Title: The Promise

Chapter: One – Meeting Destiny
Disclaimer: Not mine, Marvel owns all rights. (Damn)

Note: This story contains minor and adult interaction. It was inspired by Lachlanrose story "Other ways of speaking". The premise of what happens when Logan and Marie who is 17, meet and get together before heading to X-Mansion. SO if this is not your cup of tea, or you are morally against it then hit the back button and please don't read.

Looking for a beta…PM me if interested!

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Laughlin City what a joke, a Bar, a Motel and a couple of buildings did not a city make. Someone was way optimistic when they named it. Marie hopped down from the truck and took a look around. Not that it took too long to confirm that this was hell. A hell hole to be exact and right now she was stuck in it. Whoever said the expression "an ice cube chance in hell" had obviously never been this up North.

Heading to the bar she knew this was the best chance for her to hitch a ride somewhere else. Going to the Motel was just asking for problems. As she sat at the end of the bar she reviewed her situation. Her money was almost gone, although it was extended due to the kindness of strangers and her sleight of hand. A small touch was enough to put someone to sleep for a bit. She never cleaned anyone out of their money and she never stole more than an article or two of clothes. Food was always welcome, but carrying too much would overwhelm her petite frame. She looked around the bar trying to see who looked transient and who looked like they actually eked out a living in this one horse town.

As her gaze fell on the cage in room, she was gob smacked. Yes she had read romance novels where the damsel in distress locked eyes with her hero and the rest of the world fell away. But this was the first time the intensity of someone's stare actually came close to matching that description. His hazel eyes with hints of amber and green seem to grab her. She was incapable of looking away. And if the hit he just took indicated anything, so was he. Marie winced as blood flew from his mouth. Just like that reality snapped back in and his wildness was back to the fight. Not that it took him long to dispatch his opponent.

He exited the cage and ambled over to the bar where there was a Molson beer waiting for him. Glancing at him from the corner of her eyes Marie wondered what his story was. Interrupting her musing the news cast was going over Mutant Rights and the push for regulation. "Hey Bub, can you turn that shit off" came from her mystery man. She shuddered. Even his damn voice was sexy, and just like that her body responded.

~oOo~ * ~oOo~

Cage fighting was nothing new to Logan. Hell it was his bread and butter and some may even argue his religion and therapy all in one. Seen one cage and you've seen them all. The only difference was locale and clients. Though he has to say most trucker and bar bunnies were mostly the same kind of caliber. So imagine his surprise when the door opened bringing the crisp scent of snow and magnolias. He glanced around and that's when he saw her. Or as much of a person you could see with a hooded cloak. Still large grey eyes peeking out of a small and lovely face were all he could see before he was punched. Logan was pissed at the fact that his inattention brought that about, and that he was now struggling with a rabid Wolverine who wanted their mate and wanted her now. Logan quickly finished the fight reining his more animalistic wants. Wouldn't do to go into a berserk-er rage. That would kind of kill future fighting opportunities, as well as involve local law enforcement.

After hearing the announcer handing the win to Wolverine he turned to leave. Exiting the cage he sat at the other end watching her play with her water. Small petite hands in gloves that were not meant for this kind of weather and wouldn't prevent frost bite. Hidden little glances in his direction….. The news report was so loud and once again parading mutant rights and needs. He yelled at Mike to lower that shit. …..Well that was interesting, her scent spiked and arousal bloomed. The Wolverine clawed and threw himself against the cage desperate to get closer to her. Logan the man was concerned. Hundreds of bars, hundreds of women and his inner animal had never reacted like that.

Before Logan could ponder it any further the ass hat from the cage sauntered up to him.

~oOo~ * ~oOo~

Marie watched as the guy from the cage drunkenly staggered over to her mystery man. Words were spoken and it was obvious that the man felt cheated. He called wild man a mutant and a cheat. Interesting. With no visual mutation she pondered what type of mutant he was. When the gun came out all consideration came to a close. What possessed her to yell out she could never say. Minding your own business was one of the first rules of survival.

As he pivoted in his seat all of a sudden there were claws. Big 9 inch metal claws to the tune of three on each hand. Holy cow! The gun was now in pieces and the mutant's secret was out. As he left the bar she hurried after him. Mutant sympathizers did not fare well. So Marie was startled when she ran out of the bar and straight into a wall.

Logan looked down at her. Petite, she only came up to his chest. Delicate she felt against him. Looking at her proper he was surprise so see that she still retained some of the childish roundness to her features. Not long out of adolescents then. The man suddenly wanted to know her age; the Wolverine didn't so much care. Either way the urge to just throw her over his shoulder and abscond with her was so great he had to take a deep breath. Big mistake breathing in her scent just made it harder to resist his primal urges. Figuring that maybe speaking would remind the man in him to act civilized; he asked her "What's your name darling?"

Marie looked at him. Sex on a stick or not she didn't quite trust him yet. "Rogue" was the soft response to his query. Since she was looking at his face she got a prime view of his eyes dilating and his nostril flaring. Wondering what that was about she stayed silent.

"What kind of name is Rogue?" Southern sass flowed from her before she could think it over. "What kind of name is Wolverine?" Watching his eyes crinkle she could only thank the stars he wasn't offended.

Sassy…the thought kept crashing around his mind. His mate had spunk. Which in a way was good, any quiet withdrawn mate would get run over by his very nature. Thinking that they needed to get out of her before the locals got restless he guided her over to his truck. Logan couldn't, no wouldn't abandon his mate. The tricky part would be getting her to go with him willingly. He was a realistic, and new that although things were felt on a visceral level that he often couldn't articulate what he feeling. It often felt like he was just looking for the right words to say. He frequently felt wrong footed, so much more now. His entire future was riding on this.

End of Chapter 1….TBC