Hello old and new readers, this is the rewrite of the Prologue as I know it was shite. It's a bit cut and paste but I reckon it's better than it was before.

Thanks for reading, it means a lot to me and don't forget to check out my new poll! I want to know what job you think this Harry should have. Inboxed and reviewed suggestions are more than welcome

Everything is once again changing in Harry Potter's life. Just when he thought he had gotten away with having an amazing summer with his godfather he finds a life changing journal and suddenly his family's strange past is coming back to haunt him. As a new yet old evil rises Harry finds himself lost in two battles, one of politics and another in his heart.

During the time of Elizabeth I the Potter family were the link between the Wizarding world and that of the British muggle royal family. Richard Potter takes over as Ambassador after his father's death and within a few weeks he meets John Dee who was a mathematician, astronomer and Squib who hated the fact that his family could do magic so he devoted his life into way he could gain magic or control over a magic being and that is where Richard come in...

Disclaimer: I do not own and shall not make any money writing this (Most likely to lose some!)

Warnings: AU, Slash, Threesome, OCs, Minor Character death, occasional strong language, this is going to be quite political and looks at the rise of the Far Right in the UK and in Europe.

Hope you enjoy.

Prologue: Calm Before the Storm

Harry Potter didn't mind his Godfather's house really, sure it was dark, dank and full of damp, funny smells and other nasty's Harry didn't care to mention but it had Sirius and his partner both in crime and in bed Professor Lupin, or Remus as he had insisted Harry call him, in it and Harry didn't have to clean or cook, even though he found himself doing a fair bit of the latter because it turned out that his godfather couldn't cook anything at all and said godfathers lover also couldn't cook anything other than the basic breakfast fry up. After the first week of eating nothing but fry ups or toast in the morning and take out at night Harry had volunteered to cook one evening and had gotten sceptical looks in return because as it turned out that neither of his parents had had any skill in the kitchen and Sirius and Remus were doubtful that the child of a man who once tried cooking pasta but who somehow turned it purple and a woman who's cakes always seemed to growl whenever the knife came near them could do any better than themselves.

But Harry's cooking had been quite successful and Harry had been rather smug at the surprised looks of delights on their faces at their first taste of his cooking; which had been a simple bacon pie with a side of potatoes, green beans and carrots. So ever since then Harry had cooked on the weekdays and then they still take takeouts on the weekends because Sirius said it was to give Harry a break but Harry thought it was because after so long eating little more than slop in Azkaban and then the few bits he could steal on the run during and after Harry's third year at Hogwarts Sirius simply wanted indulge in greasy, fatty foods.

Apart from cooking there was little else to do in the house, a bit of cleaning and general tidying up even though there was a House Elf who was supposed to keep the place running smoothly. Kreacher, the elf in question, was very ugly and very much a miserable old sod who liked giving Harry the evil eye whenever he cooked or even went near the kitchen.

And so Harry got the feeling that the old elf reallydidn't like him or anyone else that wasn't his beloved dead Mistress for that matter. On Harry's first day at Grimmauld Place he had seen his godfather and the House Elf arguing over the removal of the hateful portrait of Sirius' mother, Walburga. Now it was locked away in one of the many forgotten rooms so that while Harry and the other thankfully didn't have to listen to her pure-blood rubbish anymore and Kreacher could still see his beloved mistress.

Harry didn't really worry about the House Elf, he doubted that Kreacher meant any real harm; he was just a bit on the crazy side, like anyone would be after being shut up in a big old house on their own for so many years with the decapitated heads of their dead ancestors glaring down at them from the walls.

Anyway Harry had been there for three weeks already and he had gotten used to the creepiness within the first week. It had been a pretty cool three weeks, Best first three weeks of summer hols ever, thought Harry as he wondered down yet another dusty corridor lined with landscape paintings and portraits of snobbish men and women looking down their pointy noses at him.

The weeks had seemed to fly by and while Hedwig had delivered letters to Ron and Hermione there was no reply just yet. Harry wasn't worried about that either, they'd reply when they were ready and he had better things to do, like his summer essays or reading his new books.

Harry Potter didn't like reading for school. He found it tedious and while he knew how important passing this year was going to be he couldn't quite bring himself to read his potions book or Merlin forbid his Divination textbook.

Now while his views about his school text book could be seen as less that polite he had found out about a week into the summer that he did like reading for himself. Not like Hermione, with her nose in a book for what seemed to be 24/7 but instead he found he liked reading before bed, in front of the large fireplace in his godfather's living room or perhaps in a sunny spot in the garden.

After finding out that Harry wasn't half bad at cooking Sirius and Remus quickly found themselves in a large muggle bookstore in the middle of London. Recipe books had been the only thing on their list until Harry wondered over to the factual while waiting for his godfather to drag himself away from a rather colourful copy of what Harry later found out was the Karma Sutra.

In the hopes that the muggles around him wouldn't realise that the man giggling at the slightly crazy depictions of 'lovemaking' was who was supposed to be looking after him Harry picked up a random book and started reading.

Twenty minutes later that book and two others, all history books, had made their way into his basket.

Remus had dragged Sirius away from the naughty section but not before Sirius managed to slip a copy in his own basket, hiding it under a Spanish style cooking book. Harry, having seen what his godfather had done and the look he gave his partner, pretended to gag.

Sirius had glared at him before Remus noticed the books in Harry's basket and an offhand comment about how he was surprised Harry hadn't raided the fantasy section because that had been his father's favourite place in any bookstore when James had been Harry's age .

Of course Harry couldn't leave that there but when Harry had gone to pick up a copy of Lord of the Rings Remus had stopped him.

"I think I have your fathers copy at home. It's a bit worse for wear but if you want it I'll get it for you."

They walked out of the bookstore an hour after they had first walked in with four cook books, three history books, two fantasy novels and of course one copy of the Karma Sutra, which Remus had blushed brightly at as the lady at the checkout scanned it and Sirius winked dramatically at him.

Harry of course had sighed and rolled his eyes.

That morning, three weeks into the summer break Sirius and Remus had been called away early and without them there Harry's mind began to drift. Images flashed before his eyes as he walked down the corridors and around empty rooms. Voldemort, his friends and Hogwarts all played a part in the flood of images. Some were dull and Harry was glad about that.

Voldemort was dead and would never hurt another wizard or witch again. Most of his loyal Death Eaters were in prison or dead and peace had fully returned to most of the Wizarding world, apart from the papers of course. Hailed a hero by all when he didn't really do anything bothered Harry more than anything else and the fact they forgot that a boy lost his life made Harry's hands curl into angry fists.

Harry hated being angry; it reminded him of growing up with the Dursleys and memories that time were better left in the past. Living with the Dursleys wasn't great but it was better than being dead I suppose, thought Harry as he made his way to the kitchen all the while hoping that the House Elf wasn't there to give him the evil eye.

With no idea where his godfathers were or how long they might be Harry wasn't sure if he should bother cooking when it might end up being only himself eating.

A quick raid of the cupboards and the fridge found them mostly empty. A bag of rice, tins of baked beans and dried herbs were all that he found in the cupboards and the fridge was little better with some off looking veg, butter, a questionable looking bit of cheese that might have once been parmesan but Harry wouldn't bet on it and some ham cuts left over from the gammon they had had night before.

There wasn't even any bread left to make himself a sandwich with so he left it, he wasn't really hungry anyways.

It was coming up to about 7.30 and Harry was wondering why his godfather and Remus weren't home yet but they had never given Harry a time to expect them by. In fact Harry didn't even know where they had gone or what they were doing and Harry was beginning to worry.

Was it that last free Death Eaters had been found? Had Sirius or Remus been hurt? Or was it something at the Ministry? Harry knew that things like that could take time but didn't the Ministry close to visitors at 7pm? Did that mean that they would be home soon or did it mean that it had nothing to do with the Ministry?

With every thought that went through Harry's head he began to worry more and more but he knew that he should calm down. If something bad had happened then someone would tell him. They never bothered before. Am I sure that they would now? But as soon as the thought entered Harry mind he sent it away. This wasn't the time for such things.

Harry sighed and grabbed a banana to eat as while he wasn't hungry it wouldn't do for Remus to find out he ate nothing. Finishing the soft creamy fruit he shoved the skin in the bin and decided to wait for them in the sitting room next to the front door and maybe read his book for a little while.


"The dawn, the sea-dawn and the mastery of the ordered flight, were of such intense beauty that the boy was moved to sing. He wanted to cry a chorus to life, and, since a thousand geese were on the wing about him, he had not long to wait." The Once and Future King by T.H. White (1958) Page 165.

They still hadn't come home but Harry wasn't worried anymore, his mind was only for his book and the peace it gave him.


"Arthur began to laugh more than was seemly, and his foster-brother, Sir Kay, and his old guardian, Sir Ector, came out from behind the throne, where they had been hiding. Kay took off Merlyn's hat and put it on Sir Ector, and Sir Ector said, "Well, bless my soul, now I am a mancer. Hocus-Pocus." Then everybody began laughing." The Once and Future King by T.H. White (1958) Page 242.

Harry's mind had begun to turn. There was no sign or sound of his godfather and Remus. They had left before 8am that morning and there hadn't even been time for breakfast. Harry sighed and turned back to this book but his eyes kept flicking back to the clock with every other tick of the clock hand.


"A chaos of the mind and body- a time for weeping at sunsets and at the glamour of the moonlight- a confusion and profusion of beliefs and hopes, in God, in Truth, in Love and in Eternity- an ability to be transported by the beauty of physical objects- a heart to ache or swell- a joy so joyful and a sorrow so sorrowful that oceans could lie between them." The Once and Future King by T.H. White (1958) Page 376.

Harry was tired but he wanted to be awake when Sirius and Remus came through the door. He had to make sure they were okay. They had to be okay, they just had to be!


The house was silent. The house elf was watching his mistress, the portraits asleep and the boy? Dreaming nightmares.


The door opening was what woke Harry.

Well, the door opening and then the crying of a baby.

RIGHT! So that's the rewrite done, time to get on and write chapter nine!

Thanks for reading my darlings, wishing you well and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

Please review with any comments, questions and anything you think is wrong.

- ConqueredKing