I don't know where I'm going with this at all, but I do hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.



Why does it always, always have to be me that these things happen to? I must've done something wrong because, God never was one to take a liking to me. Unless of course I was something that was made with the utmost care and then thrust into the unforgiving world that I call Earth. You see I was born with the craziest shade of Orange hair, with the most babyish brown eyes. God took the extra time to make me, but gave me the Devil's wife herself as my Mother. The orange hair came with shame also, kids don't take a liking to understand out of the ordinary. So in a class full of kids with brown, black hair they singled me out. The little shits.

"Haters are always gonna hate ya', ya' hear me." is what my Mom used to slur to me when I was younger, after I would come home bawling my eyes out, I stopped attending school once I hit high school. I mean if Snooki is getting paid more than what I will ever make with a college degree. What's the point in trying?!

"You ain't ever going to be nothing, you always will be a nobody." another nice thing my Mom used to slur to me. Isn't she just wonderful?

But of course she was nothing but a crack head, who didn't even know the difference between laundry detergent and cocaine. Can you believe that? She got so high one day and snorted a whole bag of laundry detergent, when I came home that day from school. Trust me,I wasn't sad or anything that she died, just for the simple fact that I paid for that laundry detergent ain't cheap out here.

Anyway back to why I was cussing up a storm. You see life has always been hard for me, always will be too. The cops don't make my life no better either. They have a sick need to always beat on the homeless and rape the less fortunate. Once they got word of a bunch of homeless people in an area, they make it their personal problem to run everyone out and take the ones that don't have enough speed to get away.

''Damn." I'm breathing like I'm running to catch up to Jesus when he parted the red sea, I'm malnourished obviously, and gym was never my strong suit even for the years I was in gym class. I mean hey, if all you survived on is scraps and whatever you can get your hands on you drop weight and you drop weight fast but I'm still moving, to where I don't know...

But what I do know is that I can't go back there at all. It's too hot, a term that means for the next few days no one is going to be there because any illegal activity will get noticed, so things need to cool down. Get it? Not so hard not to.

Bitting my lip and slowing down I near an abandoned alleyway looking down and back I see no one coming here. It's behind some fancy looking building. Great insert eye roll, rich people are the worst to be around, always the first to look down on you. Well I can't really blame them while I smell like shit, one person once told me. Aren't people the nicest?!

I'm so tired. I haven't really been catching any sleep with my stomach roaring at me and the cops always behind you. So I set my ratty ol' bag down and rest my head against the side of the building. Then I feel droplets coming down on my face. Well my, my isn't this wonderful, as the rain falls down on my face I slip into unconsciousness.

"I see the light….I see the light…I see the light."

"Sir, sir, SIR !" I hear someone yelling at me.

Damn, usually people just leave me alone as soon as I start muttering some nonsense. I peek open one eye, and voilà what do I see a fat mother **er with a security uniform.

"It's time for you to move on." he says.

I just nod my head, I see others starting to slow their pace to see whats going on. Noisy fuckers. It was good while it lasted.

I grab my stuff and make the move to leave, I'm such in a hurry I slam right into someone. A nice hard chest, I've never had this before so I want to stay right in his arms just a little while longer. I look up and I'm met with the most clearest cyan blue eyes ever.

"The fuck off of me."

Well that was nice while it lasted.

It's short, but It'll get longer. Hopefully.
