I took a deep breath, gathering my questions, "What is the chance that he could be brought home alive?"

William Rickey looked down at some paper, looked at Zach, looked at his desk and then, finally, back at me,"Cammie, in World War Two, Americans held by the Japaneses had about a 30 percent survival rate."

70 percent chance my father is dead.

"But that was in World War Two." I stated.

Mr. Rickey nodded his head, "Yes, Cammie your right, World War Two, 1945, almost 70 years ago. Cammie, there was no such thing as colored tv back then, if technology for leisure activity has developed that much in that time, imagine how much torcher technology has."

I looked at Zach, his head was bowed.

"Cammie, Im sorry, but there is a very slim chance your father is alive. And if he was alive, where we think he could be located is still a war-zone, making it dangerous and virtually impossible for American troops."

"But, but, thats why you have those special forces, the seal team six, or whatever," I stuttered, trying to get him to give me some good news.

"Yes, we do, but Seal team six, and other specialized forces are issued by the president and can only be issued if he feels it is a extremely important job."

"Well, how many times has Obama issued Seal Team Six into action?"

"Once, in his 6 years as president, he only issued them once, and that was for the assassination of Osama Bin Laden."

"Isnt there anything you can do?" I asked.

"We are trying our best, but like I said, this is a problem that not many know about, so not many can help," he sighed, "I'm very sorry."

I nodded, "Who do you think took him?"

"Recently, there have been some American soldiers escaping from the Taliban prison, the last report of the was last May. A man escaped after being held for 5 years. He was stationed at another smaller base, about 50 miles from where your father was. He has been questioned and said there was about 15 other men with him in the same prison, he is able to remember the name of the prison and a few of is cell mates names. We are looking into the prison, to see if its secure enough to send troops there to get the others out."

"What's the possibility that he could be in there?" I asked.

"I don't feel comfortable giving you that answer, I don't an answer myself and I'd feel as if I would just be getting your hopes up."

"What do you suggest I do? I want to help."

William Rickey smiled, "I think you should give yourself a few minutes to process this information, maybe 10 minutes if you are feeling to anxious. Then, if you would really like to help, contact your local senator, and tell him about it. He could put in a good word or two for our cause, don't 'cha think?"

I smiled a little and nodded, "I'll see what I can do," I stood up, he did the same. "I really appreciate you taking the time to looking into this and helping me," we shook hands.

"Not a problem at all, it's my job. Thank you for bringing this to the governments attention, I'm sorry I couldn't give you better news."

In the car, on the way back to the hotel, Zach still hasn't said a word.

"What do you think about this thing?" I asked, needing someone else's opinion.

"What do you mean, Cammie?" he asked, he was driving. Using the crazy D.C roads and drivers as an excuse not to look at me.

"What do you think I should do?" I asked. He shook his head and turned into the hotel parking lot.

In the room, about an hour later, after the silence had gotten the best of me, I asked again.

"What do you think I should do?"

"What do you want to do?" he asked. His gaze focused on the TV.

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"Yeah, you do," he mumbled.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He sighed, "It means that, you know exactly what you want to do. You just want someone else's opinion because you to scared to do what you want to do. You don't know if what you want is right and you want me to tell you if it is or isn't."

"You know Im right, Cammie, you do this for every little thing,because your to scared of what people will say if you do something that you think is right and they dont agree with you. You are terrified of people not liking you or not liking what you do with your life. Which is fucking pathetic."

"I just wanted to know what you thought!" I said. Completely blown away by his little speech.

"Well, thats what I think, I think that you should do whatever the hell you think it right."

"Fine, I will."


"Great!" he snapped, and Winston groaned

I typed a few things into my phone before dialing the number.

"Senator McHenrys office, how may I help you?" the women answered.

"Hi, my name is Cameron Morgan, I need to speak with the senator as soon as possible," I said.

"Well, dear, the senator is incredibly busy, I'm afraid there's no time in his schedule at this time for Q and A's for your schools paper. But, thank you for the-"

I cut her off, knowing that I would be able to talk with him unless I pulled out the big guns.

"I'm Macey's best friend, it's a personal matter regarding his daughters birthday," I lied swiftly, "Im sure he wouldn't be to happy to find out that Macey's happiness was put on the side lines because you wont redirect my call."

"I'll put you through to him right away," she answered quickly.

"Great, thank you so much, have a good day," I smiled.

Zach looked over at me, I rolled my eyes.

As I waited for the Senator to take my call, I ran his words through my head. I couldnt help but agree with him. I was scared what people thought about me, and my actions. I blame my mother for it. But, to be completely honest, I blame her for everything.


Happy Sunday!

I hope you all have a fantastic week and I think I will be updating before Friday!

After that I can update until Monday because Im going out of town for the weekend. So no update next Sunday, just one this week as well.



I am able to talk to a few of you over PM and on Kik and such and thats so great, I love getting to chat with you guys.

As for the next chapters, what do you think is gonna happen?

Ohh... I'm kind of missing Zammie...i think it should be a thing again sometime soon. I dont know, what do you guys think.

And Cammie talking to Senator Mchenry about her father, what do you think thats gonna do? Is it going to help?

this chapter was acutally really hard to write, well, the first part was, because its very factual and a lot of it is real and i didnt make it up. There is really a base called that and there was a man that escaped from a Taliban prison. I dont make this shit up, I do my research.

Let me know what you think! I love you allll! MMUUUAHHHH!


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If you follow me on any of my social networks, write comment or tweet at me, and say, " Bunnies are cute, but what purpose do they serve?" it will be like our little wink at each other. I'll be sure to follow you and stalk you..wait..no..just follow..no stalking..that you know.. of

Okay, im going to go before things get even weirder..

Make sure you tell me what you think! And if you want to chat, just either hit me up on my social media platforms or send me a PM on here! If you are to shy to start the convo on here, just say HIIII in the comments and I will totally start the convo.

Okay, Imma go.