Till I see you again
chapter 5
A few hours later, Dean was finally sitting comfortably beside his little brother. He still couldn't believe how bad Sam looking, his eyes were wrapped with a white bandage and both his hands were in casts. Bruises littered his face and arms, making him near unrecognizable. Guilt was still eating at him over what Sam had gone through. What had possessed those men to torture a 13 year old kid? There was no reason or excuse that was anywhere near good enough for Dean to accept. Dean would take their lives as payment for the pain that Sam had gone through.
Dean didn't think he would ever forget the pained whimpers that had escaped Sam's mouth as they had brought him into the ER. He wanted to cry as he thought about it. No one should ever have to suffer as much as Sam had in his short life.
"Sammy, I don't care how long it takes those guys that hurt you will pay!" Dean murmured as he raised his hand and gently touched Sam's face. Sam's eyes were bandaged to protect them from what Dean wasn't sure. He just hoped that when Sam woke up that he wouldn't be scared. Dean couldn't stand the thought of Sam being scared and unable to see his family. Dean's heart ached just thinking about it.
"Whatever happens when you wake Sammy please don't be scared Dad, Bobby and I are going to be with you, you're not going to be alone I promise." Dean looked away from Sam when tears filled his eyes. Time after time he had watched Sam get hurt and no matter how hard Dean worked, he could never protect his little brother well enough.
"I know what your thinking" John said as he turned away from the window. "I don't think there was any way possible to have prevented this from happening especially if it was because of what I think."
"We sure as hell could have prevented this from happening? What is it you think that caused this?" Dean demanded.
"You know what they say about loose lips sinking ships. I think someone shared something they shouldn't have and those hunters took preventative measures." John replied wondering who had shared the news about Sam's blood. If he ever found out who it was it would be lights out for them. As it was John could only begin to guess at how many hunters now knew about Sam. He knew they would have to keep someone with Sam at all times since the kid would no longer be able to protect himself. If John guessed correctly the trouble for his family was only just beginning. He didn't want to share everything with Dean but he would have to share his thoughts about more hunters coming. That meant his family had to go underground as soon as Sam was well enough. They needed to prepare for any and every possibility.
"That's not telling me much" Dean muttered narrowing his eyes at his father.
"I can't tell you everything right now but I will say that Sam needs someone with him at all times. I am betting that there will be another attack sooner rather than later, and we need to be prepared for it." John replied.
Dean sighed and turned back to Sam. Luck would have more hunters coming for him, but Dean would do whatever it took to protect Sam and that meant dying if it came down to it.
A pained moan came from Sam causing Dean to sit up straighter. He hadn't expected Sam to start to wake this soon.
"Sammy" Dean said softly placing his hand on Sam's arm, letting Sam know that he wasn't alone.
"D'n" Sam mumbled "Where are you?" the searching tone to Sam's voice caused a sharp pain to rip through Dean's heart.
"I'm right here bud, right beside you." Dean felt tears fill his eyes as Sam turned his head toward him and search blindly for him. Dean wished more than anything that he could take Sam's place. His little brother didn't deserve to have this happen to him.
"I'm sorry Sammy, if I was a better brother than none of this would have happened in the first place."
"Not your fault" Sam mumbled, as he started to drift off to sleep again. Dean's heart felt like it could explode with the love that he felt for his little brother. Things were going to be tough for a little while for Sam, but he would be there for him every step of the way.
Thanks for reading and reviewing, sorry about the late update.
Here is a synopsis for one of my next fanfic.
What if instead of having psychic abilities, the migraines were something more sinister? What if it was something that threatened to take Sam away from his family forever?
Sounding interesting?