Title: "Better Things To Do"
Author: Kat Lee
Rating: G/K
Summary: Lex always has better things to do, with Clark.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, names, codenames, places, items, fandoms, titles, and etc. are always © & TM their respective owners, not the author, and are used without permission. Any and all original characters and everything else is © & TM the author and may not be reproduced in any way without the author's express, written permission. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.

The entire world seems to be coming to a standstill. The clock on the wall ticks onward, making it clear there's life to be had somewhere, while the voices of LuthorCorp's chair people continue droning behind him. He holds his powerful hands behind his back as he ignores the meeting, his blue eyes looking outside at the beautiful day instead. He's imagining all the other places he could be when something darts between him and the sun. He looks up, identifies the brightly colored image bathed in golden sunlight, and smiles. "Meeting's adjourned." He doesn't care how shocked they are. He does have better things to do, and he's going to do them all with his man.

The End