A/N Sorry this chapter has been so long in coming. I hope people are still interested, but I can't promise it won't happen again. Surprisingly, fanfiction writers still have lives to attend…

Hermione had woken up in the late afternoon of the next day, the pain foremost in her mind and the face of a young, unlined and unworn Sirius Black burned into the back of her eyelids. Immediately pushing the image aside, she had shuffled through her beaded bag and dressed as she began figuring what she was going to say to Dumbledore. Thoughts on the subject still coursed through her mind as she slowly made her way to the headmaster's office, escorted by a shy 6th year Hufflepuff boy (whom Madam Pomfrey had been just about to release from the Hospital wing after resolving a potions accident when Hermione had requested to meet with Dumbledore).

She was shaky on her feet at best, and the boy eyed her nervously as she continuously stumbled and let her hand drag along the stone walls, occasionally using it to keep her balance. Madam Pomfrey had been worried about her making the trip – and rightfully so, it seemed – but Hermione had quite insisted. She wanted the privacy and security of the headmaster's office when she spoke to Dumbledore. She knew the old man had taken certain precautions when it came to his privacy there, as she had learned from Fred and George. They had frequently complained of not being able to properly prank the Headmaster, due to the seemingly impenetrable wards around the place. It seemed that anyone Dumbledore had neither invited nor wanted could enter without their presence known.

She wanted to be particularly carefully when she spoke of her past, especially knowing the Marauders were about, and knew she was there. Or something like that.

She had to remember that at this point the 4 boys had almost free reign of the school, and it would be almost impossible to conceal everything that she had decided to do if they took an interest in her. Which she was pretty sure they already had.

And so, she would go about this carefully.

She had a plan.

When they arrived at the eagle statue that stood guard over the headmaster's office, Hermione turned to the boy who had escorted her there and quietly thanked him. He took that as his cue to leave.

Hermione took a deep breath and recited the password Madam Pomfrey had given her (sugar quills) and stepped quickly onto the first step of the rising spiral staircase so it would carry her up as it turned. When she reached the door, Hermione knocked lightly and waited for Dumbledore to call enter. She quietly swung the door open when he did, stepping into the familiar room.

"Ah, Miss Corvus. I've been expecting you." Hermione had to blink a couple times, looking at Dumbledore. Thinking about talking to him was one thing, but being faced with a man she had considered dead for a year… Well it was disconcerting.

"Professor, I'd like to get straight to the point." Hermione forwent all the pleasantries, simply plopping herself into one of the familiar plush armchairs in front of the headmaster's desk. The professor sat back and knit his fingers together, giving the girl his full attention.

"As soon as I realized where I was, it was clear to me what I had to do. You see, I know you Professor. Professor McGonagall as well, Madam Pomfrey, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin. People I saw last night. The issue with that, is that you don't know my name.

There was a pause, and then Dumbledore said exactly what Hermione expected. "I'm not sure I understand, Miss Corvus."

"Of course not, it's all so implausible! But let me expand. There are other issues with my previous statement. For instance, three of the people I listed are dead. Remus Lupin fell in battle beside his wife only hours before a cursed knife was embedded in my chest. I was suspicious of you because I assumed you to be an impostor. Because one year ago, I attended your funeral. A year before that we buried Sirius Black's wand in place of his lost body after he fell through the veil in the Department of Mysteries."

"And that brings up a slew of other questions. There hasn't been a wizarding battle in decades, so how could Remus have died in one, with a wife that doesn't exist? Who would dare impersonate Albus Dumbledore? Why would they care enough about a young girl to try? How did Sirius Black even get into the Department of Mysteries, and why did he fall through the veil there?

"And Professor, it seems there is only one answer. You see, my name isn't Serenade Corvus, not really. Nor do I know you, Sirius, or Remus, Professor McGonagall or Madame Pomfrey. Not yet. Professor Dumbledore, my name is Hermione Granger. I was originally born approximately 5 years from now. A muggleborn, at 11 I was approached by Professor McGonagall – Transfiguration Professor and Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I came to Hogwarts, and became acquainted with one Ronald Weasley, the 6th son of Molly and Arthur Weasley. I also met Harry James Potter, first and only son of the long deceased Lily and James Potter. I attended school with them for 6 years, then went on the run with them as the worst case scenario came to fruition.

"Muggleborns were hunted, wizards who couldn't prove their lineage were subjected to the dementor's kiss. The Ministry was a sham, a front of stability put up to stop other countries from interfering – not that they didn't already have enough reason to, they were simply too afraid. The Order of the Phoenix was in shambles, most of them separated and in hiding. All children who weren't fugitives were forced to attend Hogwarts, it being run by Death Eaters. Voldemort – you know him better as Tom Riddle, I believe – was practically immortal."

"But there was some hope. One boy…" Hermione paused, her voice shaking. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Professor, I think that might be enough of the past – future? – for now. I need to tell you how I got here. There was a battle, a huge battle. I think everyone knew it would be the last, however it ended. Everyone seemed to have gathered. Taking them by surprise, we and quite a few hidden students along with some of the still loyal staff were able to expel the Death Eaters from Hogwarts. As we secured it, word spread through the separated parts of the Order. They began to arrive through a special passage way, assisted by your brother Aberforth." Hermione's whole body was trembling, stricken with the memories of the hope that had coursed through everyone as the Order gathered. It was suffocating, knowing how false a feeling it had turned out to be.

"Forgive me, Professor Dumbledore, but I'd rather not relive the whole battle…" Hermione looked up at him, and he nodded understandingly. She swallowed, then continued. She had to get it all out, or she never would.

"So many were dead – friends, enemies… children, house-elves, giants… Severus Snape. Remus and Tonks. FredWeasley." Hermione shuttered a breath, tasting the salt of tears on her lips. "We kept fighting. Even after we thought we had lost everything, we had our hope renewed… That's when it happened. Harry was dueling with Voldemort with a determination so intense I thought he couldn't lose. I was trying to get to him, to help him. That was my job, it always has been…" At the light taste of blood, Hermione realized she had bitten the inside of her cheek too hard. "I was almost there, just within Harry's sight. But then that crazy bitch…"

Hermione's hand had drifted to her sleeve, and now gripped tightly the want concealed there. She took deep breaths, trying to calm herself, but the pain coursing through her was no longer just a memory. It was the residual effects of the curse. Sometimes the pain was random, but most often it reacted to her memories of the original torture. Hermione resolutely ignored it, gritting her teeth and speaking through them as she continued.

"B- Bellatrix Lestrange. She took me by surprise, before I knew it I was on the ground. She didn't take my wand – she's always been reckless. After I'd been down for… I really can't be sure how long it was, but… Ron came. I was able to get up, and together we were doing relatively well. But Bellatrix has a thing for knives." Hermione gave a humorless chuckle as her hand drifted from her wand to her left arm, squeezing the slur carved into it. Madam Pomfrey had put some kind of salve on the scars and bandaged over it. Hermione knew it would do nothing. "I should know…"

Dumbledore finally interrupted. "Bellatrix Lestrange, formerly Bellatrix Black. Yes I had always feared she would take that turn…"

Hermione pursed her lips. She knew Dumbledore would say something of that sort. He always had too much faith in people… She shrugged off the comment and moved on. She would address it later. "I lost a bit of time there, when the knife was in my chest. I don't remember falling, but when I woke I was on the ground. I could barely move, and Luna – Luna Lovegood – was standing over me, fighting Bellatrix with Ron."

"It was my fault… I distracted Ron. It was all I could do not to scream until my voice was gone, but… Ron was too concerned with me. I think I had my wand, but… Next thing I know, Ron is dodging a curse just barely too late. Luna kept going, but Harry saw Ron fall. That boy was always too loyal. He went down too, probably trying to save me and Ron."

She stopped for a minute, having a painful moment of silence for her fallen friends. Dumbledore didn't say a word, sensing her sorrow. He simply summoned a goblet and filled it with water after a moment, offering it to her across the desk. Hermione nodded gratefully and sipped it. She hadn't realized how dry her throat had been. After some deep breaths though, she pressed on.

"I had a time-turner. It was given to me in my 3rd year at Hogwarts, because I was taking too many classes to fit into a week. Professor McGonagall allowed me to keep it for other studying purposes even after that, as I was still taking more classes than usual. When we went on the run, I started keeping it around my neck, just in case… I knew it was unlikely – I knew the dangers and limitations of time travel, after all. But during that battle, at that moment… Our last hope was gone. Everyone I loved was dead, or on their way. I pulled it out, but I knew it was too late." Hermione reached again for the chain around her neck. She had put it back on this morning, knowing she would need to show it to Dumbledore.

She pulled it out of her shirt and off of her neck, extending it to Dumbledore. "While it was out, a curse hit it. I'm not sure what curse, or why it had such an effect, but here I am. Just about 23 years in the past. Time-turners are still experimental magic, even in my time, and closely regulated. I can't be sure about all of them, but that time-turner," Hermione said as she gestured to the broken pendant the Headmaster was now examining, "only turns back hours. I'm not sure how far you could go using it, but I don't believe it was intended to go this far. And I know for certain that any time-turner fit for use here, in the 70s could neither send me forward in time, nor that far." Hermione watched as Dumbledore nodded, still examining her broken time-turner.

"You are correct, Miss Granger. Very few time-turners are even relatively safe at the moment, and though they are similar to this one, I am not certain we would be able to reproduce the reverse effect your mystery curse had on it. It would be too dangerous to try, in any case – especially without involving the Department of Mysteries, which I am sure you understand we cannot do…" He looked her in the eyes, his expression hard to read. She nodded, and he continued. "Thus, your implication is correct. We cannot, at this time, return you to your original time…"

Hermione nodded as she spoke. "So then, you understand where I am going with this. … I'm sure you see our options. The first is that I could do my best to disappear – kill myself, most likely, or possibly live in hiding. Do my utmost not to disturb the timeline." Dumbledore pursed his lips. He had two conflicting views here. From all of their interaction in her time, her discussions with McGonagall, her research – Albus Dumbledore was of the firm belief that no good would come of messing with time. However, he also liked to think he would never take an innocent life, even to try and save others – though Hermione knew his "Greater Good" got the best of him eventually.

Dumbledore interrupted her thoughts. "Yes, I see, though I don't believe you would be telling me all of this, if you had decided to take that option."

She nodded, "You're right Professor. The second option, is that I change the future." She let this sink in for a moment before continuing. "Professor Dumbledore, I know your views on trying to change the future. You've said that no good will come of it. But I personally don't see how I could make it much worse. As far as I could see… We had no future. I am in a unique position to do some good here. I know Voldemort's plans. I know his allies, I know his weaknesses. I intend now to exploit them. My regret is that I wasn't sent back far enough to stop him from ever rising to power."

"I'm telling all of this to you now, Professor, because I will not be able to accomplish anything without help. I'm hoping you will agree to assist me. If you decide accepting the future I have described is the option you would rather take, then you will have to kill me. Because I do not intend to give up."

Hermione stopped there, sitting back and taking deep breaths. She watched Dumbledore closely as he contemplated, his body still, his eyes wandering.

Finally, he spoke, and Hermione held her breath. "Your words have not given me much choice. I cannot stand by and watch your tale become reality." He almost smiled at Hermione's small sigh of relief.

"I will do all I can to assist you, Miss Granger."

"Please," She interjected, "Call me Hermione."