Title: "Chilling with Turtle Dudes"
Author: Kat Lee
Rating: G/K
Summary: Pizza brings them together.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, names, codenames, places, items, fandoms, titles, and etc. are always © & TM their respective owners, not the author, and are used without permission. Any and all original characters and everything else is © & TM the author and may not be reproduced in any way without the author's express, written permission. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
She used to think she'd hate working, but that had been before she'd actually gotten a job. Jubilee's no fool. She knows most jobs suck, especially when dealing with the public, but she got lucky when she landed this job. Hers is a cool job, even if it can never grow into an actual career, but who needs a career, any way? Professor Xavier and Wolverine take care of most of her needs. All she wants is enough money to blow on the things she wants whose importance they don't get, like candy, bubble gum, and comic books.
Even here, she has her nights where she'd rather face an entire army of super villains than the crowd that fills the little restaurant, all shouting at the top of their lungs rather than actually talking while trying simultaneously to push as much pizza into their mouths as they can. But not all of her customers are like the regular townies, the football teams, and the cheerleading squads. Some of her customers are actually way cool. They're the ones that make her nights working here easier and give her cause to actually like this job.
A lot of them are the ones that fly by, stopping in just long enough to grab their orders and go. She's gotten to know most of them, and she's grown to know them all better, including the ones she knew in costume. Spiderman swings by for pizza at least once a week, usually on Friday, and they never cease to grab a moment to talk unless the city's coming down around their proverbial ears. She's seen every one of the Avengers and Loki in the pizzeria often enough to know what they all like, including the fact that the Hulk demands the colossal supreme while Bruce Banner actually prefers a quiet and plain cheese pizza.
Johnny Storm wants her to throw more jalapenoes on his next pizza while the rest of the Fantastic Four won't touch his creations, even with all of Reed Richards stretched out as far as he can go. That thought makes her laugh every time she sees them. Susan knows what she's thinking, too, and the women always share a grin and chuckle at the men's expenses. Jubilee talks with every hero that happens in to her workplace, but there are some, like Quicksilver who are gone practically as soon as they enter, having just barely stopped to grab a slice on their way to save the world.
Then there are the other regulars, the quieter ones, like the four guys sitting in the corner booth now. She knows they're about to order their third pizza when the gabbiest one of the group gets up and strides her way. His brown trench coat slips as he moves. Jubilee gawks, looks quickly around to make sure no one else saw what she did, and then looks again just to make sure she's right. She's grinning broadly when he starts to make his order. "You love pizza. You're one of four. And you're green!"
His eyes nearly bug out of his head at her accusation. "No, I'm not."
"Chill, Turtle dude." She can't stop grinning even as she spins a tiny firework.
"No way! Mutant?" he whispers excitedly.
"Not just mutant!" It's with great pride that she tells Michelangelo, "X-Man!"
The four brothers spend the rest of the night there with her, their conversations only stopping when another customer comes up. Then she takes them home with her so their teams can meet. Jubilee's always loved her job, but now she's got another reason, and the coolest one yet, to keep dishing that great pizza pie!
The End