Well everyone .. You've reached the end of the story! I didn't think we'd ever get to the end but I hope you enjoyed it and I promise the one-shots and the sequel to this 'War on Humanity' will be posted very very soon, but for now I bid you a smiley goodbye and thank you for reading!

It was now the week of Thanksgiving. A month after everything that happened on that beach. Four weeks after Raven left and four weeks after Charles lost the use of his legs. Nothing was really the same after that day; sure enough Hank, Alex and Sean returned to the mansion - Hank and Sean carrying a groaning Charles whilst Alex carried an unconscious Daniella; her blood seeping into the fabric of his torn up suit. Although; Daniella recovered within a day - Charles .. Not so much.

"How you feeling this morning then ?" Alex questioned as he joined her out by the fountain in front of the mansion handing her another cup of coffee - it's all she had been drinking - she wasn't sleeping properly. "And a real answer this time would be nice."

"I'll be fine once Moira leaves," She replied with an honest smile before taking a sip of the coffee, "Mm.. Thank you again for the coffee Alex,"

"It's not a bother - like I told you the last three times this morning," He chuckled making her laugh the slightest bit; "She sure has overstayed her welcome don't you think?"

He had a point. For the last month and a bit - Moira had been hanging around the mansion almost like a bad smell constantly apologising to either Charles or Daniella for what happened on the beach. Neither of them really wanted to hear it anymore. She sighed; "I guess - but she is leaving today so I guess that makes it a little better."

"Want me to blast her out of here?" He chuckled nudging her shoulder gently as she smiled.

"Nah that'd be mean," She laughed brightly - it was like music to his ears - "Let Hank get rid of her .. That surely would make her never come back."

Ever since they returned from the beach - when he wasn't tending to wounds or to broken coffee cups - Hank was in the lab trying to ratify his mistake which meant in the mean time he was still having to walk around in his beastly counterpart. Nobody minded - apart from Hank - he seemed better off as 'Beast' than anyone else.

"That certainly would be funny to watch I have to admit," Alex chuckled as she leant her head onto his shoulder. "You alright there Tailor?" She laughed slightly. "It is so good to hear you laugh - you know that?"

"Alex," She said warningly.

"No I don't mean it like that Dan.. Well not anymore anyways." He admitted making her smile. "I just meant it's been torture not to hear you laugh or to be cracking jokes with Sean and me," He nudged her, "It's like day-by-day we're getting our Danni back."

"Yeah I getcha," She smiled warmly up at him as she heard a car door shut causing her to sit up straight. "She's gone;" She laughed, "She's actually gone."

"Yes indeed she is," Charles spoke up causing them both to jump and for Daniella to drop her cup into the cold leave-filled fountain.

"Jesus Charles! You scared the living daylights out of me!" Daniella shrieked as a pout appeared on her face, "And you made me drop my coffee!"

Charles smiled slightly; "Sorry love," His gaze flickered over to Alex who was suddenly sitting up a bit straighter, "Alright Alex?" He questioned, the blonde simply nodded - he seemed to be the only one out of the two who noticed how almost guilty he looked.

"I'm gonna leave you two be," Alex smirked patting Daniella's shoulder, "I'm gonna be in the lounge with Sean if you want to join us later."

"Sure, thanks Alex," She smiled as he kicked his legs over the side of the fountain the water dripping down onto the stepping stones as he walked up the narrow path back towards the mansion. Once he reached the wall, he turned back watching the pair as Daniella swung her legs back over - like he had done - smiling at the wheel chaired bound man who had wheeled himself up so he was beside her holding her hand. He frowned slightly knowing that if he chose to be honest with her that smile on her face would be gone. Although; knowing he couldn't do anything he dragged himself back inside to find Sean.

"You alright there?" Daniella asked as she tilted her head trying to meet Charles' eye; he just nodded looking up at the mansion. "Charles." She said slightly worried, "Please look at me you're worrying me now." He turned and looked up at her with a small smile. "Thank you; now could I get an honest answer please hun?"

"Sorry love," He sighed. "It's just strange looking up at this big home knowing that she isn't going to be there anymore." She sighed using her free hand to rub his back softly; she knew how bad he was taking Raven leaving them - everyone was taking it bad herself included but Charles was by far taking it the worse.

"You did tell her to go love;" Daniella spoke softly knowing it wasn't what he wanted to hear but it had to be said, his shoulders tensed. "I'm sorry Charles but I can't just butter you up with some rubbish but you've still got Hank, Sean, Alex," She listed before pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of his ear, "You've got me,"

"I guess you're right," He smiled up at her - the first genuine smile she had got from him in the last month - "I mean of course you're right - you're you," She leant her head onto his shoulder, "Sweet, loving, wonderful you,"