New chapter!

Stressful few months but I got there with the chapter. I hope you likey it so much you review.

Disclaimer: I own what you don't.

Chapter Eleven: Secrets Uncovered

15 March 1589.

Henry is such a lovely baby! Oh he cries and whines at times but he is just a baby and I would worry if he made no sounds at all. He drinks well my wife is reporting and it calms my heart to know that he has such a strong chance of making it to adulthood. Well in the form of good news, my Father is due to meets his first Grandson tomorrow and I hope all goes well. After losing my mother he never did remarry, although I know he wished for more children. I wonder what he will think of Henry's name, I do hope he will be pleased. Mary was unsure and wish to name him after her father, Edward but the family down the lane just had a baby and called the young lad Edward so if we wish them to be friends then different names will make life just the slightest bit easier.

But now I must ready the household for my Father's visit tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a big day.

Harry had been pretty nervous about doing the interview, he had worried about the reporter twisting his words and making him look the fool of course but he had also worried that his own words and actions would portray him as an imbecile. He had spent the night before pacing in his dorm room rehearsing everything he had planned to say and that morning he found that he couldn't eat a single bite.

He'd dressed smartly on Lawrence's advice and grey robes and muggle shirt and trousers, gifts from Sirius, had been his choice. Strangely they made him feel a little more confident as he walked slowly towards the Three Broomsticks where, waiting outside was the strangest woman he had ever seen: she was very tall, very skinny and dressed in black robes edged in bright purple fur and large silver buttons.

When she saw him she smiled so luminously that Harry instantly felt at ease because she just so seemed motherly and warm.

"Mr Potter?" She asked softly and he nodded slowly. "Why hello dear, I'm the Witch Weekly reporter, Mrs Lemonia Rathbury but please call me Lemon." They shook hands and walked through the door to the pub together.

"So Dear boy, how are you on the surprisingly sunny day?" Mrs Rathbury cooed and Harry almost laughed at how different she was to Skeeter.

Harry Potter's Call For Peace: An interview with the famous Boy-Who-Lived!

By Lemonia Rathbury, Senior Witch Weekly Reporter

Gentle readers if there is one modern wizard's name that we all know then it's that of Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived! Of course most of us think we know all there is to know about the wonderful young man but as I sat down in the Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade I found that much of what I thought I knew was about to be proven very wrong indeed.

We all know who he is but most of us barely know anything about him that are not lies fed to us through gossip and miss-printed articles. I found him to be a smart young man with a good head on his shoulders and an understandable thirst for life now You-Know-Who is no longer a danger. I saw a young lad with hope for the future and dreams of happiness and, well, who can blame him?

On the day of the interview the young man, dressed in a simple grey robe and a bright smile, met this reporter outside a pub in Hogsmeade, not far from his school time home of Hogwarts. After a strong handshake we sat and chatted. I found out many a fascinating thing about Mr Potter during our chat, like how Mr Potter's favourite food is a muggle treat call crumpets and Mr Potter was joyous as he told me about his new role as Big Brother to his godfather's adopted son, Silas Black.

Shocking I also found out how rough the Boy-Who-Lived' life has been so far. He explained to me how unwanted he had been at his muggle family's home growing up, how unloved he had been by his aunt and uncle and even how he had been bullied by his cousin. While the young wizard didn't give many details I didn't press, personal details are just that, personal.

Life hadn't gotten better for the poor young lad once he had reached Hogwarts, having faced Trolls, teachers set on killing him and You-Know-Who just in his first year! Giant snakes, dementors and a deadly magic tournament followed through the next few years

I was shocked to find that teachers allowed this and Mr Potter agreed that perhaps more could have been done to protect not only himself but the other students. I reached out to Headmaster Dumbledore after the interview but got no reply.

None of this has made him bitter, in fact Mr Potter could even joke about it with me, saying that "While it wasn't what I had planned, at least I made some amazing friends along the way and now have plenty of stories to entertain people with." He had even laughed at one point. I was delighted by his wit and sense of humour and pleased that he seemed such a sensible young man; after all even if Young Potter didn't ask to be, he is now a role model for all young witches and wizards across the magical world. A duty he seems to be taking seriously if his comments on the state of the wizarding world are to go by.

Having a son and daughter only a year and two away from Hogwarts myself I was very interested in the type of message he planned to send out now he had taken the brave step into public life and he didn't disappoint!

Mr Potter explained how even though he'd lost so much in his short life; he still fights to stay positive and how he always tries make the best of things. The young Gryffindor told this reporter how much the loss of his parents still affects him but he clarified that missing someone, or more than just someone in this case, should never stop you loving others. He said how the love he felt for his godfather (Sirius Black) and his godfather's partner (Remus Lupin) had made him feel closer to his beloved parents.

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were well known friends of Mr Potter's late father and when it emerged that Lord Black was an innocent man after the death of You-Know-Who Young Harry was allowed to live with him as his parents had wished.

Of course this had upset some when it was also revealed that Lord Black is in a relationship with known werewolf, Remus Lupin. Many worried about the safety of the Boy-Who-Lived living with a werewolf but Mr Potter had strong words to combat any words against the man he calls his 'second godfather'.

"Remus is just like everyone else most of the time," he told me before grimacing, "But not everyone sees that and that makes life tough for him. I love that man like an uncle/father and to hear what some ill-informed people say… Well it makes my heart ache. I see people talking about werewolves like they actually know anything about them and it makes me so angry. Not every werewolf is like Greyback, just like every wizard isn't like V*******t and not every witch is like Bellatrix LaStrange (who is in Azkaban for being a Death Eater and her role in torturing many.) and people need to remember that."

By the end Mr Potter seemed to have become rather upset and this reporter offered a small break, which was gladly accepted and together we shared a drink and a light lunch.

Afterward I asked Mr Potter his thoughts on the so called 'Care and Control Act' currently making its way through the Ministry. The act proposes to make the laws governing werewolves much stricter and the punishments much harsher and it is currently being blocked, but by who and how long the block will last, well, no one quite knows.

Mr Potter told of his disgust at the proposed act, telling me how it reminded Harry of how the muggle Nazis treated its Jewish and its other minority populations during the muggle war known as its Second World War. Harry seemed highly upset at the idea that his second godfather would be reduced to nothing more than a mindless beast in the eyes of our Governing body.

"There is so much that could be done to help werewolves," Mr Potter explained in his own words, "Why isn't the Wolfsbane potion being offered? From my research it isn't an expensive potion to make but if you try buying it from many potion makers then you are looking at a small fortune each year. I have often wondered how the Ministry can allow this blatant act of daylight robbery but then I remember that our Ministry doesn't care and that it might even support any actions to make werewolves even more powerless than they are." Here the young lad paused and a tear leaked slowly from his eye.

He explained that he had seen Mr Lupin treated like a worthless stray by strangers who know nothing about what he calls the 'most selfless man' he has ever had the pleasure of knowing.

"Plus he can deal with Sirius in a bad mood and he should get a medal just for that!" He laughed lightly and this reporter couldn't help smiling at the child-like joy in the young man's face.

I later asked Mr Potter if he had any plans for the future, being the Boy-Who-Live and being free of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named must mean that the future is bright and peaceful.

He replied that he hoped so and that while it wasn't set in stone, he hoped that he would be able to fight for those who can't and give words to those without a voice.

Well dear readers it's clear that we can hope for big things from Mr Harry Potter, a very mature Boy-Who-Lived.

The interview had taken place on a Hogsmeade Saturday only two weeks before they were due to break up for the winter holidays and the interview itself didn't come out till the Sunday before.

Of course there would be backlash against the interview but Harry, Ron, Lawrence and Atticus had planned for that; they had written letters three letters to send depending on the level of nasty in the letter. One reply was thanks for your opinion but it's not going to change anything for those showing displeasure but nothing overly rude.

The second reply could be taken as a warning for those who thought it would be appropriate to send letters that were deeply rude, nasty and borderline worrying; such as threats to Harry, Harry's family and things like that. Harry didn't want to involve the Aurors but he knew that these people weren't people he would be able to handle himself.

The last reply the group of boys had written out for the hopefully more positive replies to thee interview. Letters of support, witches and wizards sharing their own stories and of course people with their own ideas of what Harry should do next. Lawrence had written that reply by himself for Harry and Harry had to say he was pleased with how polite the reply letter was but also how it made it clear that Harry already had a plan, even if he didn't.

The only responses to the interview that Harry couldn't plan and write letters for were those of his godfathers'. Harry knew it wouldn't be good and on the train journey home he found himself curled between his older maybe-boyfriends with all three of them quietly reading to try calm Harry down.

Lawrence was, as always, reading something factual while surprisingly Atticus was reading a muggle paperback but Harry had no idea what it was about as the whole thing looked to be in Italian.

Harry himself had started reading his ancestor's journal again as Richard Potter's life got mood interesting with every page.

16 March 1589.

Father arrived early this morning and it was a joy to see him. After a month away in France I could tell my Father was pleased to be back in London and I was pleased to see him as well. His hair is becoming a deeper gray, his skin pale and I worry for his health but I cannot ask, he would never tell.

It warmed my heart to see my Father hold Henry and I was shocked to even see a tear in my father's eye after Mary and I announced that we were naming the baby Henry William, after himself and his older brother who has passed on. Henry cried not once in my Father's arms to the surprise of many in the household as he dislikes being held by anyone but myself and my wife. He particularly hates being held or even being near the Wet Nurse I hired to look after him while Mary is away or in court. I am worried this may become a problem and I am becoming worry about what this could mean... Am I right to distrust the nurse simply because my 6 day old baby dislikes her? Or am I mad and reading too much into a silly thing.

It is night and Mary is calling me to bed, I will think more on this and ask my Father in the morning, I'm sure he will calm my fears. For now I wish to sleep and forgot my worries.

19th December 1995

"What I don't understand," Stated Sirius as soon as he and Harry walked through the door to his godfather's house. "Is why didn't you think to ask me before doing the interview. I am, after all, your legal guardian and perhaps you should have remembered that before going out of your way to do something you must have known I'd disapprove of!"

Harry winced at the tone of voice and he shrugged his shoulders in mild misery, knowing that he couldn't blame his godfather when he was in the right. Harry had gotten so caught up with the idea that he could do something to help that he had forgotten that he now had guardians who really cared about him and his actions.

A Padfoot like growl before Sirius' deep voice spoke again "A verbal response please, Harry and you should always look at someone when they are talking to you."

Harry took and braced himself for the wrath that perhaps he deserved. He looked up slowly and saw the frustrated look his godfather was giving him; a look that said that Harry had done something that not only disappointed him but also one that he thought completely foolish.

Something within Harry broke and he threw himself across the small space of the hallway and into his godfather's warm arms. Harry knew that it was the disappointment that hurt him more than the fact Sirius thought he'd done something stupid. He'd just never really had someone whose disappointment would mean anything to him.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Sirius!" He mumbled urgently into the strong chest, "I'm so used to looking after myself, doing everything for myself and I just didn't think." He wasn't quite crying but the burning behind his eyes told him that if Sirius didn't understand then there would indeed be tears.

After a tense moment that seemed to last forever Harry felt Sirius wrap his arms around the young teen and Harry breathed a silent sigh of relief at the feeling.

"Ah Harry I do, I do." Harry felt the rumbling in his godfather's chest as Sirius hugged him tighter. "I was a lot like that and look at all the trouble that got me into, I want so much more for you than where I ended up."

Harry nodded, "I wanted to do something and if that interview changed at least one person's mind then I did good...I just hated what they were saying about werewolves and I hated what Hermione was saying and I hated the way people would look at me every-time there was something else stupid in the paper…" His anger burnt deep at the thoughts of the reply article the Daily Prophet had published the Tuesday after his Witch Weekly interview.

It had been so condescending when it had questioned the worth of listening to a teenage wizard still at Hogwarts and worse it had questioned if he was safe living with Sirius as Remus as they must had influenced his thoughts on the matter.

Rage boiled in his chest at the whispers that had then spread like wild-fire through Hogwarts and he pulled away from Sirius so the older male couldn't feel the twitch of anger that ran over him.

Sirius grabbed him by the shoulders and smiled. "Told Remus I'd be able to be a proper adult-parent-thingy and tell you off." His smile grew into a grin.

From behind Harry heard the werewolf chuckle and he turned to see Remus standing there with a much larger Silas in his arms.

Harry gasped at the size of his god-brother and rushed forward like he was one of those baby obsessed women on muggle telly.

Silas smiled as he saw Harry and then giggled as Remus passed the glowing baby over. Silas' hair had become quite long for a baby, the blood red locks were like a little nest resting above a bubbly face.

Harry cuddled him to his chest, grinning at one of the most adorable things he'd ever seen. Silas' eyes had started to changed too; darkening from their baby blue to a steel grey like his adopted Black father.

There was a bright flash from his godfather's direction and Harry looked up to see both of the older wizards watching them softly, camera in Remus' hands. Harry chuckled at Remus' love of capturing the moment and instead of being grumpy he laughed and posed for another one.

Greetings over and done with the small all-male family settled in the family room; Remus and Sirius taking the armchairs while Harry stretched out on the sofa with Silas, who was playing happily with his hands.

General questions over the school year so far came and went soon the questions about the interview started and Harry was glad that he and Atticus and Lawrence had agreed that he would tell his godfathers that Harry and Ron had thought up the ideas by themselves. Not that Harry was sure that they believed him as he explained that.

They were silent for a few moments.

"Well your interview seems to have spilt views into two: some still think that you are a kid and don't know what you are talking about and the other side is starting to look at you like you might be useful in getting others to see things their way." Remus hummed in agreement with Sirius' words.

Harry too agreed. "Yeah, Ron and I saw that in the type of letters we were getting and while we tried to be as polite as possible in our replies to both sides it was hard when I just wanted to call some of them stupid bigots. I'm just glad it seems to be getting some people to take another look at this Act and it seems to be making them think twice about letting the Act come into force."

"Speaking of people against the Act we will have some surprising guests for dinner in a couple of days." Remus said softly from his place against Sirius.

Harry tilted his head as his hands tickled Silas' chubby belly. "Really, well who would that be then?" He asked curiously.

Sirius covered his lover's mouth before the werewolf could speak. "Guess!" he chuckled before jumping as Remus bit the hand covering his mouth.

Harry smiled at their antics.

"No idea… maybe the Weasley's?"

Sirius shook his head.

"Could it be Dumbledore?"

There was another shake of black hair and a chuckle from both of them.

"It can't be Neville and his gran because they are going away this Christmas…"

"You aren't going to guess it Harry; in fact I can hardly believe it myself." Remus said through his chuckles.

Harry thought for a minute when he remembered the rumours as to whom it was blocking the Act in the ministry at the moment and his eyes widen. "Surely not, I mean you can't say it's the Malfoy's?!" He gasped is shock as they both nodded. "But it's just Mrs and Mr Malfoy right? Not Draco?"

Sirius laughed at that last bit and nodded, "Yes Harry, Draco isn't coming, it is going to be just Narcissa and Lucius but to be honest that is going to be weird enough." Harry nodded, knowing exactly what his godfather was feeling. "I got the letter a couple of days ago and it asks if we'd be willing to host them for dinner before Christmas. Not young Draco, just Narcissa and her husband." Sirius explained before he gently pushed his partner off of him so he could stand and grab an innocent looking bit of parchment from one of the bookcases that lines the far end of the room.

He handed the letter to his godson and took a sleepy Silas into his arms so Harry could read easier. It was overly polite and formal but not unfriendly and in fact Harry got the feeling that they feeling meant it when they letter spoke of needing to talk to them about something important.

Finally Harry looked up at the letters to find himself alone. He could hear his godfather's in the kitchen a few rooms away, perhaps making tea and a bottle for Silas'. Looking back at the letter Harry thought for a few minutes about what this could mean and he wondered what would be so important that they, the Malfoy's that is, would be willing to put the past behind them, as was hinted in the letter.

Shrugging his shoulders Harry stood and made his way towards the kitchen. He dropped the letter back on the bookcase it had come from before leaving the room as he thought that perhaps it might be worth meeting up with his almost-boyfriends after Christmas.

21rd December 1995

Harry was yet to get used to formal robes, admittedly he had only been in the wizarding world a busy few years, and he'd never really needed to wear them either, the Yule Ball being the most memorable. They were uncomfortable and to him they looked like muggle dressing-gowns that his aunt and uncle always wore before bed. But Sirius had insisted that they needed to impress and of course he thought that formal robes were a good starting point.

The robes Sirius had picked out for him weren't too bad, they were a dull black and not too long. The robe was also edged in a very striking metallic blue silk with bronze stitching and Harry had to admit he liked how the cut of the robes and the tailoring made his shoulders look fine instead of bony and made him look compact instead of short.

His godfathers too had chosen to wear dress robes, or more likely Sirius had chosen to and then made Remus just like he had made Harry. Sirius looked pretty damn regal in his soft purple and brushed gold robes while Remus' robes were mirroring his lovers with dark blue and even darker gold. Together they looked almost like royalty.

Even Silas had been dressing in little wizarding robes but his had no fancy edging or stitches; it was a simple black and silver leaf patterned robe that made him look even cuter and made his blood red hair stand out even more than normal.

Sirius had said that while it was technically a family dinner it was still important to present themselves as the strong, sophisticated members of a power family they were. Sirius had explained to a still bewildered Harry that Lucius would appreciate the formal feeling of the evening and Narcissa had always enjoyed playing the part of the powerful Lady Malfoy, even if the title was rarely used like his Lord Black title.

The Malfoy's were due to arrive at Grimmauld at around five pm but it was expected that they would show their respect to the Lord of the home by arriving at least ten minutes early for formal greetings.

While the Malfoy and Black families were at about the same place on the social ladder it would be Malfoy who were defer to Sirius this evening, not only because it was Sirius' home they would be dinning in but also because it would show respect to his wife's family name. Harry just hoped that he wouldn't make some stupid mistake or insult either Malfoy without meaning to.

One good thing about the evening was that when Sirius had informed the bitter old Black house-elf that their dinner guests were to be the esteemed Lord and Lady Malfoy Kreacher had almost broken out in sobs than finally he would get serve the noble, honourable witch and wizard.

Harry had heard the old elf busy in the kitchen long before sunrise and when Sirius had tried to check on the meal around two hours before the Malfoy's were expected he had been chased out of the kitchen. The young wizard just hoped the food would be edible and not like some of the disgusting foods muggle aristocrats had eaten at formal dinners and parties in the past.

Finally at about 15 minute to five that evening the doorbell rang loudly throughout the house and from his place with Silas in the formal reception, Harry heard his godfather rush from the Head of House study to the front door and then there was a moment of silence.

From across the room Harry to see Remus holding his breath and Harry found himself doing the same. The moment of silence seemed to stretch on forever, but finally Harry heard the sound of muffled footsteps and light chatter.

Both the werewolf and the wizard turned to face the door at the same time, and they came face to face with a beautifully smiling Lady Narcissa Malfoy and her slightly subdued husband.

The Lady swept into the room like a queen and they rose to meet her.

"Lady Malfoy." They muttered softly as she stood before them and it took Harry a few moments to work out the strong, sweet scent that hit him: It was like dried lavender and chocolate and freshly crushed red berries like raspberries, strawberries and tarty cherry. It was almost too strong, too sweet but somehow it balanced itself out, even if it did look like it was upsetting Remus' nose what with his improved, were-wolfish sense of smell.

"Now Gentlemen, please call me Narcissa, I am sure I told you that this summer Mr Lupin and of course, we are family after all…" Her smile was both disarming and infectious and Remus took the hand she held out to shake.

"Then please call me Remus." He said politely, knowing that there could be a lot on the line if one of them messed up. If the Malfoys truly were going to give their support against the Werewolf Act then he could deal with some pureblood snobbishness.

Narcissa beamed at him and it made her look impossibly beautiful in her blush red and silver robes that looked almost like a dress with how it didn't button up but instead it wrapped around her feminine body like water. It had a silver sash wrapped under her breasts giving her a perfect hourglass figure and her hair curled around her face like pale blonde waves. "Well Mr Potter you are looking well, not so panicked as the last time we met," She smiled at the sleeping form of Silas. "And my, my, hasn't he grown!" she gushed.

Harry's smile was shy as he took her hand and said, "Nice to meet you again Narcissa, thank you once again for the help you gave me getting clothes for this little one and please do call me Harry."

She nodded once, smile still bright, "And you know my husband, Lord Lucius Malfoy."

The elder Malfoy male could simply be an older Draco they looked so alike, but Lord Malfoy had an edge of power his son either lacked or hadn't grown into yet. The steel grey robes screamed power and wealth and Harry had to admit it suited the Lord, as did the long flowing blond hair that was lighter than his wife's.

"Pleasure to meet you all again, you do all look very well, very hale and hearty." He purred charmingly as he shook first Remus' hand and then Harry's. Charming the blond lord may have seemed but they could both see the nerves hiding behind his charismatic manner.

Sirius hadn't moved from by the door way and he chose that moment to cough lightly. "Dinner shall be ready in about twenty minutes so if you'd like to take a seat before we move onto the dining room." With the last word Sirius took the spare seat next to the one his partner had stood up from.

Harry was about to retake the seat from before when a hand on his arm stopped him. He turned to find Narcissa by his side. "May I hold young Silas for a while dear Harry?" she asked softly and without a word Harry passed the baby over to her.

She cradled him softly and Harry let her take his seat, leaving the other part of the sofa for her husband, he instead took the high backed chair to the right. Harry could smell Narcissa's sweet perfume once again.

For a few minutes chatter passed between the two lords and the werewolf and Harry watched on, listening and learning while Narcissa cooed over the baby.

"Lucius darling, why don't you hold the youngest Black for a little while?" Narcissa said into a brief moment of silence and before her husband could make up his own mind she had already placed Silas against his robed chest.

Silas chose this time to wake up but unlike most babies who would be confused over being held by a stranger and cry, Silas instead took a deep breath, almost like he was sniffing the Malfoy lord. Once Lucius had passed whatever test the baby's little mind had thought up, Silas turned into Lucius' neck so that his face was buried in the blond's skin and his tiny hands had grabbed some of that long pale hair.

Harry held his breath, unsure how the stern pureblood would react to having his hair pulled by a baby but he worried for nothing as Lucius chuckled and gently pulled the few strands of hair out of the way.

"Now, now, little Silas, you must learn that it is impolite to pull a guests hair."

With those words Harry felt the tension in the room lighten and for a moment he felt he could hope that they could really work together.

Dinner ended up being much better than Harry had feared; there had been no fighting or name calling and the food had, shockingly, been alright, if a bit posh for his normal tastes.

Silas had been fed and settle in his bed before the adults and Harry had made their way back into the formal living room where they'd each retaken their seats from before the meal but now with a glass of wine or whiskey in hand (Hot chocolate for Harry of course). Harry found it quite sweet to see both couples cuddling into each other but there was no way he would admit that to either of them nor would he even think about how he half wished Lawrence and Atticus were there with him.

It wasn't silent for long as polite talk about the Ministry, Remus' new job in a rare book shop and even a little bit about Harry and Draco's school year so far.

The polite chatting lasted a while before Sirius put his whisky glass down and sat forward, eyes not leaving his cousin.

"There must be a reason you wanted to come for a meal Narcissa, Malfoy, I mean normally this kind of family pureblood get-together would be somewhere far more public to show off." Sirius asked after taking a deep breath, watching his cousin and her husband calmly.

Lucius coughed lightly before replying, "Of course one tends to prefer following the traditions of the old ways but," He paused for a moment as if unsure how to word what he wanted to say. "But we thought that perhaps this meeting and what is to be discussed warranted a bit more discretion and privacy."

Remus, Sirius and Harry watched as the blonde couple exchanged looks.

This time it was Narcissa who took the deep breath. "Before the summer I was bitten by a werewolf."

Moments of absolute silence followed her few words.

"Excuse me?" Remus mutter softly as they all stared at the unflinching woman sitting proud in the sofa across from them. Sirius followed his lover when he said slowly, "You mean you are a… you know?"

She nodded and smiled bitterly, "Yes, you hear me correctly Cousin Sirius, I am indeed a werewolf." A bright trickle of tears down from her sad light blue eyes and Harry's mind began working overtime to connect all of the slightly odd things he had noticed in his last meeting with her and what he had seen today. On their own the little things were barely anything to think about but once paired up it was all beginning to make sense.

"So that's why your perfume is so sweet and so strong! You knew that Remus would be able to smell the wolf within so you used three strong and sweet smells to confuse Remus' wolf. Lavender is a calming scent and with cherry and chocolate being food smells they would make Moony think that you are harmless if he did detect any sign of another werewolf, because what enemy brings food?" Exclaimed Harry when he figured it out, it had been something that had bothered him from the start; Narcissa just didn't seem like the type of woman to wear such a strong, almost overpowering, scents.

Lucius turned to look at the youngest wizard and Harry though he saw the ghost of a slightly impressed smile. "Indeed Mr Potter. While there are many potions that hide one's scent, we thought that being scentless would be far too noticeable and we didn't want Mr Lupin revealing my wife's condition straight away, we wanted to enjoy dinner and hopefully show that we do mean our words when we say that we are on your side against this despicable law," The word was said like a curse, "that that group of archaic imbeciles wish to put forward." His grey eyes darkened and Harry saw his hand grip his wife's hand tightly.

Remus and Harry nodded in understanding; it was never easy to tell someone something so big and important and being a werewolf is a pretty big thing.

"But I don't understand how this could happen, as far as I know Narcissa you are too smart to go wondering round random wooded areas on full moon nights and I guess I also don't understand how it didn't get reported in the papers." Said Sirius, puzzled. He frowned at the two blondes, as if unsure if he could believe them.

"Greyback." Narcissa almost seemed to whisper but clearly Remus heard it loud and clear if his deep, twisted growl was anything to go by.

Narcissa ducked her head in surprise or fright, Harry didn't know. Remus apologised none the less. "I'm so sorry Narcissa; I was just surprised to hear Greyback is back in the country, as the last I heard he was in Alaska training werewolves. Why would he attack you?"

"We refused to hide him from the Ministry after the Dark Lord's death, we simply couldn't risk letting him in the manor and nor could we risk alerting the Aurors." The blond wizard explained as he rubbed his wife's slightly shaking back. "After the Dark Mark had become black again I headed straight for the Ministry to inform them and I was there, with witnesses, when it faded to nothing, which, of course, was when he died. Many were suspicious of my words and the faded Dark Mark."

"And if a known werewolf supporter of Voldemort had been seen on your property, even if you were inviting the Aurors to arrest him, would have looked pretty bad for you." Sirius offered to the silent when Lucius stopped talking.

Narcissa nodded. "We just thought that Greyback would try his luck and move on but he didn't. For day he tried to get into the manor's grounds and for days he failed; I was simply pleased that my darling Draco was still at school."

"When the day before the first Full Moon arrived and there was no sign of Greyback we both had sadly assumed that he had left to find a place to transform."

"I didn't notice the wards rumble until it was too late, I was out of the manor and in the hands of a monster." The grip she had on her husband's hand tightened to a level that must have been painful for him, but Lucius didn't move even an inch. "Greyback had grabbed me, for 'revenge' but I think he is just a sick and twisted man. I am lucky that, with how angry he was at our refusal of help, that he didn't do more damage than he did." She sighed softly, as if remembering the pain.

"A broken arm and internal bruises were bad enough injuries, Darling." Lucius muttered under his breath and Sirius growled at the thought of what his cousin must have suffered.

Narcissa glared at her husband. "Well are least it wasn't Draco, you know that child-killer would have loved that." She glanced sorrowfully at Remus, who had been a victim of Greyback's when he had been but a child of six years and he was one of a very few number to have lived to tell the tale.

Over 50 children, mostly muggle, had been attacked by Greyback since the first rise of Voldemort and Remus was one of seven known to have survived passed the attack. If it had been the younger Malfoy that had been grabbed by Greyback, then it would have been likely that Draco wouldn't have gone back to his parents alive.

Draco may not be Harry's favourite person but he'd wish that on no one.

"I remember watching the sunset and then Greyback change, I remember him circling me and I remember his teeth sinking into my shoulder but I have no memory of what happened after that. I awoke in our bed with a private Healer and my husband at my bedside." Harry watched her fight the memories back and he felt an ache for her in his chest. "The Healer took blood to test and within the day we knew the bite had taken and I felt my life had ended, like I was trapped without escape."

Sirius and Remus sat with pity on their faces, Remus because he knew all too well the feeling of despair, of deep sorrow that Narcissa must have felt at the time and even to that moment, and Sirius, as much as he denied it, had loved all of his cousins at some point.

"I had to reassure her that I wouldn't file for divorce and that my love for her far out ways any misgiving I may have had about werewolves." Lucius smiled briefly at his wife, "It wasn't long afterwards that I heard the first rumours and saw the stirring from within the Circle. I worked hard for weeks, getting people on my side and gaining as many new allies as I could before the Werewolf Care and Control Act was proposed to the Ministry. I've held it back as much as I can; I've used favours, bribes and blackmail. I can't let this become law. I simply cannot let this destroy my wife."

With his godfathers seemingly in too much shock to speak, Harry decided that perhaps it was time that he had his say. "Thank you Lord Malfoy, I know my godfathers have tried to hide how bad this could truly be for all werewolves from me but I know enough to thank you for your efforts. While Lady Malfoy's attack could have never been hoped for, I am really grateful you are doing this, putting your reputation, and possibly your freedom, on the line."

Lord Malfoy stared at the youngest wizard for a moment before smiling. "No, thank you young Potter. The interview you did helped far more than you may know; many 'light' wizards were unsure of which side to ally with but knowing the view of the Boy-Who-Lived helped make up many a mind."

Harry stared in surprise before he grinned at his godfathers. "Told you, I told you I could influence people's view." He knew that showing off in front of guests wasn't the politest thing to do but he found himself a little fed up with the pureblood acting.

Sirius rolled his eyes at his smirking godson. "Yes, yes, well done Harry." He chuckled as Harry beamed back at him. Remus laughed lightly with Sirius and even the Malfoy's let their amusement show.

"We had heard rumours that it was you holding the act back but we weren't sure and we'd hoped that might have been the reason you have requested the dinner invitation." Remus said after the chuckles had faded.

Narcissa nodded lightly. "Lucius suggested inviting you to the manor but I thought that perhaps you would feel more comfortable dinning in your home and I thought that it would be easier with young Silas not to have to travel late in the evening."

Indeed it is late, thought Harry after checking the clock for the time. 7.25pm.

"Perhaps we should meet again, before the New Year and discus things a little more?" suggested Narcissa.

They all agreed that that would be the best plan and so a meeting was planned for the 30th at one of the more private wizarding restaurants in Diagon Alley for lunch. When Narcissa suggested she bring Draco, Harry almost complained but manged to hold his tongue; if they were to work with the Malfoys he'd need to grow up and deal with the blond boy like the adult he found himself becoming.

The Malfoy's finished their drinks and Harry could feel the polite chatter coming to a close. When Narcissa, Lucius and Remus stood to fetch the guest's coats, Harry suddenly remembered one of the others things he had found that summer exploring the home of the Noble House of Black. Sirius had stood as well but instead of following the others he had poured himself another drink.

"Sirius, did you get that bracelet fixed for Draco? You know the one I found in the summer?" Sirius stared at him and Harry become flustered when he didn't say anything. "Because I think Lady Malfoy would really like it if you gave it to her, make her feel like she has family around her that care about her and her son."

Sirius chuckled and hugged Harry. "Bloody hell Prongslet, what would I do without you?" his hug tightened. "I was just going to post it to him after Christmas but I like your idea much better. Make small talk while I grab Remus and find the damn thing."

Without another word he dropped his drink back down and left the room, leaving Harry to nervously watch for the Malfoy's return.

Which didn't take long and soon Harry found himself smiling awkwardly at the blondes.

"Sirius just ran to grab something and he shouldn't be more than a minute or two at most." He tried to say lightly but it just came out a grumble.

Narcissa smiled at him motherly. "That's quite alright Harry; we are in no rush, what with Draco staying round the holiday house of a classmate until tomorrow." She patted his shoulder and he couldn't help his blush.

"How are you doing at school? Draco hasn't whined about you as much in his letters home so far this year." Harry was surprised when he heard Lord Malfoy chuckle at his wife's words about their son.

"I'm doing okay Narcissa, I feel like I'm finally free to enjoy Hogwarts."

"Very good indeed… Now, I know Sirius mentioned that you were having some friendship issues over the young Granger girl joining the Teachings but I don't want you to give up on her. Many join, not understanding anything about them till it turns worse. She will return to you if she is as smart as they say, it might just take a while."

Harry was saved from having to reply when his godfathers returned to the formal room, grinning.

"Found it." Sirius said triumphantly and he too made his way towards Harry. "Thanks for reminding me Harry." He gently grabbed his cousin's pale hand and pressed the black box into her waiting hand.

Bemused she held the box in her left hand and slowly opened it with her right. Once she saw and made sense of what was in the box she gasped in shock and tears built in her bright blue eyes.

Lucius, unsure of what had upset his wife, walked over and smoothly took the box into his own hand. Narcissa turned into her husband and rested her head lightly against his shoulder.

"Thank you Sirius, thank you." Her words were muffled but they all understood and Sirius pulled her away from the blond wizard and hugged her himself.

"I didn't forget you 'Cissa, I told you that it would never matter who you married, I told you that you would always be a Daughter of the House of Black and that your sons would have a Black band and your daughters would have a set of Amber beads." He sighed into her long blond hair. "You would have had it long ago if I hadn't gone to Azkaban."

They hugged for a moment more, both holding tightly to family they thought once lost forever.

It wasn't long after that that Sirius and Remus showed Narcissa and Lord Malfoy to the door, after promising to keep Narcissa's secret, and Harry settled into the more comfortable family room with a cup of tea, after checking on Silas of course.

When his godfathers walked through the door Harry nodded towards a couple of cups of tea he had made for them and left waiting by their favourite sofa. He got a nod of thanks from Sirius and a soft 'thanks love' from Remus.

It wasn't time to talk about what they had learnt from the Malfoys, they were still in too much shock for it to be worth it so instead they settled together, enjoying the calm after the storm-that-could-have-been.

"Oh Harry," Sirius broke the silence ten minutes later with a grin. "I got that bronze pocket watch fixed up for you and I put it in your room on the nightstand. It looked pretty good and would have gone great with your robes if I hadn't forgotten." He laughed at himself. "Thanks again for reminding me."

Harry laughed with his godfather, "You are getting old that's all!" He ducked the cushion thrown his way and made his escape to his room, laughing all the way.

As he walked through the door Hedwig chirped at his from her place in the corner of the room and Harry smiled. "Hey girl, fancy taking a letter to Lawrence and Atticus for me? They said they'd be staying in London with Atticus' family, a flat his papa has for business I think…" She just stared at him and he laughed, knowing that she was calling him stupid in her head.

The letter he wrote was quick and simple, just a basic request for lunch the next day, as Sirius and Remus had their own plans and thought Harry would be doing homework, and a 'how are you?'. Harry held the letter out to her and watched her fly across the London sky line.

Harry turned and saw that the pocket watch was just where Sirius had said it would be, laying in an open box on the nightstand and Harry picket it up to have a closer look. The triangle pocket watch had been polished and the engraved lion looked more alive than before; the lion's beautifully detailed fur mane and large soulful eyes had been cleaned of the dirt and dust so every element of the engraving could be admired.

Opening the pocket watch Harry was delighted to see the hands move and hear the soft tick-tock of the timepiece working away.

Yawning Harry put the pocket watch down and changed into his pyjamas; it was cold and he was tired so it didn't matter that the only ones left were the muggle "Wizard" pyjamas that Sirius had given him for his birthday.

Slipping into bed he sighed as the mild warming charms kicked in and he yawn again as he reached under his bed to grab the box hiding his ancestor's journal.

Turning the right page, Harry settle into the comfort of his bed to read a few more entries before the world of sleep claimed him.

21 March 1589

My Father stayed for five days and I believe everyone enjoyed themselves. Talking to my Father by the fire while Mary cared for little Henry was a deep, joyful moment that I don't think anything could have made it better. Henry and my Father enjoyed walks in the garden and by the lake, Father even said that Henry loved watching and listening to the birds and that when he gets older he will enjoy the outside even more than now and that he hopes to take Henry on his first trip to the sea.

On the third day Father was called to do his royal duties and Mary and I visited her mother in the nearby Longbottom home. Lady Longbottom and I have never seen eye to eye and she has always believed that Mary married below herself! My father is a Lord and Ambassador in the wizarding world and Lady Longbottom still dares to believe that Mary should have married that damn Malfoy boy! The damn brat is only a boy of 15 and Mary is a woman of 22.

Not that it matters now but still the woman rises my anger; she wouldn't even hold her own baby Grandson. She would not have him near enough that he could 'Be sick up upon or make a mess of her person'. She barely looked at him or asked his name. I could see my wife's hand twitch, as if she wished to slap Lady Longbottom. I am simply glad to say we didn't stay long after that.

I talked to my Father about many things including his work and how fairs the Queen and country. Over the last few days I have become more worried about the Wet Nurse and Henry for he is becoming more and more distressed whenever the nurse is around.

His little face becomes so red and his and screams don't ever stop. After the visit to Lady Longbottom I had had enough and talked the issue over with my Father. I told him of my fears that the Wet Nurse might not be all she seems and of Henry's wails and weeping even before she takes him into her arms.

My Father suggests that I simply watch her closely for now and if there is any sign that she truly is a problem then I call for him and depending on what the problem is he shall deal with it so not to upset Mary or little Henry.

23rdDecember 1995

It had started snowing in the early hours of the morning and by the time Harry had managed to drag himself out of bed it, had already started to settle in a sea of white fluff. It was only about eight or just past but already the London streets seemed bursting with muggles getting ready for Christmas.

Yawning Harry rubbed his eyes as he stood by the still open window, where Hedwig sat proudly, letter to her left and dead rat to her right.

"Err thanks Hedwig, I'll eat it later?" he said tiredly, reaching for the letter with one hand and patting her softly with the other. He could hear his godfathers and his god-brother rumbling around in the kitchen, no doubt grabbing a quick breakfast before their day in muggle London.

Harry sat back on his still warm bed and opened his letter, not at all surprised to see it was from Lawrence. He could hear Hedwig coo softly in the background as he woke himself up enough to read the reply from his almost-boyfriends.

"Dear Harry,

Of course we can meet you tomorrow/today (It's just gone midnight!), Atticus is staying with his family in his father's flat in the Square for Christmas and I'm staying there till Christmas eve.

There is a lovely little café just outside of the Square, great tea and the mince pies smell amazing from our room. I'll meet you at the Leaky Cauldron around 12 and we'll meet Atticus at the café.

We are doing alright, I enjoy spending time with the De Luca family and Atticus loves his sisters. I have to say we already miss you, we have gotten so use to your bright smile and how cute you are when Atticus tells a dirty joke.

Best wishes and see you soon,

Love Lawrence (Atticus too but he's sleeping already!)

As soon as he saw Lawrence Harry couldn't help the huge smile that took over his cold face. The older, blond boy was dressed in jeans and a jumper, in fact it was the first time he had seen Lawrence without a robe.

Their eyes met from over the crowded pub and Harry almost raced his way across the room. He only knocked into one person but before they could have a go at him, they saw who it was and waved him on.

Once in front of the blond Harry had to hold back from outright hugging him to death. Even though they hadn't really known each other that long, Harry felt there was just an amazingly strong bond already. Which was quite strange for Harry, he had always felt that he struggled to form relationships and for him to trust Lawrence and Atticus like he did was pretty odd.

Odd as it may have been Harry didn't care. He was free of Voldemort and the Dursleys and so he was free to find his own happiness. If it ended up that the brunet Slytherin and the blond Ravenclaw were to be that happiness then who was he to complain.

"Hi." He grinned and gave Lawrence an all too brief, friendly hug, which was softly returned.

"Hello Harry, enjoying the winter weather?" Lawrence said, with his voice husky from the cold wind and rain. Suddenly Harry realised that this was the first time he'd met with Lawrence alone, without Atticus, in fact the older wizards always seemed to be together at Hogwarts.

Harry nodded in answer, "I'm not normally a fan but this year I've kind of embraced the cold." He said mildly embarrassed.

Lawrence laughed warmly. "Don't say that to Atticus, he despises the cold weather, says that his father and step-mother used to always take him to the Southern coast of Italy during the colder months."

Harry found that he could imagine the Italian wizard muttering bitterly at every snow flake. Harry had noticed that as soon as the weather had changed from mild to cold Atticus had started wearing thick, woollen jumpers under his already quite thick robes.

They walked slowly from the pub, through busy streets full of giggling children and some very frustrated looking witches and wizards, and as they walked the talked lowly about the Christmas of time past with Harry explaining how Christmas had been just another day of chores until he had started staying at Hogwarts and Lawrence told Harry that all he could remember of his childhood Yule days were his Mother's scowling him when he dared show any 'disrespect'.

It was Harry's second time in the Alley, the first had been the day of the Malfoy visit and he'd been lucky enough to pick out gifts for everyone he needed to in one go.

Soon they reach the café and Harry quickly saw the Italian Slytherin waving at them from where he sat in the back, as far away from the door and the cold as he could get and Harry had to hold in a chuckle as he saw how many layers Atticus was wearing.

The hug Atticus gave was just as bittersweet as the one that had been shared between Lawrence and Harry a few minutes before and Harry wished dearly that the hug could last longer.

"Hello." The older brunet purred, breath tickling Harry's ear.

"Hey!" He blushed slightly at the feeling of the other's body against his own, even with all those layers of clothes!

Harry felt hot lips press into the side of his neck, right by his pulse point before the strong arms pulled away, leaving Harry feeling to hot and too shocked to move.

Luckily Lawrence was used to his boyfriend shocking Harry and he tugged Harry's arm till his was by his side, across from a very smug Atticus.

Atticus had already ordered for them and soon Harry was enjoying his plate of Crepes with raspberries and honey while the older wizards both tucked into their bacon and egg baguettes (After a small fight over what sauce went better with bacon: Red (Lawrence) or Brown (Atticus)). Harry laughed as Atticus childishly rubbed a little brown sauce on his boyfriend's nose. Their chatter was light and care free.

"My Sister has been trying to dress my cat again and Cicero does not find this amusing but he is too, how do you say it….dim-witted, to protest." Atticus said brightly as he drank the last of his cooling tea.

Harry startled. "I just realised I don't know the names of any of your family, or your cat's name for that matter."

Atticus stared at him for moment before he nodded. "Ahh yes, I suppose we just have better thing to do then talk." He winked as he saw Harry blush at him implications. "My Father is Augustus De Luca and my step-mama is Iaso and my sisters are Jezenia, who is your age, and Justina, who is two." Atticus smiled brightly as he spoke of his family. "I am very lucky and very honoured to have them." He said humbly, which was odd for the normally very self-confidant wizard.

They talked about families about families for a little longer, avoiding Harry's remaining blood family and Lawrence's French mother's family of course, and Harry even learnt a little Roman history with they were chatting away. Atticus had been named for the dearest friend of Marcus Tullius Cicero, a politician and orator of the late Roman Republic. Cicero and Atticus exchanged many letters over the years and many survive or at least the wording does.

"It's why I called my cat Cicero, I hoped he would be my closest friend but he is just fat and lazy." Atticus chuckled.

Lawrence scoffed, "That cat adores you and you love it just as much." He turned to Harry, "It's this huge black and white beast but wouldn't harm a fly; this sop even takes it on walks when they go on holiday."

Harry giggled at the image of the tall, regal Italian walking a huge cat on a lead in the sunny country-side and, of course, his giggle caused Atticus to pout.

Atticus gave a mock-angry glare to both of them. "At least my Cicero is friendly; unlike that terrifying feathered beast you call an Owl."

It was Lawrence's turn to pout. "Hrothgar is lovely once you get to know him."

The Slytherin stared in disbelief. "That thing is a menace that wants to rip my eyes from my face. Harry," the younger wizard nodded at the questioning tone, "You have a snowy owl, correct?" He nodded again. "Well Lawrence's snowy owl is an albino so its eyes glow bright red and it got hit by lightning in our second year so the feathers stick up in the oddest of ways. In all it's pretty weird looking."

Just as Lawrence went to defect his owl's honour he paled and lifted the hood of his robes so that they party covered his face.

Harry and Atticus both gave him concerned looks but were silent for the moment, neither knowing what had upset the blond but at the same time neither wanted to say the wrong thing or attract the attention of others.

There was a few moments silence before Lawrence whispered harshly, "That's my uncle sitting over there, if he sees me he'll no doubt tell my mother and she believes I'm studying in the Alps this Christmas."

Atticus nodded and Harry, while still slightly confused, understood that Lawrence's mother knowing anything he didn't want her to could be nothing but bad news.

"Well we can't go round my father's flat because my sister has some of her English friends round and I'm not dealing with her whining if I bring another friend home." They all sat still for another moment, all knowing that risking a different café wasn't worth it but none of them wanting to leave the others just yet. It looked hopeless until Harry felt that muggle light bulb flash above his head and he coughed to grab their attention.

"Well my godfathers have gone off for the day so we could always head to mine?" He couldn't help the pink flush that ran over his cheeks.

They both made interested noises. "How will we get there?" Lawrence asked.

"Floo," Harry replied. "I'll head through and add you to the Floo list." Harry knew that Sirius would kill him to adding what his godfather would see as strangers to his floo list but Harry felt alive when he was with the older wizards, it felt like whatever inside him that had become uneasy in the last few months since Voldemort's death, calmed whenever Atticus and Lawrence were near.

Paying for the food took a tense few moments, all of them worried that Lawrence's uncle would take notice of them but he seemed to be too busy talking to the man across from him. At once point Atticus had whispered that he recognised the tanned wizard who was dressed to the nines in a dark blue pin-stripe robe and waist coat with dark grey trousers.

Their escape from the café and their dash through the busy side streets and then the bustle of Diagon Alley seemed to take forever, but soon they were by the pub's public floo fireplaces and in even less time Harry had travelled to Grimmauld place, added his almost-boyfriends to the floo list and then travelled back again.

Harry smiled brightly as Lawrence wiped a smudge of soot from his cheek. "So I've added you, and the floo address is '12 Grimmauld Place, Floo Room'. Don't mind the mess!" with those parting words he jumped back into the fire.

He didn't have to wait long for them and he grinned at their curious glances around the tiny room. "Want a quick tour? Or do you want to skip the tour and just settle in here with another cup of tea?" They hummed their agreement at skipping the tour and Harry smiled again as he led them to the family room. "Any type of tea? We have a few types because Remus thinks he's a tea connoisseur… We have Assam, Darjeeling, Earl Grey, Chi, Green tea…plus normal of course!" he listed the tea types with a chuckle.

With the order in mind he skipped to the kitchen to make the promised teas and when he returned they had settled either side of the large sofa, leaving him the options of sitting between them or sitting in the lonely armchair.

He felt both their happiness' when he choose to sit between them, a cup of Earl Grey in hand. Feeling bold he rested his head on Lawrence's shoulder and his spare hand on Atticus' thigh and he couldn't help but enjoy the heat radiating off them.

It was peaceful in ways Harry couldn't explain, to touch them and to know that they were there was so comforting that Harry almost forgot himself in the feelings.

In the quiet Harry explained that there had been surprise guests for dinner the night before, he didn't say who as he respected the Malfoy's secrets, but he gave a little detail in order to make it easier for the slightly older wizards to understand the importance.

"So we have new allies but it's still going to be a pretty rough fight…" He bit his lips, he tea cup long along forgotten, half drunk on the table along with two others. "Are you sure you want to get involved? You know I'd never think less of either of you for backing out?"

Atticus didn't bother with words for his answer and instead he cupped the back of Harry's head in his hand and pulled him into a deep kiss. Their mouths mashed together quite unromantically but it made Harry gasp all the same.

They kissed for several long moments and only broke apart to breathe.

Harry's lips weren't left lonely for long and soon Harry felt himself being tugged into Lawrence's arms for a strong, demanding kiss that made his blood boil. He would have happily stayed there kissing for hours but his neck began to ache like mad.

Instead of giving up Harry let the boldness inside him grow and he stood for a moment only to sit in Lawrence's lap, one leg either side of the blond's slim hips, seconds later. The feeling of their bodies aligning and their mouths meeting again made pleasure burst from every pore. Harry heard a moan that he didn't feel seconds before he felt the hot lips lick, kiss and nip his neck and then the hotter body settle against his side.

Harry didn't know how long the kissing and touching lasted but he knew that he wanted it to continue forever. Atticus' lip jumped between Lawrence's strong jaw and muscled neck to Harry's warm, arched neck and sweaty shoulder. It felt like a dream he'd had a million times before.

A light cough from across the room shattered that dream into a million pieces and Harry looked towards the sound with dread.


His worse fears had come true, standing across the room was Sirius and Remus with Silas cradled in his arms asleep. They were staring at the scene that they had walked in one with confusion, anger and amusement.

"Made some new friends Harry?" his godfather asked calmly as Harry scrambled off the blond wizard's lap, all the while hoping his enjoyment of the previous moment wasn't obvious.

"You're back early." He muttered slowly as the boys either side of him moved about restlessly. "I didn't think you would be back till evening…" His words trailed off into nothing.

"We can see that." Remus said softly from his place at Sirius' side and his words caused a moment of total silence, evening the sounds of their breathing became almost muted.

Harry almost flinched when he felt a warm hand grip his own and he smiled at Lawrence, part in thanks for his support and part to say sorry for getting them such a mess.

Harry stared at his godfathers in silence, partly hoping that he'd disappear through the floorboards and not have to explain why he had broken one of his godfather's few rules.

Never let anyone in the house without our permission.

Harry felt the guilt burn inside him but all he mutter was a quiet and simple, "Sorry Padfoot, Sorry Moony." He didn't take his eyes off the floor, not even when he heard Sirius sigh hard.

"Alright Harry, we'll talk about it later, after your friends have left. Now who are your new, rather close friends?" Sirius said, sounding mildly amused.

Harry let go of Lawrence's hand and gave his godfather a quick hug. "Umm, that's Lawrence Nightingale and Atticus De Luca, sixth years and my…" he stuttered over what to call them.

Atticus smiled his charming smile and laying on the accent as thickly as he could, he stepped forward with his hand out to shake. "We are Harry's boyfriends Lord Black, and may I say it's nice to meet those who mean so much to Harry." The hand shake was firm and Harry could tell Sirius was impressed. "And if it isn't Professor Lupin! Why it's lovely to see you again, you defiantly were one of the better DADA teachers we've had…" While Atticus shook Remus' hand as he had Sirius Lawrence had taken the foreign wizard's place as was shaking the Black Lord's hand.

Harry found that he couldn't break out of the daze he fell into as he godfathers and boyfriends spent serval minutes chatting together. It was only when Lawrence announced that they had to be leaving that Harry manged to snap out of it.

The walk to the floo was far too long and the young wizard held his breath, unwilling to say his goodbyes so soon.

"We'll see you later Harry, remember to write to us." Lawrence smiled comfortingly before kissing the fifth years blushing cheeks.

"Yeah Harry, we do so enjoy getting letter from you." A wink from Atticus made Harry blush even more and it made him even more embarrassed that his godfathers had seen him acting like a love-sick teen (Even if it were the truth, almost).

Expecting any chaise kiss on the cheek there was no way that Harry could of held in the sound he made when instead of a peck on the cheek Atticus took possession of his still bruised lips roughly.

The kiss left him breathless and so his voice was coarse as he replied. "Yeah I'll send you a letter after Christmas." He opened the floo to let them leave and stared as they disappeared into the green flames.

Harry heard the snickering of the wizard and werewolf behind him as he brushed a finger across his tender lips.

"Well Harry, someone's been hiding things from his dear old godfather… Care to explain?"

Explaining to his godfathers had taken over an hour and thankfully at the end of it things seemed to end okay. He was banned from his broom till the end of the break and Harry thought it was a pretty fair punishment and didn't argue. He hadn't planned to ride much but didn't dare tell his godfather that in fear he'd think something else up.

Both Sirius and Remus reassured Harry that they didn't care that he had boyfriends but they did admit that two boyfriends at once seemed quite daring for a first time love interest.

Harry had had nothing to say to that and shortly after that they'd got to bed but he found that he was too restless to sleep and soon Richard's fragile journal was in hand.

10 April 1589

My son is a smart one. The Wet Nurse was no Wet Nurse by a spy sent to kill me and my son. Her name is Ann Bulgur and she was sent by a magical noble who wished for his family to take over as Ambassadors to the Queen. My wife will not leave our son alone after finding that evil woman trying to get our son to drink poisoned goats milk. Our son may be fine but my anger lives on strongly. My father is dealing with the nobleman and I hope I never have to see his person again for I will surely punch him.


Yes Hrothgar and Hedwig will have babies- Do not question me on this.

Thanks for reading and reviewing, the story will pick up now as you can guess and I have the basic plan for the rest of the story ready. There will be ten more chapters and I aim to be done this time next year.

I'm also writing some non-fanfiction stuff that I hope to try and get published, there are some great LGBT indie publishers out there (I have my favourite but I'm not telling! (MeganDerrIsAmazing.)).

Cicero is a real historic figure and a real cat, mine! If you want to see what he looks like then check out Instagram and search my profile (Same name as here and no I'm not looking for followers, I just want to say my cat is effing amazing.)

Thanks for your support!