Chapter 5

Tigerstar's POV

Tiggerstar giggled, adding the finishing touches to his next prank. He stood back and admired his work. Ravenpaw's barn was now a haunted house.

Brokenstar narrowed his eyes. "Wait, since when have you ever giggled, much less laughed?"

At that moment, an alarm went off.

Hotfrost, who was there as well, gasped. "YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO NOTICE THAT!" He then darted into a little nook between the hay bales, cowering and covering his ears with his paws.

Tiggerstar followed suit, along with every other Dark Forest cat in the barn.

Brokenstar rolled his eyes, but flattened his ears against the noise.

One of Snow's agents padded into the barn, wearing specially made dark robes for cats. "Brokenstar," he growled in a low voice. "Snowsong has invited you to Candy Mountain."

Brokenstar's pupils dilated. "I am honored to accept her invitation." He was promptly whisked away to Snowy's Candy Mountain on the moon, where she brainwashed cats by bribing them with candy, because conspiracy theories are fun.

Once the alarm had stopped, all the Dark Forest cats came back out.

Breezepelt blinked. "No king! No king! La la la la la la!"

"What's a king?" Redwillow whispered to Tiggerstar.

Tiggerstar shrugged. "I dunno, but it sounds important." Realizing that if it was important and Brokenstar was a "king", then he should be a king too. He wasn't about to be outdone by Brokenstar, after all.

"Idiot! There is a king!" He bellowed.

Breezepelt looked confused. "But Brokenstar-"

"I am king!" Tiggerstar puffed out his chest.


They were interrupted by a scratching at the barn door. "Hello? Who's in there?"

All the Dark Forest cats squeaked and poofed back to the Dark Forest. Well, all of them except for Tiggerstar, who just hid in another hay bale.

Ravenpaw padded into the barn. "What the-? AAAHHHHH!" He yowled as he saw Tigerstar. Ravenpaw skittered out and away as fast as he could, whimpering.

Meanwhile Tiggerstar was howling with laughter. "Ah, it never gets old!"

Lionblaze, who had been hiding in a hay bale as well, burst out, ready to charge, but tripped over his own paws and face planted, skidding to a halt. He wailed like a little kit. "OW! THE PAIN! IT'S UNBEARABLE! Light fading…. Darkness closing in… Gahhhhhh…" He passed out.

Tiggerstar giggled again. "Wow, looks like pain intolerance runs in the family."

He sauntered off, leaving Lionblaze in a fluffy heap on the floor and Ravenpaw probably off hyperventilating somewhere.

A/N: HI! Wow, I haven't updated this in a year… I feel like I'm losing my sense of comedy. DX Ideas? Anyone? I can't think of any. Probably because I'm on a sugar high.