I hope you enjoy
- high school love
All I could hear was the chatter about a new student as I walk in to my English class. As I sat down, my friend Shiro Fujimoto came up to me. He's in a grade 11 English class as a student helper, not because he failed.
"Hey Yuri, did you hear about the new student?" Shiro asked.
"Well it's kind of hard not to. I just learnt to ignore it."
"Well from what I heard he's a trouble maker. I just want you to be careful ok?" His eyes full of concern. Last time we had a new student who was a trouble maker, I ended up dating him for a few months, but he ended up cheating on me…
"Yeah I know, I'm not going down that rood again!"
"Promise?" he asks me.
"Yeah I promise!" and with that he ruffled my wavy hair and when to the back of the class room to get some things for class. A group of girl's behind me were also talking about the new kid.
"I heard that he was kicked out of his old school for almost killing his teacher!" one of them said.
"I heard that he raped a few girls and now has some kids" another one added.
"Oh god that's horrible! Are they really going to allow a kid like that in our school?"
"I hope not!" they started to whisper so I couldn't really hear them. 'Wow' I thought to myself 'I don't really think that's what happened.' And with that our teacher walked in with the new student. When they walk in everyone went silent.
"Class this is our new student. Would you like to tell them your name?" she asked him, it was really easy to tell that she didn't like him, and probable believed the rumors.
That's when I really looked at him. Form looks, you can tell he's had a hard life, his hair was blackish, almost blue in away, and vary messy, he had greenish eyes that had dark circles under them, and form what I can tell he has sharp looking teeth, his ears were slightly pointed, but besides that he looked normal. He was wearing the school uniform, even though he had the uniform on, you could tell that he was fit, and he was tall.
"My name is Satan." His voice was deep.
A few kids started to whisper to each outer.
"What a fitting name" one of the girls behind me whispered.
'Who would name there kid that?' I thought looking at him. Everyone was looking at him like he was a demon, but to me he just looks sad.
"Sota, I need you to move form the back to beside Yuri." The teacher said. The only empty seat was beside me, so she's making a kid from the back move beside me, so that Satan can have the back corner! What is she trying to make him feel left out?! Sota was put in the back because he is all ways getting into trouble, if she puts him beside me, then no one will be able to contrite! Before I knew it I put up my hand.
"Yes Yuri" the teacher said as Sota was trying to pack his things up.
"I think it would be better for the class if Satan sits beside me."
"You what?" she ask in disbelief.
"We all know that Sota will end up distracting us if he were to sit beside me." I said then turned to face Sota "sorry"
"No don't worry, sometimes I even distract myself" he said with a laugh.
The class started to whisper about how I was right.
"Fine then, you can sit beside Miss Egin." The teacher said not even looking as him. He walked over to the desk beside me and put his things down.
"Today you're all getting an assessment, its dew by next week. You have to work with someone on this" She said and sated handing the assessment out. " since we now have an odd number of students, one of you will have to work alone." Everyone looked over to Satan.
I looked over to Satan, he had his head down. It was almost like he knew that he would have to work alone.
"Do you want to be my partner?" I asked. People looked at me like I was crazy.
"Sure" he mumbled and pushed the desks closer together.
"So with this assessment, we have to think of about one of our best memories, and one of our worst and write a story about them." I read what we had to do.
"Ok what's one of your best memory?" he ask me.
"That might be a hard one, let's see here…" I was having a hard time thing of something. "Umm maybe the day I met Shiro?"
"Is he your boyfriend?" Satan asks, with a smirk on his face.
"What? Oh no, I'm not dating anyone right now." With that his smirk dropped.
"Really? That's kind of hard to believe" he said looking away.
"Anyway, Shiro is a really close friend of mine. Now for your turn, what's your greatest memory?"
"Well, maybe it was the time this kid asked me to be there partner in a project." His looked somewhat happy. "well no one ever talked to me, and never wanted to be my partner in class, but they came up to me and asked 'Do you want to be my partner?' that was the first time since kindergarten that anyone asked me that."
"Wow that was nice of them"
I grabbed a piece of paper out of my binder and wrought both of our names on it. Under my name I wrought 'best memory- meeting Shiro' and under Satan's name I wrought 'Best memory- kid asked me 'do you want to be my partner''
"Ok now for worst memory." He said to me.
"Well mine would have to be when my ex-boyfriend cheated on me." When I said that he just stared at me wide eyed.
"What?! That asshole!" he shouted, and when he did everyone looked over at him, their eyes filled with hate.
'How can you hate someone when you don't know anything about them…' I thought to myself, glaring at some of the kids.
"Yeah you can say that one again, now because of it my best friend hates almost every new student…" I said, shooting a glance at Shiro, who at this time what helping a group.
"Was that jackass of a boyfriend a new student?" he looked angry every time he said the word 'boyfriend'
"Well he was new at the time. We started dating about a month after he got here. But I think he's at a different school now." When I said he didn't go to this school anymore Satan seam to relax. "Ok your turn" I said after I wrought down my bad memories.
"Fuck, this is going to be a hard one for me" he said looking off into space for a moment. "Well maybe the time I was kicked out of the orphanage, it was at a few years ago now"
"Where do you live now?" I asked, please don't tell mean he's living on the streets now!
"Oh I have a shitty apartment on the poor side of town. It's not much, but it's a roof over our heads." He said with a shrug.
"Why were you kicked out?"
"Oh… well… I got someone pregnant and they kicked me out for that." He looked away after saying that.
"ok." I wrought down for his bad memories 'being kicked out of the orphanage'
That's when the bell rang telling us that first period was over. He got up to leave but I grabbed his sleeve before he left.
"Do you have someone to sit with at lunch?" I asked.
"Huh? Oh…no I don't"
"Would you like to sit with me?"
"Oh… sure?" He looked at me like I was crazy.
"Ok meet me by the cafeteria doors ok?"
"Ok" and with that he left. I smiled as I watched him leave. 'He doesn't seem like a bad person, just someone who has made some mistakes.'
"Yuri! I thought I told you to be careful!" Shiro shouted at me as he walked up to me.
"Sorry but he seems sad so I thought I would try to be his friend." I say with a laugh. I started to walk out of the class room but looked over my shoulder at Shiro. "Oh by the way, he's going to be joining us for lunch"