If you would like to get right to reading, skip to chapter 2. BUT I think it might be worth it to read below, because if you're here reading my fanfiction, chances are that we're alike in more than one way! :D

*・゜゚・*:....:*INTRODUCTION*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

Information about the author:

Pen name - Kishi

Fanfiction name - inuyashazeldaeragon

DeviantArt I.D. - inuyashazeldaeragon

Real name - Taylor Morgan

Home - Canada

Age - 15

Gender - Female (So don't blame me if Dark Link sounds a bit feminine... XP)

Likes - Anime & Manga, Legend of Zelda, InuYasha, Harry Potter, cosplay, Eragon, video games, Artistic stuff :P

Dislikes - Justin Beaver.

Other Info - I am attending an arts high school for visual arts, and I was a loner in grades one and two because I liked Pokèmon. No joke. I reunited with my best friend in grade 2, and she introduced me to InuYasha; my first anime! From there, I attempted to watch Bleach. After three episodes, I moved on to Ranma 1/2, and Maison Ikkoku. Angel Beats and Fullmetal Alchemist came after, and they impacted me the most. I plan on writing fanfiction about FMA later on. :)

Other info about my OBSESSION WITH ZELDA! - Let me start with the beginning; I first played Zelda on the NES. My dad thought I would like a more open ended game compared to Mario, and he introduced me to the glorious world of the Legend of Zelda. My dad had completed the game in both modes, and had a full map of the overworld. Filled out in blue pen, with little notes scribbled in the margins like, "Fairy" and "First dungeon". It was too hard for me at the time, as I was only around five, but I enjoyed watching my dad play it. Now, the first real Zelda game I played was when my cousin had his Nintendo 64. I couldn't do much, only play songs on the Ocarina, and run in circles, slashing the air. After two years of Zelda deprivation, I got my Nintendo Gamecube. To my small nine year old brain, the graphics were so amazing and realistic that it was like I was really in the game. My dad bought me Wind Waker, hoping to rekindle the Zelda obsession, but I got stuck in the Forsaken Fortress and gave up in a week's time. Two years ago I was thinking back on a time when you could play games and not comment about how good or bad the graphics were. When you could really enjoy a game without spending your allowance to get the full game, or add ons. I discovered the virtual console on the Wii, and paid ten dollars to get Majora's Mask. The memory of the hand in the toilet was really my main reason to buy the game. I enjoyed the beginning of the game, but still couldn't really get into it. My best guy friend kept telling me about this one Zelda game. Ocarina of Time. We always argued on which game was better; Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask. Of course, the only thing I remembered about Ocarina of Time was the 'Humping Mummies'. Those things literally gave me nightmares. I dreamed of them invading my gameboy, and killing all of the Ham Hams from my Hamtaro GBA game. Anyways, he got me wanting this so-called superior game. So when Ocarina of Time was released with a special edition 3ds, I picked one up right away; after saving up my spare change for at least a month. I turned on my new toy, and saw the awesome graphics. I had been expecting a polygon nightmare, but was graced with a gorgeous guy instead. My dream guy. Link was hot. I played through the whole game, playing it all through my classes. Great huh? I beat it in a month. But seeing the relationship between Link and Zelda in that game, I was inspired to write my very first fanfiction. I won't post it, because it was absolutely terrible, but it got me writing fanfiction, so I kept the monstrosity. Because I had loved Ocarina of Time so much, I went ahead and played Wind Waker a lot and have almost finished it now. I also bought Twilight Princess. While I am typing this very long life story, I regret wasting my time. I would have already beat it, but I had to catch my plane to Las Vegas in the morning, and so now Link waits for me at Hyrule Castle. Only one more dungeon to go! Now, I think we all love Twilight Princess Link. He's strong, courageous and everything the chosen hero should be (Not to mention incredibly smokin' hot!) . The added bonus of his amazing personality through short cut scenes and NPC comments also helps with the emotional attachment I feel towards him... Anyways, I took a break from fanfiction, and began drawing Link. I had sketched him quite a few times before I had even bought Twilight Princess, but this Link's masculinity and attractive anime-like features really captured my creative heart. I picked up a copy of the Ocarina of Time manga for a couple bucks down at my local Chapters and drew just about every picture in there. I loved all the action shots, and I actually think that the practice made me a better realism artist. I read all of the mangas, cover to cover, and multiple times each, but Ocarina of Time was still my favourite. I realized that I wouldn't be happy until I wrote my own unique Ocarina storyline. The idea came to me after searching around on fanfiction for so long. No one had thought to write a Dark Link and FemLink fanfic! I was quite sick of shipping Zelda with Link, and wanted to bring another very different couple together. So I sat down and started to write the beginning of this super long fanfiction. I have edited this beginning multiple times, and will continue editing it. My four amazing best friends also helped edit this project, and I want to thank them, and all of you who have actually read this far. THANK YOU!