Chapter One

"Okay Mozzie." I sighed as I spoke, "Find out where she is."

His laughter sounded down the phone and I cringed because I was waiting on him saying "I told you so."

"You don't think I already know?" He chuckled, "I've known for weeks."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Outraged, my voice took on that heavy tone that Mozzie knew was serious.

"Because all this time you haven't wanted to even talk about her. I had to get you to realise she was the only one who could help you get Kate."

I sighed, resting my head against the back of the sofa, "Fine. Now where is she?"

"Working at the Museum of Modern Art." He answered straight away.

Working?" I frowned.

"She's a waitress in the restaurant." He answered simply.

"A waitress? She's working… As a waitress… She's turned citizen?" My eyes were wide as I contemplated that possibility.

Alex had always said she wanted to work big scams and cons, get as much money as possible and then be able to retire at a young age, buy a house and have a husband and kids.

That was her dream.

Not that I actually remembered it in detail. Obviously.

Alex was nothing to me now.

But why was she working? And as a waitress nonetheless? With her skills she could've forged identifications, honorary degrees… She could've gotten herself a job in one of the biggest companies in New York. She could be earing hundreds of thousands a year.

So why a waitress?

"Well." Mozzie spoke again, "I don't think she's a proper waitress… If you understand what I'm implying."

And that was when it clicked.

She was working a scam.

That's my girl, I grinned.

No. She wasn't my girl.

Stop being stupid Neal.

"Her shift ends at five tonight, but she has a lunch break in a half hour if that's any good to you."

"That's great Mozz, thanks."

We ended our call and I quickly sent a message to Peter to make sure he didn't need me in the office today.

Nope, just doing paper work at the moment. Why? Where are you headed?

I chuckled as I read the message.

Peter always knew when I was up to something.

It was the FBI agent in him.

But I wasn't entirely sure if he was asking that question as an agent, or out of curiosity as my friend.

Museum, though we both know you could just pick up the signal from my tracking anklet.

I waited, smiling to myself before my phone beeped again.

I trust you. Just don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Rolling my eyes, I stood up, grabbing my suit jacket and putting it on, taking a deep breath as I left the apartment and began my walk to the museum.

It baffled me how Alex and I had lived in the same city for all these years and not seen each other (apart from the four years I spent in prison obviously).

She was always so close, and yet so far…

As I reached the steps of the museum my heart jumped into my throat as the memories of our time together ran through my brain.

I shouldn't be letting them get to me like this.

It shouldn't feel like this.

I shouldn't miss those memories.

But I could see her opening the door to my apartment, a wide grin on her face as she giggled quietly and pressed her lips to mine.

Lips I could still feel as if they were on me right now.

I shook the thoughts from my head, walking into the main entrance of the museum and glancing around me.

The male worker at the desk smiled at me, "May I help you, sir? Any tickets?"

"Actually I'm just looking for the restaurant? I'm meeting a friend of mine here."

"Oh yes sir, it's just down that corridor to your left."

I thanked him, turning on my heel and walking as fast as I could, glancing at my watch to make sure I was on time.

I had five minutes until her lunch break, and I assumed I could wait quietly outside and then catch her when she was alone…

But instead I found myself right in the middle of a bustling restaurant, and I looked around quickly, suddenly desperate to see her face.

I needed to see those eyes.

As if like magnets, I felt someone looking at me.

Of course. I should've remembered about her high awareness.

I moved my head, my eyes colliding with hers in an instant.

"Alex." I whispered low, watching her as she stood by a table across the long room.

In truth, I had no idea how she'd seen me.

The place was busy, and she was at the other end of the room, standing by a table and holding a tray of plates in her arms.

Our eyes held for a long moment, and I could've sworn that my mouth was turned up in a smile.

But her face was blank. Her eyes were a little wider than usual, so I knew she was shocked to see me.

But other than that her face was emotionless.

She moved suddenly, putting her head down as she continued to walk towards a kitchen door.

My feet moved to follow, but once our connection was broken I struggled to move my body at all.

She appeared once more, removing her apron from her waist and stuffing it into a brown leather handbag. She slung it over her shoulder, walking straight towards me, her eyes burning into mine like fire.

But she didn't stop beside me, instead she walked on.

She ignored me.

I turned on my heel, following her quickly as she disappeared into the hallway again.

She walked quickly in her heels, and I frowned as I opened my mouth to call her name.

But I couldn't bring myself to say it.

She reached the front doors of the museum suddenly, and I knew that once she got out onto the street she'd do an amazing job of disappearing.

I'd taught her how to, after all.

She'd walked down four steps, and I was only two behind her.

But it wasn't enough, because she'd disappear as soon as she reached that sidewalk.

"Alex!" I shouted suddenly.

Her feet stalled, and my mouth burned at the knowledge that I'd said her name. Her long dark hair swished slightly in the wind, and I watched as she turned painfully slow.

Our eyes connected for a long second, and I moved down the remaining steps until we were stood side by side.

"What do you want, Neal." Her voice was like ice, but by God I'd missed it so much.

And I've never even realised before now.

And the way she said my name…

How had I ever forgotten about her?

Well… In truth, I hadn't...

"I need your help."

She laughed, shaking her head, "Well, I knew you definitely didn't come to see me for me… Obviously you'd need something." Her laughter cut off and her eyes froze on my face, "I don't know whether the help you need is for your FBI friends, or for Kate, but either way, I owe you nothing, and I'm giving you nothing."

How did she know about my work with the FBI?

How did she know about Kate?

She turned suddenly, hiding her face as she moved to walk further down the steps again.

I reached out to grab her arm, and at the contact our skin seemed to burn into each other.

But suddenly she turned around, her free hand rising and slapping me right across the jaw.

My eyes froze on her face, and I let go of her arm in shock as I saw the tears streaking down her face.

She was crying.

Because of me.

She took off suddenly, running down the rest of the steps and into the crowd of people.

"Alex!" I shouted, racing down to the sidewalk as I attempted to search for her, "Alex!" I shouted, "Alexandra!"

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