(Shadow's POV)
I was walking down the hall to the doctor's work room. Rouge called me and since I wasn't doing anything to begin with, I just went with it. Robots were wandering to and fro, panicking or calmly walking but still most of them were acting like complete idiots (oh wait they always act like idiots...). Metal Sonic suddenly flew up to me and said. "The doctor left you this." he said quickly, handing me a sheet of paper and trying to calm down the other robots.
I then opened the letter, suddenly interested in what it says:
Dear Shadow,
I left you in charge of my lab while I'm gone to the Evil Science Convention. You must already know what this means since you're complete intelligent enough to handle this (almost as intelligent as me I have to admit).
I stopped reading for a second and rolled my eyes. That's the typical doctor for you...I continued reading:
Just make sure all of the robots act according, Sonic doesn't get into my base, Metal Knuckles doesn't use all the oil in my workroom just for him and Shadow Android to have another oil pool party and Rouge does NOT touch ANYTHING IN MY WORKROOM! If that's handle you'll do just fine.
I smirked as I crumbled up the sheet of paper and threw it in the trash. I can do whatever I want old man.
Once I got into the workroom I didn't see my white batty friend anywhere until I saw her jump in front of me from the ceiling. She sort of scared me but the expression didn't quite get on my face. The bat frowned at me and asked. "Oh come on! I didn't even scare you a little!"
I chuckled a little and scratched the back of my head as I explained. " did sort of surprised me. I'll admit."
"Then why exactly hadn't that reaction show up on your face?" Rouge asked, placing her hands on her hips and walking to one of the doctor's benches. She grabbed a small laser that looked more like a blue green water gun than a deathly weapon. I wonder why it was placed in here for?
"Hiya Shadster!" a voice said from behind me. I gulped for that I knew who that was. Faker... I sighed as he dashed in front of me so that we met eye to eye. "What ya doing Shadster?"
"Quit calling me that!" I snapped. "Or else your head is-" I stopped to realize that Faker ran over to Rouge, who was still holding the laser water gun. "HEY FAKER! Get your blue retarded butt over here NOW!"
The dumb blue hedgehog grabbed the useless toy from Rouge and went back a certain amount of feet. He smirked as he placed his right index finger on the plastic trigger. What s wrong with him...oh wait I-
"Any last words before I blast you with water?" Faker asked as I smiled. I quickly pulled out my chaos emerald and shouted "Chaos CONTROL!" in the nick of time.
(Sonic's POV)
"Hey Shadster!" I called. "Come out and play!" While I searched the room for my black and red foe, Rouge leaned against the wooden bench and watched, not saying a word. "Shadster, this isn't funny!" I called.
"Boo." a whisper said in my ear and I immediately took action by pulling the water gun's trigger, unleashing its content on Shadster. He flew to the back of the room, where a bunch of boxes of disassembled robot parts were in and when he collided with the boxes, a huge mess of cardboard material and metal parts laid all over the place.
Rouge and I look shocked at the place where Shadow hit, just to be sure that Shadster was alive. For a few moments we waited until a small baby voice shouted. "Rouge, I can't believe I'm saying this but help me with this boxes! They're really HEAVY!"
"Who are you and where's Shadow?" I asked as Rouge dashed to the boxes to search for the little guy or at least I think it's a little guy due to its voice.
"I am Shadow you doofus!" the voice said as Rouge lifted something up to show me a black and red baby hedgehog. His crimson eyes looked at me in displeasure as I covered my mouth, trying to hold in my laughter.
(Shadow's POV)
"What happened to you?" Faker said, trying to hold in his laughter. I crossed my arms and looked at the blue hedgehog sternly. "This is so HILARIOUSLY FUNNY!" he said, cracking himself up and rolling on the floor while Rouge and I watched.
"Please stop laughing." I said sternly through closed teeth. It was no luck, that numbskull just kept laughing at me.
"Listen Big Blue, quit laughing or I'll squash you're head like a giant bug!" Rouge finally said forcefully as Faker got up and dashed out of the room. Rouge placed me down on one of the doctor work benches and ran off after Faker shouting "Get back here Blue! You need to help me with Shadow!"
I smiled. This will be fun.