Leigh looked at the outside of her new high school. She let out anxious breath, she hated being the new girl. This was the eighth school she had been to since she was ten. She always stuck out, and she hated it. She just wanted to go unnoticed and survive until the next move.

"Its just High School." Leigh said to herself "You've been to three others, and they're not all that different." She muttered under her breath. She looked over at a group of kids, they were glancing in her direction. Great. She thought. I'm going to get labeled at the freak who talks to herself. Leigh let out another shaky breath before deciding to finally make her way into the building. She walked in and started wandering around to find the office, hoping she didn't look completely clueless.

After fifteen minutes of wandering she finally found the building, clearly labeled 'Front Office'. Leigh soon realized she had passed it three times before. calm down. She told herself before grabbing the handle to the door and pulling it open and entering the office. A rush of cold air hitting her face. She stood at the back of the line of students who were also waiting to talk to the secretary. Leigh started to rock back and forth on heels, trying to just focus on getting her schedule. She soon decided that the line wasn't moving fast at all, and pulled her earbuds that were draped around her neck and placed them in her ears. Of Mice and Men's 'Repeating Apologies' giving her a distraction. Leigh soon made it to the front desk and quickly pulled her earbuds out, not wanting to seem rude. The secretary looked at her expectantly, waiting for Leigh to Speak.

"Uh, Hi.." Leigh started, she mentally kicked herself for taking so long to speak "I'm New, and i need my schedule." she told the secretary as she fiddled with her fingers. The Secretary gave her an empty look.

"Name?" She asked. Leigh exhaled before answering the Question.

"Leigh Anderson" She said, keeping her voice steady. The secretary nodded as she started typing. Leigh rested her hands on the desk and began to tap them. there was no real rhythm to it, just unorganized, jumbled taps. The secretary looked up from the computer and her eyes set on Leigh's dancing fingers.

"Nervous?" She asked. Leigh instantly stopped tapping and pulled her fingers from the

desk as she gave the secretary a guilty look

"That obvious?" She asked. The secretary let out a small laugh as the printer next to her spit out a piece of paper. She grabbed the paper from the printer and handed it to Leigh.

"Theres your schedule." She stated as Leigh looked over the paper. "Your locker number and combination are at the bottom.' She added as she watched Leigh's nervous eyes scan the paper. "Theres nothing to worry about, Mission Creek High is a great school. I'm sure you'll make friends fast." She assured Leigh. Leigh exhaled and sent her a small smile before exiting the office.


Bree trailed behind her brothers as they walked into school, listening to the stupid conversation they were having about some video game. She pulled out her phone, hoping she had a text. Once she saw that her inbox was empty, she decided to send a text to her friend Caitlin. She quickly typed up a message asking Caitlin if she wanted to hang out later, she hit send and then closed her phone, only to bump into her brother's shoulder.

"Shit, Chase!" she exclaimed, wondering why her brother had stopped in the middle of the hall. They were almost to his locker, thats why they were all walking in that direction.

"Did.." Chase started but quickly stopped "I'm pretty sure the locker next to mine was empty, right?" He asked. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What are you talking about Chase?" I asked, wondering what he was going on about.

"I don't think i've ever seen her around." Adam mused as he watched the strange girl unload her things into the locker. Bree directed her glance towards where Adam's was and saw a short, tiny brunette with a head full of curls at the locker next to Chase's. Bree had to agree with Adam's statement, she had never seen this girl before. She looked back over and saw the girl was now on her tiptoes, trying to place a book on the top shelf. She then lowered herself back down and got a frustrated look on her face. Adam Smiled and let out a chuckle. "She's cute." he said. Bree rolled her eyes, of course her brother would think that.

"Lets go talk to her." She said as she pulled her brothers towards the mystery girl. Chase wasn't sure about this. Once he got closer he saw an angry expression on her face, and he didn't want to piss her off even more. Bree approached the girl from behind and tapped her on the shoulder. The girl jumped and turned around, an earbud falling out from her ear, loud, heavy music blaring. For a split second she had an expression of fear, but it quickly faded and she let out a shaky breath. "Hi!" Bree said with a smile.

"Hi." The girl said back, a sarcastic tone evident in her voice. She then turned back to her locker and carefully placed a purple penny board in her locker. Bree sent her brothers a deflated look. She wanted to make friends, and she was the new girl too. Who better to be friends with the new girl, than the girl who was new only a few weeks before. Bree decided to try again.

"I'm Bree." She told the girl, who was now looking over a piece of paper. "And these are my brothers Adam and Chase." She said as the girl pulled out a blue textbook from her locker. She got no response from the girl. "What's your name?" Bree asked Curiously. The Brunette sighed.

"Leigh." She said as she looked over her schedule again. She needed to figure out where the hell her chemistry class was. She contemplating asking the girl who was pestering her, but she thought Bree might take that as an invitation of friendship, and Leigh didn't do friends.

"Do you need help finding any of your classes?" The shorter of the two boys asked. Leigh knew Bree had mentioned their names, but she wasn't paying any attention.

"No, I'm fine." Leigh said, annoyance laced in her voice. She began to feel a bit bad, they were just trying to be nice. "But thanks." Leigh threw in, mustering a tiny smile for the three. She then proceeded to close her locker and try to find her Chemistry class. Bree quickly stopped her.

"Do you want to hang out with us at lunch?" Bree asked. Leigh let out another sigh. She was going to hate herself after this.

"Look, you guys seem really nice." She started "But i don't have friends, alright? It's nothing personal, its just easier." She stated bluntly before making her way down the hall. Bree looked taken back. Chase and Adam both had similar looks on their faces.

"Well, i take the cute comment back." Adam said as he adjusted his backpack strap. "What a bitch." he stated. Bree sighed as the bell rang.

"I'll see you two later." She said to her two brothers, a bad mood starting to settle in.


Chase settled himself down at his lab table in Chemistry and began to unload his backpack. The bell rang and Chase began on the Bellwork on the board. He was just about finished with his work when the same girl who was rude to him and his siblings earlier ran in, almost tripping over her feet. Chase shook his head, he was sure the girl was in the wrong classroom. There were thirteen students total in the Honors Chemistry class, which showed how difficult it was to get into. The teacher looked at her stunned, wondering why this girl was in his classroom.

"Excuse me miss." He said "But just what do you think you're doing in my classroom?" He asked. Leigh had a nervous look on her face, and glanced at the faces staring at her from across the room.

"uh, this is honors Chemistry... right?" She asked as she looked at her sheet. The teacher looked at her as though it would be impossible for Leigh to be in his class. She didn't have the stereotypical honor's kid look. He quickly pulled the paper out of her hand and looked it over. Leigh frowned at him, already deciding she disliked him. He shook his head and sat at his desk, picking up the receiver of the phone on his desk and balancing it between his shoulder and chin as he dialed a number. He started talking to whoever was on the other end and Leigh soon realized he had called the office to see if there was a mistake on her schedule. She was furious and wondered how a teacher could be so ignorant. The teacher then sighed and hung up the phone before looking back at Leigh and handing her the piece of paper he took from her.

"Theres a open seat in the back next Chase." He said as he pointed to a guy in a dorky looking polo. 'Welcome to Honors Chemistry.' He stated.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to judge a book by its cover?" Leigh asked rhetorically before making her way towards the back seat the teacher pointed out. She soon realized that Chase was one of Bree's brothers. fuck. Leigh though fuck, fuck, fuck, why does the universe hate me? she asked herself as she sat down at the barstool next to him. He sent her a small smile and Leigh looked away, pretending he wasn't there.

'You know it wouldn't kill you to be nice." Chase spat before opening his textbook and starting on the assignment written on the board. Leigh felt herself get more angry, no one here understood. She wasn't trying to be mean, she was trying to save herself the pain of leaving once her parents decided to pick up and move. If she wasn't attached to anyone, it wouldn't be painful at all and she could easily move on to the next place.

'I told you." Leigh stated as she turned to face him. "Its not personal, it just makes things easier for me when i have to leave." She stated as her phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out and saw she had a text from her mom telling Leigh to come to the restaurant they had just bought

The restaurant, the whole reason why Leigh was here. Her parents decided to dump the florist shop they were running and decided it was time for a new business, and they had chosen a restaurant. Her parents did this all the time, starting businesses, and then they either failed or her parents got bored and dumped them. Chase turned to look at Leigh.

"So, Where you from?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

"Portland," She replied before turning back to the work she had started. Chase shifted in his seat before asking another question.

"What do you mean by when you have to leave?" He questioned. Leigh sighed and looked at him.

"Do you ever stop asking questions?" Leigh asked, sounding annoyed. Chase sighed and turned back to his work, while Leigh did the same.


Adam took another bite of his sandwich while he listened to Bree and Chase's conversation intently.

"She's an Honor's student?" Bree asked, not seeming to believe what Chase had

said. Chase nodded.

"She's in most of my classes." He told her. Adam looked at him surprised as he swallowed a bite of his sandwich.

"She doesn't look like an honors student." Adam pointed out. Leigh's ripped jeans and bad attitude did not match Chase's Striped polo and eagerness to learn. Chase nodded. "I also found out she's from Portland, Listens to really heavy music, likes Lemon Tea, and thinks our chemistry teacher is an asshole." he told them. Bree sent him a questioning look, wondering how Chase had figured this all out. She then spotted Leigh entering the cafeteria, throwing a bottle of Lemon Tea into the trashcan as she made her way towards the line. Leigh had almost made it but a guy quickly stepped in front of her blocking her path, also keeping her right in front of the Davenports Lunch table.

"Do you mind?" Leigh spat, trying to move past the guy. He let out a laugh and smiled as he rested a hand on her arm.

"Sweetheart, slow down." He said with a smile. Leigh jerked her arm back looking extremely annoyed. "I'm part of the welcoming committee..." He started. Bree rolled her eyes at his lie, that guy was Jason, the school biggest sleazebag.

"Well isn't that just tragic, You got stuck with that shit job." Leigh said before attempting to push past Jason, but he wasn't having it.

"Look, This is just a survey, alright?" He said, Leigh crossed her arms, her expression telling him to hurry up. "Would you like your muffin buttered?" He asked. Leigh sent Jason a death glare.

"You're fucking kidding right?" Leigh asked, sounding furious. Jason tried to suppress a laugh. "would you like me to assign someone to butter your muffin?" He asked. Leigh rolled her eyes and walked past Jason, but he wasn't done with her yet.

"Aww come on sweetheart-" he started as he grabbed Leigh's wrist, but she quickly turned on her heel and pushed him off.

"Fuck off!" She yelled before storming out of the cafeteria. Bree, Chase and Adam all exchanged shocked glances. Jason stood shocked, girls never retaliated like that, they usually just stood and suffered through whatever annoying, horny, doucey thoughts or actions he threw upon them. Adam would know, he's saved plenty of girls from Jason's antics.

"Looks like Jason met his match." Chase said smugly as Jason walked back over to his table of friends. Adam nodded.

"I'll say." He said. "It was kinda hot." Adam tacked on the end. Chase nodded and Bree rolled her eyes at her brothers.


Leigh coasted down the street on her penny board in the direction of her parents restaurant. She smiled as she felt the wind in her hair and All Time Low's 'For Baltimore' Carry her worries away. She felt happy, just her on her board observing her surroundings listening to a song that never failed to put her in a good mood. She quickly stopped realizing she had just passed her destination. She picked up her board and walked down to the restaurant. It was a nice looking building, it had an italian feel to it. She opened the door and walked in, seeing tables and Chairs being placed by workers. Leigh's Dad was by the bar area, wiping down the countertop. She walked over and sat myself down and grabbed a newspaper lying next to her and started sifting through the classifieds. I needed money, so i had decided to get a job.

"Hey." Leigh's mom said as she brought out a box of glass cups and set it on the counter. "How was your first day?" she asked as she started pulling the glasses out and set them out on the counter.

"Hell." Leigh replied, not looking up from the newspaper, her mom frowned.

"Leigh." She started. Leigh let out a giant sigh.

"What do you want me to say mom, that it was the best day of my life? Because its

was one of the worst first day's yet." Leigh replied as she looked at her mom.

"Maybe if your fixed your attitude you might make friends or something." Leigh's Dad threw in. Leigh's eyes were still on the newspaper.

"I don't need friends Dad." She said. Leigh's mom looked at her daughter curiously.

"Why are you looking through the classifieds?" She asked.

"If i'm going to rent out studio time to dance i need money." Leigh explained. Dancing was something Leigh loved to do, it seemed to be one of the only things that completely took all of her stress away. Stress was something Leigh seemed to have an abundance of.

"Leigh, School comes before dance." Leigh's Father pointed out. Leigh rolled her eyes, her dad always had to start this.

"Dad, I make awesome grades, I have time to dance." She told him, starting to get annoyed.

"Besides," Her mom said as she pulled the newspaper out of her daughters hands. "You already have a job." Her mom stated. Leigh looked at her mom confused.

"What the hell are talking about?" she asked as her mom and dad exchanged glances.

"You have a waitressing job at the Harbin Bar and Grill!" Her mom exclaimed happily as she said the name of the restaurant she was sitting in. Leigh's mouth dropped.

"What!?" Leigh exclaimed "No way, i don't want to work for you guys!" Leigh said "and besides waitressing is shit pay and shit hours!" She yelled.

"Watch your mouth!" Her dad bellowed. Leigh rolled her eyes before picking up her board. "where do you think your going?!" He questioned.

"Home." Leigh replied as she stormed out.


Leigh sat on her bed in her penguin pj bottoms, Sleeping with Sirens shirt, Peter Parker esque glasses and her hair damp while watching Teen Wolf. She had become completely engrossed with the show, loving the drama and romance. She also had quite the crush on Isaac Lahey, He was so tortured, and So hot. Leigh was definitely into that. Once the show went on commercial break, Leigh went back to writing a resume for a job she decided she was going to apply for. She knew her parents would be pissed if she found out, but waitressing, just sounded awful. Leigh was clumsy, and the idea of her spilling food all over someone made her cringe and feel sick to her stomach. Leigh shook her head and went back to writing her resume. The job was a lab assistant for some rich inventor guy, and he was paying very well. With what he was paying, Leigh could easily rent a few hours of studio time every day. She typed the last few sentences and sighed as she read over her work. She decided she was satisfied and sent the document to the email addresses attached to the ad. She sighed as she closed her laptop and glanced at her fish sitting on the dresser next to her.

"Hey Gilligan." She said as she grabbed the tin of fish flakes by the bowl "How are you?" She asked as she unscrewed the cap and delicately shook some fish flakes into his bowl. The goldfish quickly swam to the top and began to eat the flakes. "You're so lucky you're a fish." leigh sighed as she watched Gilligan. "You don't have to go to school, or work or..." Leigh trailed off before sighing. "Why am i talking to a fish?" She said as she flung her head back on a pillow. 'You can't even talk back, and you have a memory span of five seconds." Leigh stated as she glanced at her fish. She picked up her remote and decided that she had seen this episode of Teen Wolf and went to turn it off. She was sad, she was so lonely and desperate for company, she was talking to her goldfish. It made her chest ache, all she wanted was something constant in her life. Yeah, she had her parents, but they were workaholics who were never home. Leigh routinely made dinner for herself and then proceeded to eat it while she did homework or watched a movie. Even Gilligan wasn't a constant.. Leigh had had a number of fish and they usually didn't make it through the moves, Fish and u-haul rides didn't seem to mix. She picked up Gilligan at the pet store when she first got to Welkerville. Leigh sat up when she heard the front door to house open. She tensed up, afraid it was an intruder. She soon heard her parents familiar voices and relaxed. She soon realised they were arguing.. again. She sighed, her parents never really got along, the only reason they stayed together was because of Leigh. Hell the only reason they were together period was Leigh. Her parents got drunk at a college party and Leigh appeared nine months later. Leigh exhaled and grabbed her phone and plugged her headphones in. She then pressed them into her ears and clicked on 'Northern Downpour' By Panic! at the Disco. She then turned off the light that was beside her bed and the twinkle lights strung into her bed frame and around the ceiling of her room stood out brighter.

"Hey moon, Please forget to fall down." Leigh sang softly "Hey moon, don't you go down."


It had been a week since Leigh applied for the Lab assistant job, and she was almost positive she was never going to hear back. She walked back to to her locker after spending her lunch in the parking lot, chucking french fries at birds and scrolling through instagram. She finally got to her locker and opened it, pulling out her U.S history textbook. Only two more periods and she had to go take peoples orders and deliver food to customers. Leigh started to make her way towards her history classroom when she got a text. Leigh pulled out her phone to read it, her lips pulled into a smile as she read the text. She had gotten an interview with Donald Davenport who had put the Ad in for a Lab assistant. the interview was in thirty minutes. Leight bit her lip, contemplating whether she should skip her last two periods or not. Leigh then texted Donald back saying she'd be there and went back to her locker to grab her board.


Leigh sucked in a breath as she knocked on the door of the lavish mansion. She really wanted this job, she could make an excuse to get out of waitressing and then work here, and looking at how nice this place was, Leigh really wouldn't mind working here. The door then opened and revealed a middle aged man with dark hair. He gave Leigh a smile.

"Uh, Hi, I'm Leigh," Leigh started awkwardly. "I'm here for the assistant job." She said. Davenport smiled and stepped to the side.

"Hi Leigh, come on in." he said as Leigh stepped in and looked around the interior of the house. It matched the gorgeous outside perfectly.

"Nice house." Leigh said as she looked around. Donald grinned.

"Thanks, Perks of being a Billionaire inventor." Davenport said as he guided Leigh to the couch. Leigh felt her mouth drop at his statement.

"You're a.. Billionaire?" Leigh asked. Davenport nodded and sat on the couch.

"Have a seat." He said, Leigh did as she was told and carefully sat on the nice white couch, setting her backpack and board down on the floor next to her. "So Leigh, You really had nice resume." Donald said as he pulled out a piece of paper. "You make fantastic grades." He said. Leigh smiled and nodded. Donald then had a bit of an uneasy look on his face. "Now down in the section where i asked about Health, you put down that you take Alprazolam." He said and Leigh felt a sick feeling in her stomach, This is going to kill the entire interview Leigh thought as she fiddled with her fingers. "Thats an anti anxiety medication." Donald stated. Leigh nodded, a nervous look in her eye. "Now, honestly, is that going to affect your work?" He asked. Leigh shook her head.

"I've gotten alot better since the Alprazolam was prescribed." Leigh told Donald. "The only time i really take it any more is on bad days." Leigh explained, and she didnt have these 'Bad days' too often. Donald nodded and flipped to another sheet of paper.

"I Also took the liberty of having a background check done." He said. Leigh's heart sunk, knowing what he'd found. "It says that you got arrested a year ago for possession of Marijuana while you lived in Miami." He said as he looked at Leigh for an explanation. She sighed, knowing this would really kill the interview.

"I was bit of a 'Troubled' kid." Leigh said, applying air quotes to the word 'trouble'. "I was just looking for an escape you know?" She told Donald. "I had only smoked it a few times before i got caught, but i don't do that anymore, i swear." Leigh said, hoping Donald would believe her. He nodded and then set the papers down.

"Alright then, i need you to explain to me the main laws of Quantum physics." Donald said as he looked at Leigh. Leigh sucked in a breath, hoping she could remember all of them


"Alright." Donald said as he looked over the complicated Calculus problem Leigh had just solved. He smiled as he nodded his head. "Very good." He stated as he set the paper on the coffee table. Leigh sent him a smile, pleased that he was impressed, or at least she thought he was. "Now, I need to ask you one more question." He said as he looked at Leigh. She nodded, hoping it wasn't another science or math question or her head may explode. "How well can you keep a secret?" he asked.

"Uh, great i guess." Leigh told him "I mean, i really don't have anyone to tell." She said, Donald grinned.

"Perfect." he said as he got up and walked towards a picture he had hung on the wall. He then pulled the picture off the wall and set it on the floor, leaning it against the wall. He then pressed a doorbell like button and the wall adjacent of the painting was soon gone and a giant pair of silver doors with a red emblem on right in the middle. Leigh felt her mouth drop. "I know, so cool!" Donald said with a grin, before gesturing to Leigh to come closer. "Now, C'mon!" He said excitedly. "I want to show you the lab." He said as Leigh approached the Elevator. She looked inside warily.

"Is this safe?" She asked, caution lacing her words. Donald laughed.

"Of course it is! I made it!" He pointed out before gently pushing Leigh into the elevator.


Leigh entered the technological room in complete awe. It looked like it was straight out of Sci-fi movie. "This is your lab?" She asked as she looked over the room, a wall lined with monitors, a glass touchpad Island, a control panel, and three long cylindrical chambers. Donald grinned.

"Yeah, awesome right?!" he exclaimed, clearly happy with his work. Leigh nodded as she still took in her surroundings.

"This is insane..." Leigh commented as she looked around. Donald Nodded before gesturing to a metal desk with a white desk chair.

"This is where you'll be working," Donald said as he set a hand on the desk chair "But i may ask you to assist me in building anything i'm working on, and maybe make me a sandwhich from time to time." He said with a bit of a laugh. Leigh looked at him incredulously.

"Wait, I got the job!?" She asked excitedly. Donald nodded.

"I'm showing you the lab aren't i?" He told her. Leigh smiled as Donald got a bit of a nervous look on his face.

"Another part of this job is working with my.. um.. Bionic Children?" He trailed off, it almost sounded like a question. Leigh looked confused.

"Bionic Children?" She asked, not really sure what he meant by that. Donald nodded.

"Well more like Bionic teenagers, they're your age actually." He said "But but by bionic, i mean biologically enhanced." Donald explained. Leigh had a nervous look on her face.

"And how exactly are they biologically enhanced?" She asked "Do they have like six arms or something?" She questioned. Donald laughed.

"No, that'd just be ridiculous." He laughed. Once he was done he cleared his throat. "They have superhuman abilities." He explained. Leigh nodded.

"Like Superheros?" She asked. Donald made a face as he thought about her question.

"Yeah, i guess, i mean, i made them to go on missions and save humanity." He told her

Leigh nodded.

"This is officially the coolest job ever." Leigh said as she heard voices from upstairs. Donalds face lit up.

"The kids are home." he said happily. "I'll bring them down so you can meet them." he said as he went upstairs. Leigh sat down in the chair that was by the desk while she awkwardly waited to meet these 'kids'. She was nervous, afraid she'd say the wrong thing. She wanted them to like her. Donald seemed like such a nice guy, she wanted to be good at this job, and part of that would be having his bionic kids like her. Leigh heard the double doors open and she quickly stood up, fixing her hair in the process. She plastered a smile on her face as she watched Donald walk in with four teenagers behind him. Leigh's eyes widened as she soon realized that three of them were the group of kids who tried to be nice to her on her first day. She saw Bree's Mouth drop, Chase and Adam also had looks of shock on their faces

"Shit." Leigh muttered, wincing just a bit. Of course this would happen to her, this situation would only happen to her.

"Guys, this is my new assistant Leigh." Donald said as he gestured towards Leigh. "Now i've told Leigh everything, and i feel we can really trust her." He explained.

"Hey guys." Leigh said with a nervous smile and wave. Bree and Chase shared glances.

"Hi." Bree spat back, obviously not happy Leigh was here. Donald glanced between Leigh and his kids.

"You guys know each other?" He asked. Adam shrugged.

"You could say that." He said, Leigh wanted to disappear, she had just gotten this job and she had already screwed everything up.

"Look, i want you guys to show Leigh your abilities." Donald said "Adam, you first," he said. Adam exchanged an unsure look with siblings, before walking over to a pile of yellow barrels and easily lifted it up with one hand. He smirked as he saw Leigh's mouth drop in awe.

"Holy shit." She said. "You're like superman!" She exclaimed. Adam smiled.

"I think we should all stop hating her." Adam whispered to Bree and Chase. Bree rolled her eyes.

"alright Bree your turn." Donald said, Bree sighed and ran towards Leigh and then disappeared into a vortex of wind surrounding Leigh, After running fourteen times around Leigh, Bree then appeared on the other side of Leigh half a second later. Leigh's eyes widened.

"That was INSANE!" She exclaimed as she looked at Bree. Bree shrugged and walked back over towards her siblings.

"I guess that means its my turn." Chase said as he stepped forward.

"Im sorry but how do you show off being a smarty pants?" Adam asked "What are you going to do some math trick?" he teased as he and Bree exchanged giggles. Chase frowned at his siblings.

"No." He said, before a slight smirk twisted its way onto his face. "I'm gonna show off this." he said as a giant blue forcefield suddenly surrounded him. Leigh looked at him in awe as she saw the bubble enclose him. Chase quickly pulled it down and stepped back to join his siblings

"I'm going to be working for the guy who's created the REAL X-men." Leigh mused as she shook her head, trying to comprehend everything. She then glanced at the shortest boy, wondering what his powers were "What about you?" She asked. he looked at her confused.

"Thats my stepson Leo." Donald Interjected. Leigh nodded "Another part of this job may be you babysitting him so i don't have to." he whispered. Leigh nodded.

"Gotcha." She said with a bit of a laugh as her phone buzzed. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and saw it was her mom, wondering why she wasn't at the restaurant. "Shit" Leigh mumbled as she shoved her phone back in her pocket. "Mr Davenport, it was really great meeting you but i actually really have to go." She said a bit nervous.

"Course Leigh, I'll see you tomorrow after school?" He asked. Leigh nodded as she made her way towards the double doors.

"Thanks again for the job!" Leigh called as she made her way out.


Leigh looked at the lunch table, she was quite nervous as she looked at Adam, Bree and Chase. She sucked in a breath and walked towards the table. She quickly set her tray of food down and the proceeded to hastily pull out a chair and sit down. The three looked at her curiously.

"Alright," Leigh started "I know you three hate me, and you have every good reason to." She told them "I'm a major bitch and i get that, i just, move, like a lot..." Leigh trailed off, pausing to suck in another breath, this made her nervous, what if they just flat out rejected her? "So i try really hard not to get attached, because then it's easier when i leave." Leigh explained. "So this time around, i've decided that maybe i should try something different, and actually... Try." She said, wondering where she was going with this. "and, i'm sorry, like really, really, sorry, and if you guys don't forgive me, i get it, i completely get it." She said. "I wouldn't forgive me." She stated. before sighing ."Oh god, i'm rambling." Leigh said deflated as she buried her head in her hands. She peeked between her fingers to see the three staring at her. Bree sent her a small smile.

"Leigh, its alright." She said. Leigh glanced up at her warily. "I guess now that you've somewhat explained everything, it all makes sense." Bree said as she exchanged a smile with the two boys. "Friends?" Bree asked. Leigh sent her a smile and nodded.