HHHIIIII! It's Ajluv! I probably should be focusing on Blissfullness or TTILAY, but I have had this idea for a while, and I just wanted to finally write it down. Enjoy, and Review!
Natalie clenched her hands, the sharp nails biting into her skin. She took deep breaths in and out, trying to remind herself why she had come to England in the first place. It's the way to get a future, she told herself. No more living in a tiny apartment, in a bad neighborhood. Natalie Violet Winters was not backing down. Not after everything she had been through to be here.
She glanced over to the one other passenger in the bullet-like train car. A teenage girl, about four years older then her, with hair that glowed a dark blonde in the midday sunlight streaming in through the window. The girl smiled at her, noticing her attention.
"Where are you headed?" The girls voice flowed through the air like caramel, toward Natalie. She smiled, "the boarding school up the tracks." She replied, gesturing in what she hoped the right direction was. The girl's smile deepened, and she slid down the seats to the one right across from her. "Me too! What house?"
Natalie instantly replied, she had memorized every bit of the brochure. She was ready for this new school. "Anubis House". The girl squealed, and nodded. " That's my house too!" She paused. " where are my manners? I'm Nina."
Natalie smiled shyly. She was always shy. "Natalie". Then to keep from awkward silence moments, she quickly asked, " how many years have you been going there?" Nina grinned and replied " this will be my third year. But..." She faltered. Natalie scooted closer. Nina cracked a weak smile, and continued. "I left last term, never expecting to come back. I even sent a letter to my boyfriend, telling him to move on. Now, if he's still there, what do I say? What if he's found a girlfriend? I've made a mess of things."
Natalie opened her mouth, ready to respond, when the train stopped with a lurch and a groan. "Dang, I forgot to call a cab." She said instead, feeling stupid. You skipped two grades Natalie? She berated herself. Never would've guessed. Nina smiled however. "Share a cab with me!" Natalie shrugged. "Might as well save energy."
However, once they reached the school, Nina, who seemed easy-going suddenly stiffened up. Guessing that it was the boy drama, Natalie, quickly came up with an idea. " Don't worry, Nina" she said, patting her arm. " Natalie has a plan. Now which one is this guy of yours?"
Fabian pulled his suitcase across the lawn, depressed. All summer, and all day, he had allowed himself, in between astrology and mythology books, to think of fantasies involving Nina. They were all about the same thing, Nina waiting for him at the school. As he had reached the familiar Gothic buildings, he had realized just how stupid and unrealistic these fantasies were. Nina wasn't coming back he told himself. Enough was enough. He needed to get over her.
Unfortunately, his plans for that were ruined, by a young girls voice calling, in an American accent, across the yard-"Nina, Nina! Wait up! You promised me you'd show me around!" He stopped for a second, but decided to keep moving, not letting his heart believe it. He stopped again, ready to turn around and stop his fluttering heart, when suddenly a small navy-blue bundle flung herself over his suitcase. "Um, um are you okay?" He asked, stuttering, as the bundle stood up and revealed herself to be a tiny girl with warm brown eyes, curly auburn hair, and tanned skin. " Sorry Fabian," he blinked at his name. "I was trying to keep up with my guide." She then looked beyond him, at someone. "Hey, you promised me you would show me around! What gives with running off?" Fabian turned around, looking into the greenish blue eyes, so much like the sea, that he had dreamed of seeing again for a year. He shook himself internally, focusing on the girl's words and not his true love in front of him. "...So anyway, I'm Natalie. I don't know if you two have met or not, but..." "We've met." Fabian said in a surprisingly calm voice. "Yeah" she said breathlessly. Then, ignoring the girl in front of them, they reached forward and hugged. Nina breathless, surprised that Natalie's plan had worked, and Fabian wondering if dreams really did come true.
Soooooo, I hope you enjoyed that! I loved writing this and I most definitely WANT to write more. Wether or not, you like it decides wether or not I WILL write more. So tell me in a review, so I know to keep going! (Spoiler alert: I probably will) Sorry if I'm kinda out of it. it's been a LLLOOONNGGG day.
Ajluv out! peace!