This is it. My story ends here. I actually wrote 2 possible endings for this story. It was a toss up between the two, but I ended up going with this one. The Beta thought the other one was funny, but it was agreed that it would be a huge middle finger to all you readers out there.

Well this is the Siege of Sillfi. This story is ended. Check out some of my other stories, you might find one you like (some of them ARE badly written I'll admit) and keep on a look out for future stories. And remember,

Review Below, Let me know! ^^

Robin tapped his pen on the table a couple times. Since they returned to Yisstol, he had spent the past few days alone, working on a novel. "...I'll finish it later."

Robin put the papers in order, with the book title showing: The Siege of Sillfi. He placed the papers down on the table and looked outside at the sunny day. The nice March breeze blew in his face felt good. Suddenly his eyes were covered.

"Got'cha!" Lissa had snuck up on him and blinded him with her hands. "I thought you were better then this."

"Can I help you Lissa?" Robin asked.

"Just came to-" she started but saw the writing on his deck. "...The Siege of Sillfi huh?... You're actually gonna write about that?"

"People need to know the truth of what happened there." Robin explained. "It might not be a best seller, but maybe when I die it will be."

Lissa stood there for moment, quiet, but then perked up again. "Anyway I came her to tell you that Sumia had her baby."

"Boy or Girl?"


"Damn it! I owe Anna 300 Bullion now." Robin sat back in his chair and pouted.

"They named her Lucina. Lovely name huh?" Lissa then dangled an envelope in front of Robins face. "Allllso, this message came. Fredrick said to show it to you."

"Let me see that." Robin said taking the envolpe. He looked over it closely. "Lissa...did you read it?"

"Me?" she asked innocently. "How can you assume such a thing! I'm insulted."

"What does it say?"

"Something about soldiers in Regna Ferox being attacked by Risen." Lissa said. "But Robin, read the last few sentences."

Robin opened the Envelope and read the contents. "The soldiers were out numbered blah blah blah...'A Sorceress in white appeared and summoned Risen on her own'...'The Risen ended up fighting each other allowing the soldiers to escape'." Robin looked at Lissa but pointed to keep reading. "...'the women was last seen heading toward Port Ferox'..."

"We know where she is now." Lissa said. "What are we gonna do?" She looked to him for an answer.

"What are we going to do?" Robin repeated. "We are going to Port Ferox."