Chapter Eight: Farewells

Two Days Later

"The internal circuits seem to have burnt out. If we rewire them, we might be able to reuse some of the hyperdrive pieces…" Anakin was saying to Han when Leia approached them. They were both underneath the Millennium Falcon, trying to repair the ship.

"Try that stabilizer there," Han said to Anakin, opening up a metal covering over a section of the Falcon.

"We can't direct all of the power at once; the ship will be overwhelmed. It's best if we started with a lower power coupling, and then upgraded slowly," Anakin replied, tinkering with the wires at the Falcon's belly.

Leia could not understand most of what Han and her father were saying, but even she could see how well they worked together. They were alike in many ways, after all. Although they had been hostile initially, thrown back by each other's pride and stubbornness, they had ultimately bonded over their love for mechanics and flying. For the first time in her life she wished Anakin could have been there to give her and Han his blessing.

Leia approached the ship slowly, still cautious around Anakin. Although she had finally accepted her father as he was, she still felt uncomfortable around him. She had spent such a long time hating him that she found her pride would not allow her to bend or show her change of heart.

"Hey sweetheart," Han said with a smile when he spotted Leia heading towards him. He wiped his hands off with a rag.

"How is she?" Leia asked Han, referring to the Falcon. Anakin looked over at her when he heard the sound of her voice.

Han glanced back at the Falcon. "We're ready to go. Just a few extra wire connections and then she'll be good as new." He gave Leia a lopsided grin.

Leia smiled back. She was relieved that Han seemed to be himself again. For the past few days he had been on edge; Leia knew he felt restless trapped in the Naberrie home. Han had never been one for domesticity and formal manners, so with his additional worrying about the state of the Falcon, Han had been anxious and prone to irritation.

Han leaned toward Leia. "This guy's incredible," he said in a low voice. "Now I know where you and Luke get it from. He just connected the wires in record time. I don't know a single other person like that."

Leia winced slightly. She felt torn and angry about lying to Han about her father's other identity. It was tearing her up inside, and it hurt her most to know that she was keeping a vital secret from Han. But she was afraid. Afraid of his reaction. Afraid of his rejection. Afraid of losing the man she had fallen in love with.

"What?" Han asked her, apparently seeing the look of discomfort on her face.

"Nothing. It's nothing." Leia forced herself to meet his eyes and put on her best political mask. She knew she wasn't fooling Han, but he knew better than to push her.

"You shouldn't have walked here by yourself," Anakin said, startling Leia from her thoughts. Anakin headed over to where Han and Leia were standing. "There could still be Salixala wandering around."

"I'm fine," Leia said quickly, unwilling to accept Anakin's concern. The Salixala had cleared up almost immediately after the arrival of the clones, and almost all threat to Theed had been eliminated. Although they were still waiting for a confirmation from the commander of the clone troops, Leia knew that she would be safe enough traveling to where the Falcon was resting. Theed was already returning to its previous vitality, and life was returning to its streets.

Apparently Anakin knew better to argue, so he just inclined his head respectfully. "Of course, milady."

"I think she's fixed," Han said to Anakin.

Anakin nodded. "She's a beauty," he said, admiration in his voice.

Han ran his hand over the ship's side. "She's the fastest in the galaxy," he said proudly. They fell into a small silence, Han and Anakin both admiring the Millennium Falcon.

"I should be getting back," Anakin said, breaking the silence. He wiped his hands on Han's cloth. "Obi-Wan will be wondering where I got to. We'll be heading to the Outer Rim as soon as we get the message from the Clone Commander."

"We'll go with you," Han said to him. "We need to say our goodbyes."

"…We have driven the remaining Salixala warriors out of Theed, General Kenobi," a hologram of the Clone Commander was reporting to Obi-Wan when Leia entered the room. "Queen Apailana has come out of hiding to regain the Naboo Throne. We await further orders."

"Thank you for your leadership in our absence," Obi-Wan said to the hologram. "Please await further commands." After respectfully inclining his head to the Clone Commander, Obi-Wan reached down and shut the hologram off. He tucked his hands in his sleeves, obviously deep in thought.

Wishing to gently announce her presence, Leia spoke out loud to Obi-Wan. "Is the siege ended?"

Obi-Wan looked up. If he was startled, he recovered quickly and answered her, "Yes, Naboo is safe again."

"You will be sent back to the Outer Rims?"

Obi-Wan nodded. "Did Anakin tell you?"


"Is he back?"

"Yes. He and Han returned just now."

Obi-Wan nodded. Leia studied his face. He was so young, and it was eerie to look upon the face of a man she knew in his old age. He was still the same man, but the old Obi-Wan had possessed a strange type of sadness and quiet. It broke Leia's heart to know that one day this Obi-Wan would become that man.

Leia was suddenly struck with a desperate urge to tell him the truth –the whole truth– behind her and Luke, the approaching end of the Republic, the turning and betrayal of Darth Vader. She felt the thoughts building inside her, pressing against her heart and chest. This would be the last time she would have the chance to warn Obi-Wan. Maybe the future could be changed, the slaughter of the Jedi stopped, her mother and her father saved…

"Don't." Obi-Wan said abruptly.


"Don't tell me."


"Luke told me," Obi-Wan answered softly. "I know that you are not from this time, and I know that your time holds its own secrets, dangerous and dark. But knowledge of the future is destructive, and the risks are high. It is best for the present to remain focused on their day."

"There are things that could be changed, prevented…" Leia said desperately.

"Milady, no one knows what will happen when time is tampered with," answered Obi-Wan.

He met her gaze directly, and Leia found that she had to avert her eyes, not willing Obi-Wan to see her pain. She pursed her lips and her forehead wrinkled in worry. Maybe Obi-Wan was right. She did not know what consequences might occur if she revealed the future. Ultimately, she knew that it was right to let this present take its course, no matter how much her heart broke over the knowledge of how dark the present would become.

Obi-Wan looked at her for a moment. His eyes seemed hold deep knowledge and wisdom of beyond his years. "…You have your father's strong will," he said quietly, finally, sadly.

These words, though simple and startling, stirred the emotion deep within Leia. She felt surprise and a desperate clash of sadness and pride, but she found she did not have the words to speak. …She did not want to speak, either. There was nothing to say.

Luke entered the room a second later, closely followed by Han. He glanced at Leia and Obi-Wan, and, ignorant of the conversation that had just occurred, turned to his twin and said, "Han says the Falcon is fixed."

"Y-Yes," Leia replied. It had taken her a moment to register what her brother had said.

We need to leave, Leia.

I know, Luke.

Luke's voice came back gentle and comforting. I can sense your emotions, Leia.

I don't understand… why would the Force show us this if we cannot change the past?

You find learning about our parents' past distressing?

I find it distressing that we know the future and still cannot help them, Leia answered, pouring her desperation and sorrow into her words. Luke, how could our father have turned? How did our mother die? I don't understand why those things could have happened to these people.

Leia could sense Luke's sadness through their bond. I don't know, Leia. We will learn someday.

Leia was silent in response, allowing herself to let go of her emotions and inner turmoil for now. When she finally had cleared her mind, she found Anakin entering the room. Anakin was fully dressed in Jedi garb and was wearing his brown cloak.

"Master?" he said expectantly, looking at Obi-Wan for news.

"The Salixala have been driven out. Queen Apailana is coming out of hiding and will be restored to her throne as soon as possible."

"And the Council?" Anakin prompted, tucking his hands in his sleeves.

"They're sending us back to the Outer Rims."

Anakin was silent, his face a mask. "For how long?"

"They didn't say."

"Did they say when we should leave?"

"Now that Naboo is secured from the Salixala, our services are no longer needed."

Anakin nodded. "You're saying we should leave as soon as we can."

Obi-Wan nodded, stroking his beard. "We should say our goodbyes to the Naberries. We owe them much."

"Yes, Master."

Ryoo and Pooja came running towards them when Leia, Luke, Obi-Wan, and Anakin entered the Naberrie sitting room. They immediately raced towards Anakin, shrieking, and grabbed a hold of his robes.

Leia smiled to herself at the heartwarming sight, watching a grin slide slowly over Anakin's face. He cared for them, she could tell. It made her think of what would have happened if Anakin had not turned, if he had raised them. He would have made a wonderful father.

"Ryoo, Pooja!" Sola called, looking slightly embarrassed at her daughters' enthusiasm for Anakin. "Girls, let Anakin go." Leia glanced quickly toward Anakin, who she saw was grinning at Padmé. Padmé's eyes were warm.

Pooja and Ryoo took a hold of Anakin's hand, pulling him towards where Padmé, Ruwee, Jobal, and Sola were sitting. Obi-Wan, Leia, Han, and Luke followed, taking seats across from the Naberrie family.

"We must thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Naberrie and Mrs. Naberrie," Obi-Wan started once he had seated himself. "But we are afraid our services are no longer needed. We're being sent back to the Outer Rims."

"So soon?" Jobal asked Obi-Wan, taking Pooja on her lap.

"I'm afraid so, Milady," Obi-Wan answered.

"I can't thank you enough for your service, Master Jedi," Padmé said, warmth in her eyes. "You've done so much for our family. We owe so much."

"I'm sure the Queen will be wanting to thank you," Ruwee added, looking toward his wife. "She'll be planning to publically spread Naboo's gratitude."

Sola smiled fondly at Anakin and Obi-Wan. "I'm sure it would make another holo story about the Negotiator and the Hero With No Fear."

Obi-Wan smiled slightly at that, but he responded graciously, "Our presences are needed elsewhere." He looked toward Anakin for support, but his former apprentice was strangely silent and refused to meet his master's glance.

"Are you leaving immediately?" Jobal asked Obi-Wan.

"I'm afraid so, Milady."

Jobal's eyes softened with worry and affection. "We wish you the safest travel, Master Jedi. May the Force be with you."

Obi-Wan nodded and stood. "May the Force be with you too," he replied back. "You have been most gracious."

Anakin did not reply to Jobal's blessing, but he managed a smile as he stood beside his former Master. He appeared to be struggling, because although his outward features reflected calm, there was great sorrow in his eyes.

Padmé's pain was less visible, due to her training as a politician, but there was also tangible sadness in her features. It was all a mask, though; Leia could feel love and pain radiating off of her in large amounts. She stood with her family when the Jedi rose, and smiled when they smiled, and talked politely, but like Anakin she lacked the peace and grace that would confirm that she was truly content.

Leia found her heart aching for Padmé and Anakin, feeling their pain. She knew that their hearts were straining against the masks they had been forced to resume, and she knew that each felt immense pain at not being able to show their grief in the parting. When would they see each other next? Would they see each other again? It was something that Leia realized she –and they– didn't know.

Leia watched Anakin closely as he and Obi-Wan prepared to leave, studying his features closely: his wavy brown hair, his blue expression-filled eyes, his smile… Would he be the same man when he returned? What had been the catalyst in his turn? What had caused Anakin Skywalker to turn into Darth Vader? It hurt Leia to watch Anakin and to know of his fate.

Leia took a calming breath, trying to clear her mind from all her distracting thoughts and her swirling emotions. The Force had given them an amazing opportunity. Although saddening, Leia also knew that it had also been everything they had needed to see.

Anakin and Obi-Wan were already gone before Leia realized she would never see her father again, never be able to interact with him.

We should talk to Father, Leia, Luke said in her mind.

Leia was confused. Now?

When we return home. …I can hear your thoughts, and I wonder the same things.

Would he want to talk to us?

Yes, I think he would.

…Is he the same?

As this Anakin? Similar. Older, perhaps. And wiser, in some ways…

Leia was silent, releasing her emotions into the Force. She felt as though a great burden had been lifted from her shoulders. In a way, it was comforting to learn what she had learned. It had allowed her to give up her anger and forgive the man behind Darth Vader's mask. And although she believed that she would never be able to forget the evil Vader had done to her, the Alliance, and her family, she had been able to understand the good in Anakin Skywalker.

The Force's gentle breath stirred Leia from her thoughts. Time, it told her gently, and Leia felt herself resign in acceptance.

Saying farewell to his mother was just as painful for Luke as saying farewell to his father had been. In a way, it was like saying goodbye to her forever. He would never see her again, never hear her voice, never see her smile at him or speak to him. Although he had never realized it until now, his parents' absence in his life had left a hole, a part of him that always ached for them and yearned for their love and support. Their time together as a family, however brief, had finally given Luke the happiness and fulfillment he had always dreamed of. But now that he was once again leaving them, returning to his life without him, and the once-healing wound opened once more, spreading fresh yearning through him. For one reason or another, hiding his feelings at their parting was not hard for Luke. But as much as he washed his emotions from his face and buried them deep inside him, they would not vanish. Secretly suppressed, the grief tormented and tore at him.

Luke felt a gentle touch from Leia through their bond. He knew that Leia sensed his pain just as he sensed hers. With resignation, he opened his feeling to her and felt Leia's mind open in return. Without any spoken words, the twins gently soothed one another through their bond, sending comfort back and forth.

Luke managed to politely and graciously thank Jobal and Ruwee for their hospitable welcome into their home. He could see warmth reflect in their eyes in response to his words.

"Any friends of the Jedi are our friends," Jobal replied gently, placing her hand on Luke's forearm. "We are indebted to them. Please, you are welcome here."

"Thank you," Luke replied, and shook Ruwee's hand.

"Have a safe travel," Ruwee told him. "May the Force be with you."

Luke nodded, his throat choking up. He looked toward Leia, whose eyes met his with unshed tears.

Sola stepped forward and embraced the each of them in turn. "Thank you," she said softly, her forehead creasing with sincerity. She glanced towards Pooja and Ryoo, who were being held by their grandparents. "Thank you for the safety of my family."

Han and Leia each accepted Sola's embrace, giving warm smiles, touched by the woman's words. Luke felt another wave of sadness wash over him. He had grown towards all of the Naberries in his time in Naboo, and even though he yearned most for his parents, the rest of the Naberries held a close spot in his heart. They had become like a close family to him, welcoming, accepting, and filling his time with energy and laughter.

Padmé said her farewell last, giving each of the three hugs like her sister. "I hope we meet again," she said. Warmth and emotion reflected in her eyes. "I know that we will," she said, her voice clear and confident.

Luke accepted his mother's embrace, allowing her warmth and comfort to wash over him, his mother's love that he never had a chance to experience. I'm sure we will someday.

Luke looked towards Leia and Han for their assent, and, with a nod, the three of them walked up the loading ramp of the Millennium Falcon.

The Force surrounded them; Luke could feel it pulling at him, breathing through him, whispering gently to him. It was time to depart. With one last glimpse at the family left behind, Luke walked up the loading ramp. He wasn't truly leaving them, he decided. When he returned to his time they would still be there, watching over him in the Force just like his father and Obi-Wan. The thought gave him strength and courage. And when he breathed his last breath and joined with the Force, they would be there to welcome him home.