Dark Heart: Fay War.

Chapter One.

Dean wakes to a hand softly caressing his face… his eyes flutter open slowly as he mumbles "Cas ?".

His vision clears and he see's a blonde woman smiling down at him, he gasps and draws away from her touch quickly and looks around in a panic. He has no idea where he is or why he is naked in a strange bed, the young lord growls low and gathers the sheet around his waist "Where the fuck am I and who are you ?" he snaps angrily.

She chuckles lightly "Now is that any way to speak to your Queen ?" she asks.

Dean glares at her "Your not my anything… I want my clothes and I want out of here NOW !" snarled Lord Dean.

Her smile turns cold "Not even a vampire is stupid enough to deny me… you will be mine… or you will suffer until you beg to be mine" she replies curtly before rising and leaving the room.

Dean is up and trying the door the moment she goes… it's locked and after checking he finds all the windows barred too. A quick search of the room and he finds his clothes, gets dressed and tries to force the door open. Unfortunately for the young vampire the door is not just locked but magically sealed and will not open no matter what he does.

Dean slumps to the floor, sobbing "Cas… oh Cas I need you".

Dain was awake by the time Lord Gabriel arrived in Ashbrooke, he was bruised and sore, healing slowly but at least he was awake. He lay in Azriel's arms being caressed softly when Gabriel knocked on the door of their room. Lord Castiel opens the door, frowns "Gabe… what are you doing here ?" he asks puzzled.

"I came as soon we got your message Cas… I know of the Fay queen… she's mad, sick and ruthless… she killed family to get on that throne Cas… you need me here" replies Lord Gabriel as he enters the room.

"Thank you for coming brother… what else can you tell me about this bitch ?" says Castiel as he sits on the edge of the bed.

"Well you remember Prince Oran ?" asks Gabe.

Castiel nods.

"She's his cousin… she killed his entire family to get that throne… Oran barely got away with his life… he's still in hiding to this day. She a nasty one Cas… we need to get Dean quickly" states Gabriel.

Lord Castiel pales… and nods "Are you still in contact with him ?" he asks.

Lord Gabriel shakes his head "Not for years now but I'm sure I can find him… I know he'll help Cas, he fucking hates her, wants her dead".

"As do I… find him Gabriel… we need his help" says Azriel.

Lord Castiel nods his agreement "Yes we will need your old boyfriend if we're going to get Dean back in one piece".

Lord Gabriel nods, hugs his brothers, kisses Dain's cheek, not wanting to hug and hurt him "Rest little brother… we'll find Dean" he assures the youngest vampire before leaving to go and find Prince Oran, true heir to the Fay throne.

Lord Gabriel knows he will not find the prince… he has to find Tarn, Oran's lover… Oran's bodyguard. Good thing is Gabriel knows Tarn well, knows his habits and his ways… he should after spending almost ten years sharing Oran with the Fay warrior. Yet it still takes most of the day to locate him and even then it was sheer luck on the vampires part.

Tarn stares at his old friend a moment before speaking "Gabriel ? It's been awhile…" says Tarn as he wades out of the lake, naked.

The vampire lord grins "It has indeed Tarn… how are you ? How's our prince ?".

Tarn gives Gabriel a look "I am well as is My Prince".

The vampire stops grinning and gets serious "I need his help, Tarn… Vashti took my brothers fledging… his mate… we need Fay help getting him back before she rapes or hurts him" states Gabriel.

The Fay warrior bristles at the mention of her name and spits on the ground, snarling "Demented whore… come… he will see you".

Lord Gabriel follows Tarn to a clearing not far from the lake, the Fay takes a firm grip on his shoulder and speaks three words in Fay… the world swims and blurs in front of the vampires eyes and then they are standing in the middle of a large drawing room.

"I'll never get used to that" mumbles Gabriel.

Tarn grins "Wait here… I'll tell him you're here" he says then turns and leaves the room.

A few minutes later Prince Oran walks into the room, wearing a pair of dark green, loose fitting pants and nothing else.

"Gabe ? It is you…" says the Prince with a grin as he crosses the room to hug his ex lover.

Lord Gabriel hugs back and feels that old flutter that Oran always caused.

"Hello Ori, you look well" greets Gabe.

"As do you… Tarn tells me you need my help" says Prince Oran.

Lord Gabriel nods and proceeds to tell Oran what happened to Dean.

"Does her madness know no bounds ?" snarls Oran when Gabriel is done.

"Apparently not" replies the vampire lord.

Prince Oran frowns deeply "And the vampire council stand where ?" he asks.

"Behind Castiel and are ready to declare war if our Lord is not returned unharmed. They also like the idea of having the rightful heir on the Fay throne and would help you regain it in return for your help getting Dean back" replies Lord Gabriel as Tarn hands him a glass of wine.

The Prince nods and thinks about it as Gabriel sits and sips his wine.

"It won't be easy… she's a wily bitch and has some insanely loyal Fay around her… Axis being our main problem and then the triplets. She won't give your Lord back so it will come to war… make sure your brother and the council know that Gabe. This can not be a drawn out siege either, she'd kill him before giving him up. It must be planned and carried out immediately" stated the Prince.

"Then you'd better come up with this plan quick" grins Gabe.

Oran grins back "I already have, I've been planning as we speak".

"Of course you have" smirks the vampire Lord.

"So how do you know where the council stand ?" asks Oran.

"I'm on it" grins Gabriel.

Lord Gabriel had to laugh at the shock on his Prince's face then he blushed "Kind of got the position by default though… it was supposed to go to Balthazar but he had suffered a loss that affected his judgement so the spot fell to me" confessed the vampire lord.

"I'm sure that's not the only reason Gabriel" smiled Oran "Look at you… envoy to the Fay court".

The vampire lord blushes more, he had forgotten Oran could do this to him.

"A position I intend to see you keep once I am on the throne" adds Oran.

"You just want an excuse to flirt with me more" jokes Gabe.

"Yes… is that a problem ?" asks the Prince.

Lord Gabriel swallows hard and shakes his head, making Oran grin more. He loves that he can still make Gabriel speechless.

Tarn sits at Oran's feet, one hand curled around his leg just above the knee a frown on his face at the thought of having to share His Prince with the vampire lord again. He has nothing against Gabriel… likes the vampire in fact… but he see's Oran as his and his alone… the warrior sighs, knowing that he will submit to Oran's will as always.

The wolves had to leave the horses part way there… the poor beasts were exhausted so Lucien paid a local farmer to care for them till they came back for them, they shifted and ran the rest of the way themselves.

As strong as he is… the moment Lord Castiel saw Lucien he broke and cried in his friends arms, sobbing "Get him back for me Lu" as he trembles in the alpha's arms.

"If it is the last thing I do Cas… I promise you, we'll get him back no matter how many Fay we have to kill" vowed Lucien as he held his distraught friend.

"We'll fucking kill them all if we have to Cas" adds Kale with a growl.

*~ Here you go starving readers… hope you enjoyed this first chapter… the second will be up as soon as I can get it written. Casting note: Prince Oran is Orlando Bloom as he looks in the role of Legolas Greenleaf. Tarn is Viggo Mortensen as looks in his role as Aragorn. Pic's of them are available on the Lahtraya Obsidian Moon face book page… reviews are always welcome ! ~*