Author's note!
So this is a collection of prompts and drabbles, mostly caryl and richonne, from tumblr.
Warnings vary per drabble and all are unrelated to one another unless otherwise stated.
If anyone here would like to request something feel free to do so, I'd also love to write some Merle/Andrea and Andrea/Milton aside from richonne and caryl. But feel free to message me if ya want something :)
This chap I'm warning for minor language.
Asamcedesfan on tumblr wanted this awkward "please stay in my cell, I need you" and I live to please so here it is.
Enjoy and please review!

Stay, For Asamcedesfan

Not really sure how to feel about it,
something in the way you move.
Makes me feel like I can t live without you.
Yeah It takes me all the way.
And I want you to stay.
Stay- Rihanna feat Mikky Ekko

To say the prison had become crowded may have been the greatest underestimation Carol had ever uttered.
With the addition of the Woodburians- as Glenn called them- space had turned into an increasingly rare commodity, privacy even more unattainable than before with fleets of kids running through the prisons halls as if it was their personal playground.
Finding sleeping quarters for the people Daryl unflinchingly referred to as the Surburbanites had proved an impossible task without sharing cells.
Of course, most of them had already paired off.

Glenn and Maggie, Michonne and Tyreese, Beth and Hershel, Rick and Carl Turned out the only two without a bunkmate were herself and Daryl.
She glanced over to where he sat, in the far corner of the cafeteria, moving food from one side of his plate to another, eyes glued to his uneaten dinner.
She knew the idea of a bunkmate, a stranger in his space, his sacred little personal bubble, was gnawing at him.
Daryl didn't fear much of anything in the world, but she did the know that the possibility of someone catching sight of the scars on his back, the etchings of a life lived in terror was enough to make his palms slick with sweat and his breath hitch with anxiety.
And she was hardly jumping up and down with anticipation.
To be honest the idea of some stranger so close to her at night made her stomach churn. It wasn't entirely logical.
These people weren't killers, hell, if not for that psycho they d have all died off months ago. But she couldn't help the instinctive distrust.
They d been through too much now, seen the ugliest side humanity had to offer.
If a stranger moved in with her She wouldn't sleep a wink.

So he was her only option.
She kept putting off asking him, nerves stopping her midsentence.
It was silly- there was no reason for her not to ask.
Just the quick flutter in her chest and the heat in her cheeks whenever she started to. It was foolish of her, letting her emotions get in the way of what was a perfectly platonic request. As much as she wished otherwise she knew Daryl wasn't ready for anything more.
So she'd go. She'd ask him right now, while he sat ,alone, playing with his food. Ignoring the fear of rejection gripping her, she stood from her place at the table, pushing her chair in and striding towards him purposefully. He looked up when she stood in front of him, expression puzzled.

"Hey, wha's goin' on?"

She took a deep breath, willed her hands to stop shaking.

"Well Rick's saying everybody has to share cells."

He scoffed, letting his distaste for the idea be known.

"Yeah," I heard. "Fuckin' stupid."

She swallowed, her nervousness beginning to overtake her. Damn it.
Come on. Do it. Just spit it out.

"Daryl, I can't stay with one of them... With a stranger. I just can't, I just-"

"I know," he interrupted abruptly, beginning to tear into his thumbnail.
"Don't worry 'bout it."

His eyes met hers then, his bright frosty blues boring into her and she understood.

"So you'll be there?"

He nodded, breaking eye contact, staring at his now lukewarm dinner.


She smiled, nodding back. "Thanks."

"Ain't nothin'. Now lemme eat my dinner fer chrissakes."

Carol gave him a final nod and walked away, still smiling with the knowledge that he would be there when she needed him.