Chapter 1: While I've never been kidnapped I would imagine it's beyond terrorizing and so I think there needed to me more to Alexis' recovery than simply coming home. As always, I own nothing. Please read and review! :] Also...I wrote a fanfic for between the episodes called Shattered, this is the followup, though than can stand alone as well. Enjoy!

Alexis had planned her visit down to the exact moment. She knew her father would leave before the rest of the team and she was determined to miss him on her way up to the fourth floor. The young red head peered around the corner, hoping that her timing was right. She scanned the floor and decided it was safe.

"Alexis, you just missed your Dad. If you hurry…" Kate greeted her as Alexis made her way toward Kate's desk.

"Actually Detective Beckett, I'm here to see you," Alexis interrupted her.

"Oh," was the only response Kate could muster, why had Alexis not just stopped by the loft tonight, Kate was practically living there after all.

"I just…" Alexis glanced over her shoulder toward Esposito and Ryan who were pretending to be busy.

"Follow me," Kate told her, standing and making her way toward the interrogation room. Kate shut the door behind Alexis and went to lean against the table that sat near the center of the room.

"I wanted to talk to you, without my Dad around." Alexis told her, adjusting the tie's to the jacket she was wearing. "It's about what happened in Paris," the young girl concluded obviously uncomfortable.

"Do you want to talk over dinner?" Kate asked, hoping the change of scenery and food would make the conversation less awkward. Castle had told Kate just yesterday that he was worried about Alexis and how she wasn't willing to talk about what happened. Castle knew part of it was because the CIA had demanded they keep it to themselves, but he also knew that he and Alexis discussed everything. If Alexis was willing to open up, Kate wasn't going to turn her down.

"I know you have plans with my Dad…" Alexis started but wanting the opportunity to talk to Beckett, she didn't say no. Alexis watched as Beckett took her phone and dialed a memorized number. Kate quickly told the person on the other end she had to reschedule their dinner plans and that she'd explain when she got there tonight. Alexis couldn't help but smile at Kate as she hung up the phone. "You didn't have to do that," Alexis told the detective sitting before her.

"Eh, it's good to keep him on his toes. Come on, there is an awesome Chinese place around the corner," Beckett told her, placing an arm around the younger girls shoulder and leading her out of the precinct.