Sorry for the wait...This is the last chapter! I hope you enjoyed the story and thanks to the people who have been repeatedly reviewing to this point.

Especially because I have over 3,000 views!

(Shadow's POV)

While the three dumb droids pedaled the flying bike, I sat there on Metal Sonic's lap bored out of my mind. I just diddled with my stubby thumbs and yawned occasionally until we reached Eggman's base. The bike landed on the ground with a ear-spliting halt and the three robots left, with me being carried by Shadow Android. Inside Orbot and Cubot led the way to Eggman's chamber while the other robots stopped and looked at me and then returning to work.

"I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Eggman's voice boomed throughout the base causing all the robots to quicken their working pace as Metal Knuckles opened the steel double doors to the man's chambers. It was messy, with papers scattered around the place probably due to his fustration. His face has a hint of red on it and his scarlet mustache was more disleveled than usual. The doctor stood up and took a good look at me with a sinster grin on his face that looked similar to a maniac's.

"LEAVE! NOW!" Eggman ordered causing all five of the robots to scrambled out of the room, leaving me alone with the mad man. He turned back to me and frowned. "Don't you realize what you have DONE!?" he shouted, the last word sounding cold. I stayed quiet and just shrugged my shoulders as a response. He moved to the security footage and showed me the footage of what happened five days ago when I got turned into a baby.

"You let Sonic into my lair when you were supposed to watch over it." he stated angrily and sternly. "And you let Rouge touch my weaponery. he took a deep breath and looked at the wall. "On the plus side, I know what that ray gun does."

"You're not gonna get away with this you big meanie!" I shouted, ignoring the fact that I called him a meanie. "Sonic and Rouge will come and save me!" the grin reappeared on the doctor's face as he pullled out a remote with a big red button on it. He pressed it and cackled as he left the room, leaving me all alone.

I let out a small sigh and looked at the footage outside to see two Egg Pawns guarding the door and red lasers behind them. I hope they do come and get me out of here...

(Sonic's POV)

"Okay guys, the reason I brought you guys here is-!" I started to say, standing on top of my coffee table to overlook Amy, Tails, Knuckles, Rouge, Cream and Cheese who sat at the couch.

"This better be a very good reason why you dragged me from work to be here." Rouge stated sternly, crossing her arms and taking off her trench coat. "And where's Shadow by the way?"

"Yeah, where is our little boy?" Amy asked, looking all over the floor for him and calling his name. Knuckles and Tails rolls their eyes as Amy got down on her hands and knees and crawled out of the living room and into the kitchen. Cream tries to suppress her giggles while Cheese does the same.

"I'm just getting to that." I stated firmly. "Anyways-!"

"I don't have time for this!" Knuckles stated as he got up and walked quickly to the door. "The more time you people waste, the more time I'm away from M.E." Before he could open the door, I rushed to it in order to block his path.

"Knuckles, you can't leave!" I stated as Knuckles tries to push me out of the way but I'm as persistent as can be and I do my best to stay put. "Shadow needs us to save him from Eggman. We're his only hope." Knux then stared at me as if I was hysterical and then sighed. He moved away from the door and sat back down on the couch next to Cream. I did a quick victory dance and dashed back to the top of the coffee table.

"So here's the plan..."

(Shadow's POV)

I laid on Eggman's work table, bored and hungry out of my mind. I then decided to look at the security footage again and I shocked to see Sonic, Rouge, Knuckles, Tails, Amy, Cream, and Cheese standing outside with two toasted Egg Pawns in front of the group.

"You guys remember the plan right?" I heard Sonic say as the others nodded. Sonic dashed behind Knuckles and pushed him to the laser beams, which immediately shocked him senseless as Tails, Cream and Cheese rushed towards the window which led them to the lobby. The rest followed as Tails shut down the power and I couldn't see anything after that.

(Sonic's POV)

"Great job Tails!" I said as me and the others jumped through the window, leaving the kitsune to finish cutting the wires before he jumps through the window. Inside was pitch black, all we could see was the red exit signs as we rushed through the halls, trying hard not to bump into anyone until suddenly the lights came back on.

Dang it! We were then surrounded by a lot of Egg Pawns pointing arrows at us with Eggman walking slowly towards us as well, clapping his hands slowly in a evilish way.

"Oh my! You rats really amused me!" the doctor cackled as Knux clenched his fists angrily and put them up to his face, ready to beat the lliving crap out of Eggman if necessary. "Especially you Rouge, you're on my side and now you're going against me. You have put me to shame..." he looked away from us with a straight expression on his face. "Pawns, send them to my captivity unit and make sure you take away every single piece of weaponery they have. Also make sure their arms and legs are cuffed tight."

Eggman left as we were being dragged away by the Pawns. Knuckles and I tried to fight them but they seemed stronger for some reason. I looked to the steel two doors at the end of the hall that Eggman was walking towards. I saw a small blur of black and red rush down the hall. To my amazement, he knocked every single robot out with a bash to the head. Once it was done, it rushed to me with a hug, revealing itself as Shadow.

I smiled as I picked him up into a hug. We rushed to the exit before Eggman could see and then ran to Tails' workshop.

(Shadow's POV)

Once we got there, Sonic placed me on Tails' work bench and Amy gave me a cookie. "Now sit there little guy." Sonic told me as Cream and Cheese sat beside me while the others moved to the other end of the room.

"Are you okay?" the rabbit asked me. "Were you hurt by that mean man in any way?" I shook my head as Cheese flew over and hugged me. I giggled a little as Cream cracked a smile. I was so glad to be out of that appalling place! Eggman is such a mean man and his breath smelled like sweaty socks but I'm glad to be in the arms of my loving friends again.

Suddenly Sonic came back and picked me up and moved me onto the table. Tails came over with a beaker of green stuff and poured it in a small, clear plastic cup and gave it to Sonic. The fox gave him a small nod before walking back a little.

Sonic sighed with a small frown on his face. "What's wrong?" I had to ask as Sonic put the cup down beside me and placed a hand on my lap.

"Listen Shadster, this stuff..." Sonic pointed to the small cup with the strange liquid inside. " gonna turn you back to your normal age and-" he couldn't finish as a tear slid down his cheek. I wiped it off and gave him a hug.

"I know." I responded, my voice starting to crack as tears started pouring down my face. "You're gonna miss all the good times we've shared with me in this form but you don't need to worry." I pushed him gently away so that we stared eye-to-eye. "I'll still be there. Maybe not in this way however but I'll still be here and I will always be your little Shadster."

He wiped away my tears and I couldn't help but smile at him. With one last hug, I grabbed the cup and drank every last drop of it. It tasted awful but a warm sensation went through my body as I felt my limbs grow longer and the rest of my body grow with it. Once I finally stopped growing, Amy handed me my shoes and gloves and I placed them on.

I quickly took off my diaper before the situation got humiliating and left the home, grinning at Sonic as I exited. I'll go visit him tommorow and find out what we can do with that baby stuff that still in his house...


I hope you guys enjoyed this fic! Now to focus more on my other fics...

Which reminds me, Fan Dynamite's sequel with come some time in the New Year! So don't panic.

That's it for now! See ya!

~Shadsys Teddy