
Bethany Winchester, sister to the Winchester brothers, fights everyday with the idea of leaving the life. So much had been lost and many lives were gone because of it; what else could possibly be waiting for her? But during a very strange case, Bethany finds herself face to face with the legendary president of the United States. Now she must find a way to get back to her own time while working alongside the vampire hunter to save the States from the bloodsuckers.


I do not own anything from the Supernatural show, or Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. I do own my own character, Bethany Winchester.

"More boys are to be sent out to fight." Since their departure from the White House, Henry and Bethany cozied up in a small house not too far from where Abraham resided. Though Henry wanted to go back to Springfield and finish up some unsettled scores there, he knew Bethany wanted to stay close to her friend in order to help in any way she could. So he bought a house – just for her – for them to stay in Washington, D.C. The couple sat in the dining area, Bethany peering over her newspaper watching Henry reading his own. They both sipped on blood in their tea cups while they caught up on the recent national events.

It had been a little over a week since the death of little Willie and Bethany had not received word from her best friend. Though she did not blame Abe for his silence, she still wanted some kind of update on how his mental state was. Her decision to change was not based on him; it was not his fault. And that she needed him to understand. And being a 'newborn', Henry continuously praised Bethany on her uncanny self-control. What he didn't know was her blood lust; how powering it really was. But the woman did not want to upset Abraham more than she already had done, so she kept her mind elsewhere instead of how hungry she really was of every second, of every day.

"We need to do something, Henry." Finally the man connected his gaze with hers, a kind of annoyance hidden in the stare. Making a face, Bethany pushed her newspaper away and stood from her seat. She walked to the kitchen window; the window that faced the White House. From the distance, she could see the continuous construction and American flag waving high in the air.

"I'm not so sure what I can do at this point, my love," Henry finally responded as his body connected with hers. From behind, Bethany could feel his hands wrapping around her waist, his fingertips playing with the lace of the dress she was wearing. "Abraham refuses to speak to me; I doubt he'd want to speak to you after witnessing your change." Bethany's new immortality definitely suited her; however others would disagree. Nevertheless, there was one thing that constantly bothered her while many others had not suffered from – according to Henry; a headache.

She had experienced the headache as soon as she awoke from her deathless slumber; a headache Henry assured would pass with time. However, it had been a few weeks since the change and still Bethany felt as if a hammer was methodically pounding on her tempera lobe. Turning to look at the man, Bethany placed her hands on his exposed chest. "All I want to do is help," the woman confessed. "All these boys are losing their lives because Abraham is too stubborn to speak to us. It's not fair."

"And I understand that; but in time, Abraham will come to us when he realizes he cannot win this war without our help." And sure enough, as Abraham sent out more men out to fight for the right of the country, they continued to die in brutal manners due to the opposing side's menacing advantage. Henry informed Bethany of what Adam's plan was after all and how he was using his army of vampires to help his cause. Bethany was disgusted with how Adam was handling the war – but it was understandable; it was a war after all.

With each passing day, Bethany continued to read the newspaper with headlines about the losing battle. Photographs of the hundreds of men lying lifeless covered by the overgrown grass caused a sadness in her heart. The war so far had cost Abe countless of lives – including his son – and millions of dollars, and yet Bethany continued waiting patiently for her friend to summon her; begging for the help of vampires to defeat their own kind. Henry had made his way down to New Orleans to keep an eye on Adam and analyze what his strategic plan was to win the war while Bethany stayed home. Her headache had grown worse causing Henry to worry about her well-being.

A knocking sound began ringing in her ears as she sat in her living room, the fire crackling in the fire place illuminating the room just enough for Bethany to read the novel she had in her lap. Immediately her hands clapped against her ears, trying hard to muffle out the knocking. She groaned; tired of the pain in her head reminding her of her mistake. The knocking stopped. Bethany paused and looked around the room. She waited for a few seconds before the knocking continued. "Oh – it's the door," she spoke softly to herself, feeling a tad idiotic.

Bethany got to her feet and walked to the door. The whole vampire thing was still something to get used to as Bethany reached the front door in a matter of seconds; her heightened speed occasionally coming in handy. She peered through the peephole seeing Joshua Speed's mousy face looking up to her. "Speed?" Opening the door, Bethany was greeted by the scent of his blood rushing quickly through his veins, his heart beating quickly.

"Bethany," he spoke hesitantly. "May I come in?" he questioned, his hands fidgeting together while his eyes peered up to the woman, fear hidden within them. The woman raised a brow, wondering if the fear was due to Abraham informing Speed of the monster she had become. Taking a step back, Bethany opened the door a little wider for the man to enter the house. Speed hesitated, unsure if he really should proceed before taking the steps inside. Once the door closed behind him, Speed jumped in fright.

"Speed, are you okay?" she asked, taking a step closer to him. Speed backed away, his hat in his fidgeting hands. Still his heart beat was unusually quick and his breathing was heavy. "Did something happen to Abraham?" Bethany asked, worried. Speed shook his head, muttered and stumbling on his words that the president was perfectly fine – considering. "Then what the hell is wrong?" the woman asked, her patience growing thin.

"Listen, Abraham is sending more men out to fight the war but I don't think it's a good idea," the man began, his eyes gazing to the ground. Annoyed, Bethany began walking to the living room, beckoning the frightened store keep to follow her. Speed obliged. "I don't know what to do Bethany," he continued, taking a seat on the couch across from the woman. "He won't listen to Johnson, nor I; even his wife – Abraham is too stubborn."

"And you're here because?" Bethany asked, beckoning for the man to continue to the point he was trying to get at.

"Maybe he'll listen to you." Speed's fidgeting hands finally froze in place on his lap as his light eyes stared pleadingly up to the woman. She was taken back; Bethany didn't think Abraham needed her any longer now with him being much older, wiser and angered by what she had become. "We all know Abraham misses you but refuses to admit it because of what you are now." Bethany's gaze fell, ashamed she had agreed to turn into the very monster they had been fighting.

"Listen Speed, I appreciate you coming here and updating me on Abraham but – "

"You need to go over there." Bethany and Speed turned to the voice, seeing Henry walking into the living area, blood staining his white blouse. Racing to her feet, Bethany approached Henry, putting her hands over the red spots, her eyes scanning them. He wasn't hurt. But the blood belonged to those that meant to hurt him. "I'm okay," Henry assured her, putting his hand on her shoulder. "But Abraham isn't; and neither is the North. Adam is planning something sinister and we need to come up with a plan to defeat and destroy him as soon as possible." Henry's eyes traveled to Speed, the man standing on his feet, his hands fidgeting with his hat once again.

"How am I supposed to get him to talk to me, let alone trust me enough to help him in this war? A war that's against my own kind; he's going to view it that way," Bethany explained, knowing her best friend well enough to know he wouldn't want to see her.

"When he hears what Adam has in store, he's going to beg for our help." Henry looked down to Bethany, lightly placing his hand on her cheek. The woman returned his gaze, fearful of the news he had acquired in New Orleans.

Walking into the White House after a long absence seemed bittersweet. The halls no longer smelled of pine needles and hardwood, all voices were hushed and quickened as many individuals scurried around to get to their destination. Though the walls looked the same, it seemed like a different building. Bethany was finally able to see all the scratches and scruffs on the walls and floors that had been made by the current and previous presidents. She was finally able to listen in on the conversations being held around her; important ones that she had tried to listen into before turning into a vampire. It was like looking through a new pair of glasses into the same world.

"The president is just this way." Both Bethany and Henry nodded at one of the many maids employed by the president. The newborn vampire placed a stray piece of dark hair behind her ear, forcing her sense of hearing to zone in on the voice of none other than Abraham Lincoln. It seemed Henry had done the very same as he lightly squeezed Beth's hand, a small smile on his face. The woman wondered why he was so confident that Abraham would agree to working with them, especially with everything their species had done to his family. But if he was confident, then Bethany trusted Henry's word and continued their way until they arrived in the dining area where the president and the first lady.

"It's the first day of Gettysburg," Abraham spoke, his voice low with sorrow as his head hung low. "It's been a disaster." And yes it has; newspapers already reported on the hundreds of lives lost so far as young men suffered from missing limbs and chunks taken from their bodies. The papers claim the opposing bullets were 'massive' with force, but Bethany knew the truth; all vampires did. "I don't think the army can survive another. If the rebels break through, they'll be here in days." There was a pause in his words as he allowed some time for the news to settle in his quiet wife's mind. "The generals think we should evacuate Washington, run the war from New York or Boston, if need be."

"You have to win this war." Abraham and Mary's eyes followed the voice to find Bethany and Henry standing at the doorway, their hands interlaced. Bethany's eyes frozen with Abraham, thankful she was able to see her best friend once again. His face grew weaker since the last time she had seen him. "If you don't, then all of it…"

"Then our son's death will have been for nothing," Mary finished, knowing where Bethany was going with her words.

"How can I win a war when I can't even protect my own family?" Abraham's gaze moved to his wife; however Bethany knew the man was speaking to her. "Our men have no way of defending themselves against this enemy. Our bullets are useless. Our bayonets are as powerless as this fork!" Abraham held up the fork for show, but something caught his eye. Bethany stood next to him, her hand on his shoulder as she finally realized Henry's plan. With a smile, she looked down to him with a nod. The man understood; silver.

Abraham rushed to his feet with the fork tightly fisted. "Will! Speed!" he called out for his friends who had been helping him come up with strategic plans for the war; all unsuccessful. However, with the new idea brought on by a simple conversation, Abraham found Will and Speed in his office. "This is what we need," Abe informed them, hovering over his desk as he held the fork high in the air. Both men looked to the president, confused.

"A fork?" Will questioned, taking the silverware from his friend.

"Silver," Abe corrected him, hope in his eyes once again.

Author's Note:

I'd like to take this time and grant a thank you to those who are reading this story. I really appreciate your time. Please review as it is very motivating and inspiring whenever an author receives a review – even if it's just saying 'job well done'.

Also; if you're on tumblr, my NEW username is 'jewelsjaywritcs' and I do take requests for graphics/manips/character aesthetics. I also review original/fanfiction work and edit. Thanks again.

Jewels Jay xoxo