Sorry about the wait (^.^;)7 hope this at least tide you over till the next chapter. This fic is not dead yet! I just need time and patience for this work. love you guys hope you enjoy this little tidbit till the next one


After all three friends finished eating, they all cleaned up after themselves and helped Matthew wash and put away the dishes.

"So, what do we have planned for the day fellas?" asked Gilbert, after putting away the last dried dish in the cupboard above the counter.

"Seems like a nice day out, how about we go to the open air market that's downtown today? That is if you're feeling well enough to make the trip" responded Matthew, toweling down the sink for any leftover food that stuck to the sides.

"Sounds wonderful, I'm sure I'll be able to manage" answered Arthur, getting excited about a chance to go out and have fun with his friends for once, oncoming cold be damned.

"Alright it's decided then," said Gilbert, "good thing I came prepared with an overnight bag, I left it in my car just in case I end up crashing here for the night." the albino smirked

"Great, anything to keep my mind off that cheating idiot" Arthur stated, sighing heading towards the guest room he had woken up in.

"Hey Matt, do you think he's going to be alright?" Gilbert whispered to the blond, nodding his head in the direction their friend had left, concern clear on his pale face over their newly single friend.

"I'm not sure Gil, the only thing we can do is help him move on" suggested the honey blond "As much as I want to strangle my brother, we have to look after Art. You know how well the last breakup went."

The two recall the last time their little English friend got out of a relationship, a lot of booze and sleeping around was involved. The two decided enough was enough and stepped in to keep their companion from self destructing.

"Alright, I'm going to go take a shower and change. You can turn on the TV if you want, remotes on the coffee table" Matthew told Gilbert,

"Alright, thanks Matt, I'm gonna check on Arthur first," was the reply the wavy haired blond received as Gilbert walked past him in the direction the Englishman had gone.

Matthew headed to his own room for a change of clothes, heading to the bathroom, he heard Gilbert and Arthur laughing as he passed the room the two were currently in. A small smile appeared on his face, happy knowing that Arthur is doing well despite the things that happened the night before.

'This breakup might just be what's best for him. Alfred on the other hand… I don't know what's going to happen, he is known to be unpredictable after all' these thought ran through Matthews head as he showered, drying his hair off after he dressed himself. He threw his sleeping clothes onto his bed, knowing he would be wearing them again tonight. He pulled on some socks and comfortable sneakers, walking into the hallway to see both Arthur and Gilbert waiting for him.

"What took you so long Matt? I bet my granny could've gotten into her pjs faster than you," the albino cackled, pointing at his friend mockingly

"Shut up Gil, let's go before it starts getting packed," Matthew quipped, pulling on a thin sports jacket, given the chill the rain left behind the night before.

The wind was calm but slightly chilly perfect weather in the eyes of the Englishman and Canadian. As the three old friends made their way to the train station they reminisce about "the good old days". Days they didn't have to worry about paying bills, finding good jobs, being pressured to have their lives figured out.