Gosh its been a while! Literally just graduated college and transferred to continue school and it only got harder. Giving me less time with these stories.

Think these stories are going to be yearly posted T,T


But thank you to all who always tell me that they like my stories and those who support me!

"All Night" -Beyonce

Chapter 17: Feeling

Sonic stopped at a small Japanese garden outside town. He came to a halt and placed Amy down. She had stopped protesting some time ago, and was perfectly still. She wasn't pouting or mad. Her face showed no real emotion, something he was used to seeing when he first met her. After what happened at school, Sonic couldn't imagine what was going through her mind. Sonic walked up to face her at eye level. He could see the hand mark Sally left on her face and it was still a fresh pink mark on her cheek. Sonic raised his hand to touch her cheek but Amy stepped away, now glaring at him, her shoulders stiff and angular with rage.

"If you're mad because I brought you here…" He began but Amy interjected.

"No, this is perfect!" Amy spat. "Because now I can talk to you. And I will say this once and once only!"

Something in Sonic's heart jolted, almost like fear. He didn't want her to blame him. He didn't want the trust he was earning to go in vain. He almost didn't want to hear what she wanted to say.

"You were right okay!" Amy yammer in complete distraught and throwing Sonic off. "I am afraid of Sally-!" She then immediately pointed at his nose "-But only because she has done things for me that no other has and I feel loyal to that."

She stepped away from a surprised Sonic who's mouth slowly curved into a smile, but was instantly wiped away the moment Amy looked miffed. Sonic sighed and approached her. He could see that her stoic look was no longer there due to how rattled she was and her eyes were filled with anxiety and fury. Only he was seeing this. Only he was allowed to see this now. He placed both his hands on her shoulder.

"But is that loyalty worth anything if it's hurting you?"

Her jade colored eyes stared straight at him, without blinking. He was right, but at this point she was in too deep. Sally was out to take revenge and without putting much thought to it, Amy was part of that…

Sally wanted Knuckles to suffer.

After a small pause, Amy replied gruffly, "No,"

Sonic released her and offered a warming smile at her. He backed away and rubbed his nose. "I didn't think so either. Besides, from the beginning, I always knew she didn't like me. She would make faces at me. As if she was angry with me."

"Sally isn't as bad as you make her out to be." Amy said in defense.

Sonic raised an eyebrow. "You're still defending her?"

"I'm stating the truth."

"The truth can have many stories," Sonic answered back. "Like the one of Knuckles and Sally."

Amy flinched. That was the first time he saw her flinched and so openly in front of him. Amy quickly fixed her posture and looked away from him finally. She shook her head with an unapproving look. "You don't know the truth. There's only one story to that,"

"I know the base of the story," Sonic admitted tilting his head. "I'm just saying not everything you hear is true."

She looked askance. Now Amy was curious as to what part of the story Sonic knew. Guys and girls have different stories to tell with different versions. Usually a guy's version was very copulate while a girls' was sensitive or romantic.

Slowly, she began, "What did Knuckles tell you?"

Sonic grinned. "You wanna know?"

"I wanna know what lies Knuckles told you," She told him, emphasizing the word 'lies'.

Sonic wasn't grinning anymore. He crouched down and sat down on the grass. He patted the grass next to him for her to sit down. She didn't acquiesce and sat down next to him. Sonic looked outward towards the garden and Amy's eyes followed. They watched the wind cause ripples on the water and the trees sway swiftly.

"Knuckles is my friend just like Cream is yours," He said in a low tone. It was a different voice he hadn't used on Amy before. "I don't know what Knuckles did to make you mad, but all I know is that there was a moment where Knuckles and Sally dated. He claims that he dated her just to get in her pants."

Amy narrowed her eyes in rage. "That little snide!"

Sonic couldn't tell if that was the face of disapproval or something else, so her asked. "So, that's not the real story?"

"No, it is, but there's more to that story,"

Sonic paused and hesitated at first, but eventually asked, "Did I do something to her?"

Sonic genuinely looked innocent. He had no idea why her group of friends all hated him. Amy's eyes surveyed the area to see if anyone recognizable was around. The garden was quiet at the moment and only a few souls roamed around.

"No, she's hurt," Amy began using a softer tone. "Knuckles didn't just hurt her emotionally. He took her innocence away from her, and for fun."

Sonic's eyes snapped open. He rubbed his chin and looked hard at the floor.

"Then the next day Sally tried talking to him, he told her they were through. Knuckles only wanted game and once he got it, she was nothing to him." She explained to him. Sonic didn't look appalled or fazed by the story, but he only listened to her as she continued. "When she told us, we immediately thought you guys were the same and on to us, because some of your friends had been pulling stuff like that too. She put that into our heads."

"But then Tails and Cream met," Sonic said, still in the same position.

Amy nodded, "Cream and I were close and she told me everything. They met in a science class not that long afterwards. She claimed Tails was different and she really liked him, but she couldn't tell Sally, because not only wouldn't she approve of it, she'd over re-act. And she wasn't wrong. When Sally found them talking at a park yard, she went hectic. She almost fought Cream if it weren't for my friends and I stopping her. Sally felt betrayed Cream chose to be friends with him and she thought Cream had set up the whole thing and banned her from our group. Only because Tails was friends with Knuckles. She refused to ever talk to Cream. She refused for any of us ever to talk to her or your friends again."

"That explains a lot," Sonic muttered, thinking to himself about how Amy used to treat him.

"And suddenly she thinks you're different." Amy scoffed, wiping away Sonic pensive look into a slacked-jaw look. Amy's lips tightened and her next words threw Sonic off. "But she's right. You aren't like the others. I can see why she took a liking to you."

His heart wrenched and his mouth quirked up slightly. Hearing her feel comfortable in complimenting him was refreshing to him. He wanted to bring her in for a hug, but if he did that he'd lose that compliment. He detained himself. Instead, he said. "I may have gotten Sally to take a liking towards, but I don't know if she really means that or if she just wants to find a way to get at Knuckles."

"I don't know," Amy said frazzled.

Her eyes were drained with no light in them. He could see how much Amy had been holding in all her problems. He didn't like how she was doing it all alone. The saddest part was she needed the support of her mother. He frowned thinking about how hard she cried for her. Amy felt a hand, a soft hand curl around hers. She glanced down, seeing Sonic's hand and looked back up at him. He felt so smooth and soft when he touched her she was surprised to find herself startled over it.

"I don't know if I ever told you, but if you ever need to talk or any company, just call me." He assured her with the warmest smile planted on his mussel. "I'll be next to you in a flash,"

He winked.

Not her heart, but the part below her belly tightened. It was an ache all too new to her. Her cheeks filled in with the color scarlet and she pulled her hand away. She narrowed her eyes at him.

Sonic chuckled and leaned back on his hands looking up at the sky.

Seeing him laughing made a smile curl up on each corner of her cheek. She allowed herself to smile at him. She felt good confessing to Sonic her problems. He was the only one who understood her and took care of her to this degree. Sonic had a golden heart and all Amy did was doubt and sully him.

"It's still early," She announced standing up.

He raised an eyebrow at her as she offered a small smile. Amy was no longer friends with Sally. She didn't know what to expect now of her at school, but she didn't want to think too much into it. Right now, she had a different friend.

"Let's go have lunch."

Sally walked out of school with her gang of girls. She was quiet and held on to her books tightly. Fiona looked at her from the corner of her eye and frowned seeing her so quiet. "Sally…"

Sally's ears lowered down and she tightened her grip on her books.

"This isn't right-" Fiona began but Sally interjected, "Don't talk about her!"

Everyone flinched. Fiona lowered her head. "I'm sorry."

Sally felt horrible right after, but she didn't say a thing, Amy was her best friend and she didn't comprehend why she would choose Cream. She would get upset when they'd blatantly talk about Cream and Sally would defend her. Secretly, Amy respected Cream more than she did her. She stepped at the gate and the girls kept on walking before they noticed she stopped.

"Sally?" Blaze questioned.

"I'm heading home today. Go without me." She told them. The girls gasped expect for Bunny who was typing on her phone. Mina reached out her hand but Sally turned around and walked away. The girls watched Sally walk away from them. Bunny finally lifted her head up and stared emptily at Sally. Mina walked next to Fiona and placed a hand on her. "She didn't mean that,"

"I know. I'm just worried about her." Fiona told her friend, looking wistfully at the sidewalk.


Sonic walked Amy to her steps. He stopped in front of her door as Amy got her keys and started to unlock the door.

"You're always welcomed at Tails' house." He offered. "You know, so you're not alone,"

"It's not your house to offer," She replied.

"But I live there and Tails would gladly agree," He said glibly.

Amy opened the door to her house. She made a face at him. "You just don't leave me alone,"

Sonic stepped forward, his scent brushing over to her. She felt herself step back as he said gallantly, "How can I,"

She met his gaze. He was much taller than she was so she had to look up. For a moment she didn't know what to say, because he eyed her with beaming eyes that seem to be searching her soul. Her stomach churned again. Amy turned her head to the side and rolled her eyes. "You're unbelievable,"

Sonic moved his hand under her chin and moved her head back to face him. She stared at him with round eyes due to the bold move Sonic was making. She began revering his face and how his eyes looked much nicer up closely. How his breath smelled of sandalwool and how she was getting little butterfly feelings in her stomach. Unexpectedly, she didn't want to move away.

"And you're magnificent," He said right back.

His hand stayed on her chin.

And it was just her and him.

Amy's eyes stared deep within his soul, it seemed. He was so full of light and positive energy. It astounded her that he was around her all the time now. He was becoming like her closest friend and she hated to admitted as well that he was also becoming a little handsome to her.

Her eyes became big round circles and she pulled away from him, horrified from the thought that occurred in her head.

"What?" Sonic blinked confused and his hands rose up wondering if his touched was that wrong to her. He almost couldn't fathom what was going on. Her face was unfamiliar to him.

Her features changed and she turned and stumbled when she opened the door. "Thanks. For walking me home." She muttered without looking at him.

"Good night Amy," He said right as Amy shut the door.

Amy pressed her back against the side wall of the door, clenching her shirt. She felt stunned, almost to a point where she felt as if she couldn't breathe. Little did she know, outside her door, Sonic stared distantly at the door. He rubbed the side of his arm and turned around hoping she was okay.

The sound of a door creak filled his ears and he turned around wondering if it was Amy or some other noise. He heard steps moving fast but wasn't able to see as Amy pounced at him. She brought him in for a hug. Sonic's arms rose as she wrapped her arms around him. He was surprised by her action, but soon he wrapped his arms around her. She felt safe in his arms and she didn't understand how she hadn't felt like this before.

"Thanks for everything," She said unwrapping her arms around him, all while not looking at him.

Sonic didn't take note of his next actions. He completely blanked out. His fingers cupped her chin up once again as he searched her eyes for approval. Without realizing it, he leaned forward.

Finnalllyy! No?

What's to happen next?!

Until a year passes.

Until next time