"Told your dad yet?" Sobek grumbles without taking his eyes off the horizon.

"That's what this trip is about," Carter admits. " you think Osiris will have a problem with it?"

"You're father has more to say about that than Osiris will," Sobek tells him.

"Besides," Set now adds, "I'd be more worried about her father than yours."

"What do you mean?" Carter asks not understanding.

"We have to get past Iskandar before we get to the Seventh House of the Night," the god reminds him.

"Oh my gods, I forgot all about that," Carter says a little panicked. "You don't think...I mean he's okay with me isn't he?"

"As the Pharaoh of the House of Life, you bet. As a husband for the girl he loves like his own daughter, not sure," Set answers probably trying to scare the boy more than anything.

Carter turns to look at Zia who is still deep in conversation with Ra. He's pointing at things in the distance and seems to be telling her all about the Land of the Dead. Carter wonders to himself if Ra's pointing out things that are really there or just things he thinks he remembers. Whichever it is, Zia seems to be totally interested in what he's saying. He's always loved her, but seeing her there with Ra, following his every word like he's her grandfather telling her stories from his life, makes him love her even more. Iskandar has to be okay with her marrying him. Sadie told him about her talk with Iskandar. She said Iskandar had accepted what their parents started. There is no reason why he shouldn't want he and Zia to be together. Carter is so deep in the process of convincing himself of this that he doesn't notice Set is talking again.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I asked how my boy was doing," the god says.

"Anubis is fine, happy actually," Carter answers.

"Do you think you can talk him into visiting his folks a little more often?" Set continues.

"You know he doesn't want to have anything to do with you," Carter reminds the god. "You've never really been a father to him anyway."

"Yes it's a real Cat's in the Cradle story," Set says dejectedly.

"What does string have to do with anything?" Carter says not understanding.

"Not Cat's Cradle, Cat's in the Cradle. It's a song about a man who wasn't there for his boy when he was growing up and now that he's old, the boy isn't there for him," Set explains.

Carter gives him a look that says not a clue then continues, "Must be an ancient song."

"I wouldn't consider the 1970 in your own country ancient," Set says.

"I would," Carter replies. "Anyway, if you really want a relationship with your son, maybe you should reach out to him. It still might not work, but you never know."

"I did that before when I asked him to visit his mother," the god reminds him.

"Since we're talking about you and Anubis, I think it's going to take more than one try," Carter says then waits for a reply but none comes. Now both Set and Sobek seem to be frozen in place. "Guys?"

"Hello Good King," a familiar voice that was apparently trying to hold back a chuckle now says.

"Iskandar?" Carter said turning toward the voice. Before him the late-chief lector's ba stands blocking the way.

"Carter what...Iskandar!" Zia now squeals and come running to greet her long lost mentor.

"My child," Iskandar says softly as his eyes fall onto Zia. "Look how beautiful you have grown."

"Iskandar, I've missed you so much. I had no idea we would be seeing you on this trip," she says.

"This is my new post, the Gate to the West," he explains. "Of course, I know both of you are brave beyond measure, but why are you here?" he now asks.

"Oh, um," Carter stammers realizing this is the moment of truth.

"We're getting married," Zia blurts out happily and holds up her left hand to show him her ring.

"In the Land of the Dead?" Iskandar asks.

"No," Carter finally says. "We just came to tell my parents and, well, you."

"Me?" the ba says a bit surprised.

"You are my father," Zia now tells him. "Please tell me you're happy for me, that you approve."

"My precious Zia, I have never wanted anything more than your safety and happiness," Iskandar tells her after a moment of silent. Carter actually lets out a little sigh of relief then quickly sucks it back in, "but you are still quite young."

"Eighteen," she points out.

"You don't say," Iskandar says.

"Carter is too, and he's a good man. You know this," she continues.

"Yes, this I know. Carter has proven himself the most worthy of magicians and a fine young man. I can find no issue in your choice, yet I feel that something is not quite right about this whole thing," the ba tells them looking at Carter.

Suddenly Carter gets it. "Sir, Lord Iskandar, I ask for your daughter's hand in marriage. I love her with all my heart and I promise to always provide for and protect her."

Zia just stares at Carter like he's gone mad, but a huge smile comes over Iskandar's face. "Ah, I feel so much better now," he says. "And yes Carter Kane, Pharaoh of the House of Life, I give you my daughter's hand."

"Thank you sir," Carter says giving the ba a bow in a show of respect.

"I wish I could spend more time with you my dear girl, but Lord Ra's trip cannot be delayed any longer," Iskandar now tells them.

"But," Zia starts but the ba is gone. "I didn't even get to say goodbye, again," she says sadly.

"Goodbye to whom," Set asks now sticking his nose between Carter and Zia.

"Old friend," Carter says as Zia slowly turns and heads back to Ra.

"Iskandar?" Set continues prodding.

"Yeah," Carter says watching Zia as Ra now continues his stories.

"And did he approve?" Set asks.

"Once I finally figured out that he really wanted me to ask," the magician confirms with a smile.

Only Ruby Kane is waiting at the dock when Ra's boat arrives at the seventh house. "Sweetheart, what a surprise," she says happy to see her son.

"Mom," Carter says wanting to give her a hug, but of course since she's a spirit that's not possible. "Where's Dad?"

"He will be meeting us," Ruby says then bows to Ra. "Lord Ra, Lord Osiris has your favorites prepared as usual."

"Lovely Ruby," Ra says as he and Zia approached Carter's mother. "You remember Zebras?"

"Of course my lord," Ruby says giving Zia a smile. "My son's girlfriend is always welcome in the House of Osiris," she continues then leads them all toward dinner.

"Son," Julius calls out when they enter the dinning room, "what a lovely surprise."

"Dad," Carter says hurrying over to give his father a hug. "I hope it's alright. We wanted to surprise you."

"Is your sister with you?" his dad asks glancing around.

"No, it's just Zia and me this time."

"Come let's step into the Hall of Judgment for a few moments," Julius says as Ra, Set, and Sobek take a seat at the table.

"Dad," Carter says when the four of them are alone, "we came to tell you that I asked Zia to marry me and she said yes."

"Married you say," Julius says looking between the two kids.

"We love each other," his son tells him.

"Are you sure you're not rushing things a bit?" his dad asks with a concerned tone. "What about college?"

"I barely made it through high school. I wasn't really planning on going," Carter says earning a disappointed look from his mother. "I know both of you have your doctorates, and you needed them so you'd be taken seriously at what you did with your lives, but is it really necessary for me? The House of Life..."

"Is that all you want for yourself?" his mom asks.

"It's kind of been a full time job," Carter points out.

"What about you Zia?" Julius now asks.

"Dr. Kane, I have grown up in the House. I have never wanted to be anything but a good magician," she answers.

"But you've experienced more in your life now, since the defeat of Apophis. Surely you want more now?" Ruby tells the girl.

"I want to teach other magicians. I want to help Carter and Sadie run the twenty-first nome. I want to assist Carter in any way that I can with his pharaoh duties, and I want to be a mother, someday," Zia tells Carters mother.

"Do you really believe that you are ready? Marriage is a huge responsibility," Julius tells them.

"I think so," Carter tells them. "We were planning to wait a while before we have children, but look how short a life can really be."

"I don't suppose there is really anything we can do to stop the two of you," Ruby tells them. "Get you to wait."

"We really want your approval," Carter says.

"Iskandar gave us his blessing," Zia adds.

"You promise to wait a couple of years for children?" Julius asks. "Give yourselves time to adjust to marriage."

"Promise," Carter assures his father.

"Then you have our blessing," his dad says pulling his son into his arms.

"Thank you Dad. We won't disappoint you," his son says.

"You never have."

As the Kanes come back into the dinning room, they seem to have stepped into a tiff between Set and Sobek.

"All I'm saying is it hurts my feelings," the Nile god is saying.

"Don't be childish," Set tells him.

"I am not being childish, it's just that every time I turn around, you are asking about Anubis."

"Only because I never see your brother that's all," Set tells his son.

"Why do you even care about him? He clearly doesn't care about you. He doesn't try to please you, make you proud," Sobek pouts.

"Like you do?" his father says.

"Are you saying you are not proud of me?"

"No, I am not saying that, but you do eat people," Set tells him.

"Well, I am a crocodile," his son points out. "I do get hungry."

"Are we interrupting something," Osiris now asks his brother. Sobek answers yes as Set answers no.

"My son is just a little jealous of his brother," the dessert god tells his brother.

"Am not," Sobek grumbles a little embarrassed.

"Then stop whining," his dad says with a grin.

"Do you want to finish this trip without me?"

"Now you're being a baby."

"And you are being an uncaring father," Sobek replies.

"Am not," Set says crossing his arms.

"Little bit," Ra interjects .

"What?" Set says wondering if the sun god is even talking to them.

"You are being a little bit uncaring," Ra says holding his thumb and finger up to show how much.

"Sobek knows he is my favorite son," Set now says defending himself.

"You still take me for granted," Sobek says still having hurt feelings.

"You are over five thousand years old," his father reminds him.

"Never mind," Sobek says standing to return to the sun barge for the remainder of the journey.

"Brother," Osiris now says, "Sobek is a dutiful son. He's just looking for an occasional at-a-boy."

"Why don't you worry about Horus and leave my son to me," Set snaps at his brother then storms off toward the barge.

"Um, can you just open a portal to Brooklyn House so we can get home?" Carter asks looking at his father.

Osiris nods his head to assure Carter they don't have to finish the night's ride.